Chapter Two

Heart A Tug

The encore concert was near and Eunjung definitely got her hands full.

“What do you mean you can't come noona?” her finger fidgeted on the wooden furniture, oak she believed. “And what do you mean your cat just gave birth?” she tapped on the smooth surface, hand gripping tight on her phone.

“Eunjunggie, I really can't come my cat just-“with all due respect noona, your cat is a domestic short hair that happened to be MALE! MALE!” she cried, slamming her hand on the table.

“Ah…you got me. Anyway I can't come. Take care, have fun and good luck!” she threw few disgusting kissed and hung up.

Her shoulder slumped and she sat on the foldable chair. How is she going to handle two works at once? The meeting was organised two days ago and they all agreed to let the makeover team handled the encore concert. Now she will be working alone, taking care of twelve men. TWELVE! She rubbed her temple and slide her phone in her bag. To add more oil to her fire, she was assigned as the usherette for the year end event.

The concert will be held in two days and the event miraculously shared the same date.

“And I thought there's a better way to die.” She mouthed and she head to the waiting room where the rest of her problem were; twelve hot suited men.


The special two hour music show has ended and she dragged her two lazy feet to the room, holding tight her makeup remover kit. She twisted the door and lazily dumped her bag on the table, taking whoever the prey that she saw; which happened to be Chen.

The lad was busy playing shooting game on his phone that he was too distracted to notice Eunjung standing in front of him. Eunjung pour a good amount of the clear liquid on the cotton and padding it on the EXO-M’s main vocalist’s face. He didn’t budge. She didn’t feel like talking today and neither were the members. They were tired and obviously had sleep written in comic sans in their head. She was determined to end their sufferings quickly and she immediately quickened her pace, eliminating their makeup and chemicals from their face. After all, an idol face was their main asset and she didn’t want to be held responsible to ruin such feature.

“Eunjunggie~” a familiar voice called. She turned to face the caller, and later continuing her work.

“Tsk...such a wet blanket.” He pouted.

She finished clearing Tao’s face when Baekhyun sat on the chair right after the kung fu practitioner left. “Eunjunggie~” he grinned. “Can I come to your place this Saturday?” he requested.

“No.” was her answer and she began rubbing his eyeliner off his lids.

“Please?”He pleaded adorably. She tried to not let the aegyo affected her yet she admitted defeat after his third consecutive try out.

“Fine but I’ll only be home after eleven? I have work to do.” She rubbed moisturizer on the puppy’s face and she was done. “Sounds good to me.” he grinned and summoned the tall tree to be next.

Just as she thought the boys were done, Kyungsoo came and sat on the chair, beaming at her.

Why are you so happy?

Kai must have some sort of telepathic power that he replied “D.O hyung was chosen to act in a movie. That’s why he's beaming like a star.” The younger chuckled. Kyungsoo threw him a look and he replied with his hand making heart sign towards the doe eyed male.

“Really? Congratulations!” she wished, smiling along. Just a while ago she decided to kill Baekhyun if he made stupid remarks at her.

“Wow finally happiness came to our land~” Baekhyun teased. She shot the puppy a death glare and he happily replied the gesture with a flying kiss. Eunjung fake a barfed and continued with the male’s face. Now she was sure to end the playful boy’s life. A few dabbed on the boy eyes she accidentally got her fingernail brushed on the boy’s lid, causing a stinging pain.

“Gosh sorry are you hurt?” she asked, softly blowing the boy’s eye. She felt stupid and she hoped hell swallowed her instantly.  “Um yeah.” He rubbed it softly and mouthed thanks. Eunjung softly replied okay and pack her stuff as she felt embarrassment started to grow on her cheeks.


Baekhyun dropped by as he promised and he brought two bags of groceries over. It was eleven, at night.

“Really Baek?” she threw him a look. The guy raised his eyebrows and began stuffing Eunjung’s fridge with everything he bought.

Fifteen minutes passed and Eunjung found herself holding a knife, preparing Baekhyun a light meal. She cursed her nice traits softly and started on the green capsicum.


“Why didn’t Sehun tag along?” she asked, munching some baby carrots.

Baekhyun, who was too busy slurping the vegetables noodles, shrugged.

“Mayphe Luh hanth” he swallowed the noodles and cleared his throat. “Maybe Luhan. Lu ge is going to leave tomorrow to promote in China with the rest of EXO M. you know how clingy they are. I can't imagine if Luhan decided to leave EXO one day! Sehun probably going to cry to Suho hyung like a baby!” he retorted and drank the whole soup straight off the bowl.

He paid his gratitude and flipped over the channel. Sports. Entertainment. News. Food. Drama. He sighed.

“I believe the word ‘choose’ exist” she confiscated the remote from the guy and turned off the TV.


“Baek we’re not going to play this.” She objected the idea. Tomorrow will be the encore concert and to be honest getting hammered before the important day is not a good idea.

“Just a few drinks babe. Till we get tipsy. That’s it, I promise.” His face was reddened.

What tipsy are you taking about Baek? We’re hammered already.

“Okay your turn…hic” he covered his pink lips and grinned lazily. He downed more soju and rubbed his face all over her blouse. Baekhyun was the affectionate type of drunk. They were playing Spin The Bottle: Truth Edition and over the five rounds, they spend half a dozen beers and five bottles of soju. Baekhyun quite an expert drinker but Eunjung…not so much. A bottle of soju was enough to get her hammered.

“Weakass drinker, natural selection is coming for you.” He exceptionally said his words without the slurring. “Alright, let's go with the plan. Who do you like the most in EXO?” he asked. Eunjung can barely open her eyes. She tried imagining the word ‘like’. Who did she like the group? She laughed. She laughed so loud Baekhyun thought he was hallucinating.

“Like? I like all of you. But love,” she hiccupped. “I only love him. Hiiiiiimmmm~” she giggled while downing a can of beer.

“Him?” Beakhyun lured.

“Soo-sshi.” She slurred.

“Suho-hyung?” he asked, gulping the alcoholic beverage.

“Ani yo~” she replied cutely, covering Baekhyun’s lips with her petite finger. His heart wavered at her state. How can someone so sarcastic turned so soft and cute when drunk?

 “D.O oppa. I love D.O oppa. Did you cee wath I did there?” she flashed her sheepish grin. “I call him oppa.” She threw herself on the man. “I really love h-h-“ her words were followed by her action afterward, she fell asleep on Baekhyun’s arms. Baekhyun ruffled her hair and carried her to bed, covering her with her blanket.

He decided to down a few more cans of beer before calling it a night. He pulled the nightstand drawer, taking out a bottle of aspirin and put it on the table. Both of them are going to need that precious bottle. He became gradually sleepy as the night grew old. He lay on the bed and closed his eyes. “Night Eunjungie.” She kissed the girl’s forehead and lost his battle to sleep.


The alarm clock beeping loudly. Chanyeol, the taller guy threw his pillow towards the sound coming from. Kyungsoo rubbed his eyes and looked at the time. Oh right, today was their encore concert. He carried his daily routine after a quick wash up.

The first one to wake up was his roommate, Jongin. Jongin was the toughest to wake up. After little persuasion needed, the dancer nodded slightly and got up for a quick wash.

“Now for Baekhyun.” He knocked the boy’s door but answered by Sehun, still in his boxer and rubbing his eye. He furrowed his brows, whining first thing in the morning that his hyung woke him up that early. It was nine in the morning though. Typical Sehun.

“What are you doing in Baekhyun’s room?”

“I was going to ask Baekhyun hyung to play with me but when I opened his door, he wasn’t there. I fell asleep here waiting for him. I guessed he slept at Eunjung noona’s place. That bastard. He didn’t even ask me if I wanted to come or not. I can go after sending Lu ge at the airport.” He clamped his lips in annoyance, his usual hobby when he wasn’t in favour of someone’s doing.

Kyungsoo bit his lip. This information made his heart felt a deep tug. He wasn’t sure what it was, but it hurts.

They didn’t make out time to have breakfast because obviously they’re late. The rehearsal started at ten and they scurried when manager hyung walked in to see a half Sehun and half Jongin fighting over Wii’s tennis game.

The manager cleared his throat and the boys immediately scurried to their rooms, putting whatever they found in the closet.

They reached the stadium at approximately half past ten. They jogged to the stage where the crew setting the props. Year end concert was initially for the whole SM Ent. Artists but EXO played a huge part for SM this year. Hence, they’re the main stars. they were going to be the opening and closing artist with few songs in the middle.

The Floor Director head to Suho who was typing few texts to Baekhyun.

“Suho-sshi, have you seen Baekhyun-sshi?”

“No. I'm texting him right now. He said he’ll be here in fifteen and he's very sorry for the inconvenience.” He lied.

“Tell him to be quick.” He walked to check the rest of the stage and the props.

“Byun Baekhyun, you are so dead when you get here.” He dialled the lad’s number, for the ninth time already.


It took more than fifteen, actually.

An hour later Eunjung and Baekhyun arrived at the venue together and Eunjung begged for forgiveness using her ‘taking care of her drunk friend’ as excuse.  Baekhyun on the other hand apologised and refuse to give his reason. He told the FD it won't happen again and few aegyos later, he skipped his dead penalty.

Eunjung gave a ninety degree bow before resuming her work and heading to the makeover room. She just received the news all the member of EXOM won't be coming due to promotions in china. She felt bad for the boys but working here for over a year made her realised, there was no such thing as ‘being fair’ in entertainment industry. At least the boys will be coming back for New Year celebration party.

The six members of EXO K entered the makeover room. Since Yuri noona decided to slip off, Eunjung will be in charge of the wardrobes.

“Suho-sshi, Kyungsoo-sshi and Chanyeol-sshi, this is your wardrobe. For Overdose outfit is here and the rest is labelled. Baekhyun-sshi, Kai-sshi and Sehun-sshi, this is yours. After your rehearsal the director told me that you all need to shower. We don’t want to greet fans in sweaty and uncomfortable smell don’t we?” Eunjung voiced. “That’s about it. PD nim gave you half hour break then continue back on stage. Right now Shinee sunbae nim is using the stage.” She informed, looking at the text in her phone. She smiled uncontrollably.


It was an unexpected morning for Eunjung. She woke up only to see Baekhyun still dozing off next to her and occasionally muttering Chanyeol’s name in his sleep.

She looked at the phone it was third quarter before ten. She panicked and shook Baekhyun’s shoulder to wake up the lad. Baekhyun slapped her hand away, asking to give him five more minutes. “Byun Baekhyun, wake the hell up we are late!” she shrieked. She gave up after ten minutes trying getting the singer’s soul back into his body yet no success achieved.

She looked at her phone again and a text came in.

“Eunjung-sshi annyeonghaseyo. This is Do Kyungsoo, Baekhyun’s friend. I was wondering if Baekhyun’s is at your place. He supposed to attend a practice today and he's late.”

Eunjung’s finger trembled to reply the text. She was squealing in joy, causing Baekhyun’s to rise from her bed. “Kai I told you, don’t get your dogs in my room.” He ruffled his bangs in annoyance.

“Earth to you this is my house. Get your up Baekhyun , we’re late.”

He opened his hazel orbs and look at his phone. “Shoot.” He muttered and head to bathroom.

“Annyeonghaseyo Kyungsoo-sshi. Yes he fell asleep (?) at my place last night. He's getting ready right now, I apologised for the inconvenience.” She pressed send and grinned.

A moment later another text arrived.

“Ah really? Okay then Eunjung-sshi. Just tell him to be quick. The PD is restless already. Thank you.”


She wanted to write more but her hands were too shaky to write anything more than that. She was beyond happy…until she took a glimpse of the wall clock. 


The encore concert was beyond amazing. She was speechless on how six dorks that sing children songs turn into literal epitome of hotness on stage? She was baffled with words, watching fron behind the stage. The makeover resided on her side today and she was content with the cooperation given by the boys. She didn’t encounter much sprawl except when Baekhyun accidentally change his shirt with Sehun and Baekhyun size made him look like a cheap club stripper and Baekhyun looked ten.

The boys continued with their suit and head out after a little touch the figure gave on them. Eunjung returned home and bathed before going out to the event. She gave her hair a simple braid then twirled it around her bun. She put on a turquoise blouse, waist belt included, a peachy below knee skirt with an emerald stone bangle and emerald pearl necklace for the finishing touches. After assuring herself she looked fine, she wore her favourite crème colour heels and head off.  She was only the usherette for the night; wearing excessive attire was not her forte.

She arrived at the event fifteen minutes early. Most of the staff was ready for the idols and VIPs to arrive though it was quite early. Eunjung and few others were told to dress beautifully and act as the for the idols.

The first car arrived and Eunjung  took her place. Girl’s group 4Minute arrived and she accompany them to the entrance, informing their seats and place, and the event tentative for the night after they had a photo session on the red carpet.

Few black cars passed by and a black van arrived shortly after. Suho was the first to get out of the car and flashed his father figure smiled, accompany with a presidential wave. Eunjung head towards the group and lead their way to the red carpet. She felt a vibration in her purse and she quickly head inside after showing EXO their seats.

It was Kyungsoo.

“Hello, Eunjung-sshi.” She squealed in her head.

“Hello.” She typed.

A short moment later another text arrived.

“Sehun said you look great today.”  She bit her lips.

Another text quickly came in.

“Okay I lied, I thought you look great and I wanted to say it at first to you but I accidentally pressed sent on that on before I could edit it. I apologised.”  He sent a sad emoji. Eunjung chuckled quietly and typed in her response.

“You looked not too bad yourself, Kyungsoo-sshi. I like…” her mind went blank. She wanted to write how she liked his outfit but her mind was trying to type something else. She tried to delete the sentence but pressed sent by mistake. She cursed her fat thumb.

“You like?” he replied shortly.

“You.” She bluntly key in her response and pressed sent.

“Me?” he replied.

“What?” she replied, scrolling though the read message. Another message came in and her phone scrolled down again.

“You said you like me.” he typed.

Eunjung eye widened and hurriedly scroll to the upper message. She had written ‘you’ in the message and never in life had she turned so embarrassed by her stupid mistake.

 “I mean I like your outfit! Outfit!” she could almost hear her cried in the message. It took five minutes for Kyungsoo to reply. Yeah, she counted.

“Haha, thank you for that. Yours looked great too!” was his response. Eunjung cursed her life. Now he won't text her anymore. Brilliant, Han Eunjung, brilliant. Leave it to her to seduce people with her awkwardness. She left the message unattended and walked around. The president was giving some motivational speech and she decided to treat herself some light meals, ignoring whatever the old was trying to say.

The crowds were clapping and the president took his seat. Audiences were allowed to serve themselves or asked the waiters to serve them. She took a seat at the empty table close to the food and began stuffing her face with the magnificent dishes created by top chefs. She hoped for her meals to taste like that one day.

Baekhyun sat next to her, accompanied by Sehun and Kai.

“You looked great Eunjunggie~” he praised. Eunjung was too tired to response only giving out few nods here and there because Baekhyun praised didn’t store right  there. On no it didn’t. His mouth was equivalent to a waterfall, itjust won't stop pouring.

The petite figure stuffed a salad in Baekhyun’s mouth, hoping angel would come down and shut the lad. She turned her attention to the second youngest, Kai who had his plates full of fried chickens and minding his own business.

“Noona, D.O hyung kept staring at you today you know. Even the blunt Jongin noticed.” He pointed at the boy. Kai gave him a whacked on the shoulder, earning a loud groan coming from the guy. Sehun threatened to steal all of Kai’s fried chickens after and they both got into a brawl.

“Speaking of the devil.” Baekhyun muttered. Kyungsoo and Suho walked towards the table. Sehun and Kai were still bickering.

“Manager hyung is looking for you guys. Let's head back to the table.” He invited, already has his hand full with Kai and Sehun. Baekhyun wiped his lips with the napkin and Eunjung frowned.

“What are you going to do without me.” she muttered, picking the napkin again and wiped the spot he missed. Kyungsoo held his grip tightly at the scene.

“Aww babe you still love me~” he teased, making Eunjung flicked his forehead and she stood up, only to realize Kyungsoo was behind her. Her face turned beet red. She hurriedly bowed at the doe eyed male and scurried towards sanctuary—the restroom.

Little did she know, a pair of eyes lurking at her and Kyungsoo, watching their every moves and preparing a devious plan for both of them.

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