Chapter Three

Heart A Tug

The event was nearing its end and Han Eunjung rushed towards the exit, because as silly as it sounds, some idols got lost very easily in their state. The last event hasn’t take place yet but she already had her hands full because some idols were too drunk to carry on with the event.

“Hyuna sshi, this way.” She called the tipsy singer.

“Woah, you a fan? You look cute in that dress.” She pointed at my wear.

“No, I’m your . It’s a blouse actually but thanks. Okay, up you go.” Eunjung placed her carefully in the car seat and pulled her seat belt on. The other members were too hammered to care.

4Minute didn’t mess around when it came to drinking, Eunjung thought.

She heard a loud yell and she sighed, heading towards the sound.

Must be the Girl’s Generation Unnies again, she sighed in her head. Because for all we know, they’re one of those group that can handle their drink very well. She rolled up her sleeves and scurried towards the commotion. Sunny Unnie was not the type you can bring to a party without the excessive mess later on.

“No no don’t take my drink I'm not done yet! Fany tell them! I want moore!” she struggled. The security already had their hands full at the girls. Eunjung let out a silent laugh. Adorable, she thought.


Chanyeol called for his buddy to come. Baekhyun complied obediently.

“What is it Yeol?” he asked, taking his champagne in one go.

“Do you think Kyungsoo like Eunjung?” he asked.

“I think so. Why do you ask though?” Baekhyun raised his brows. Whenever he was around the taller guy, his mouth cannot utter lies. He can't understand why but he decided to just roll with it.

“I got a plan. It's gonna be fun, Baekhyun-ah.” He showed his sly grinned.

“Are you? Yeol no.” Baekhyun muttered in shocked.

“What? It's just a bet.”

“I don’t think Soo would agree.” The shorter guy retorted. Chanyeol pulled him on his lap, circling his palm. Manipulating Baekhyun to join in his devious plan was so easy.

“That’s why alcohol is our main ingredient in this plan.” He replied.


It was the time for the cake cutting, signifying the year ended with prosperous luck. After filling all the GG members in the van, she let herself breathe. She took the punch near the table and took a sip. The drink felt weird to her but she dunked it anyway. Anyone in her situation would just take whatever offered to her because pushing nine girls into a van was not an easy task.

“Hey beautiful.  You're taking my drink.” He greeted.

“This was yours, Chanyeol-sshi? I'm sorry!” she bowed.

“It's alright but you drink it all though…” he gulped. This wasn’t going according to plan. The stick man called for Baekhyun, giving out SOS sign at the lad.

“What is it Yeol?”

“Eunjung dunked it all.” He showed the empty glass.

“But that was for Soo-“Baekhyun I feel dizzy.” A voice cut them.

“Lord, Eunjung. I need to take her home now.” The girl was already clinging onto his neck.

“Baek~” she sheepishly smiled. “Lord. No.” Baekhyun muttered. “I have to go before she started making out with every guy she saw.” Baekhyun panicked. Chanyeol disliked that his best friend holding a girl.

“Let Kyungsoo take her home.” he advised. Both of them searched eagerly for the small figure. They spotted him talking to some VIP and Chanyeol called out for him. Kyungsoo arrived soon after.

“What is it? Better be important.” He furrowed his brows.

“Take Eunjung home. She accidentally drink my drink and now she's kinda drunk…and snoozing already.”

 The man was feeling tipsy himself. “What? Why don’t Baekhyun do it? He’s familiar with her.” He blurted. He clamped his lips soon after knowing he just asked his friend to send off the girl he might associated feelings with.

“Baekhyun and I have something important to do tonight.” Chanyeol uttered. Well, he wasn’t lying. They did have some plan for tonight.

Kyungsoo gave a second thought and agreed. He used the back door and a black sedan arrived later and they got it. Kyungsoo told the driver the address and within fifteen minutes, they arrived at Eunjung’s apartment.

Baekhyun told him the pass code and he punched in the number. He placed the sleeping girl in her bedroom despite it was his first time going at her place. He told himself to lose it up because tomorrow they were excused from practice. In other words, tomorrow was their day off. He sat himself near the bed edge and watched the sleeping figure.

It was his first time being close to the girl he liked. Yeah he was sure he liked her. To be honest, he didn’t realised he had like Eunjung since the first day they met—at the recording room.

The small petite girl who had lost her way on her first day at work. He never thought they would meet again but fate was on his side. She was actually their makeup artist. Ever since then she would peeked her between her work, and he always caught himself smiling whenever she crinkled her nose at Baekhyun or hit Sehun on his chest because he threw her cringe worthy aegyos. He wanted to talk with her, to converse with the girl like how the rest of the members did but whenever he approached, she would avoid him. In the end he concluded that Han Eunjung didn’t feel the same like he did, and he quietly gave up.

He wondered what made his feelings emerged again though. Was it because of Baekhyun? He noticed Baekhyun gotten closer towards Eunjung and he’d be lying if he said it didn’t affect him. He chuckled to himself and thought that everything in his head right now was because of the alcohol he taken earlier. He ran his fingers through his dark locks and turned to the sleeping figure once more.

The moonlight lit her room perfectly, showing her prefect shaped on the bed, sleeping peacefully. He took a deep breath, taking in all her scent in the room. He was so mesmerized by her perfect figure his junior twitched. His pants felt tight on his crotch and he shook his head. He remembered the crazy bet Chanyeol had asked out of him.


“Hey Soo, let's make a bet?” Chanyeol handed the guy a glass of champagne.

“What bet?”

“Sleep with Han Eunjung and hyung won't bother you for a month, if you did it.”

What a dumb bet, he thought.  He didn’t think Chanyeol would ask such stupid bet. He realised the man can't hold more than two questions in his head but he didn’t think it was that bad. He reconsidered. He needed peace. He dreamed of peace.  He then realised he was talking about another person here, Han Eunjung. Sleep with her? What if she was a ? He can't be irresponsible like this; he can't be selfish; he can't take Eunjung for granted.

 Thinking back about the whole ordeal got his buddy even more excited. He decided to calm himself and head towards the kitchen for water.

He scavenged her fridge and found a glass of water. Immediately chucking the drink, he directed himself towards the sofa after. His head became dizzier and he lay on the sofa, hoping a quick nap would help.


Eunjung let out a groan. She glanced at the clock; it was two in the morning. was burning, begging for water. She got up groggily and head to the kitchen. She almost yelped when she saw a sleeping figure in her living room. She came closer for a better look and she nearly screamed when she realised who it was. She got to the kitchen first and grabbed a glass before pouring her a full glass and chucking it right away. As easy as it was to get her drunk, it was also easy for the effect to flush out of her system.

She approached the sleeping figure. Sleeping on the sofa was a bad idea so she decided to offer him her guest room. Baekhyun usually used that room if he crashed over.

“Kyungsoo-sshi, wake up. You cannot sleep here. Your back will hurt.” She muttered, tapping his shoulder lightly.

The lad opened his eyes and looked directly at her.

“Let's sleep in the guest room, Baekhyun used that room a lot so don’t feel awkward. Make yourself at home.” She revealed.

The mention of Baekhyun’s name got him awake…and annoyed.

“Baekhyun this, Baekhyun that. Stop it. It's annoying.” He rubbed his temple. He still felt the dizziness.

 Eunjung was taken aback by the man’s word. Was she taking it too far? “I'm sorry.” She apologised. “I-if you want to sleep there, just walk straight and turn left.” Her tongue felt numb. She never thought Kyungsoo was the cranky type when he’s awake. She headed to her room when she felt her hand got yanked by the male.

“Kyungsoo-sshi what-“ she felt her lips being pressed tightly by the heart shaped lips. She pushed the man slightly before her hands were intertwined by the male and cornered her to the wall. He her lips, waiting for an opening which Eunjung gave with a few resistances, she parted her plump lips. The male didn’t waste a second more, the roof of and nibbling her lips until breathing was a priority again to them.

“Kyungsoo-sshi what are you-“I like you. I like you Han Eunjung, please shut up about Baekhyun.” He pecked her lips, tasting the sweetness of her lips gloss before guiding the surprised figure to softer location—the bed.

“Are you disappointed? That I'm not Baekhyun?” he rephrased his confession, hurt reflected in his eyes. Eunjung snapped from her temporary concussion, looking back at the male on top of her and their lips were only an inch apart. She felt his warm breath on her swollen lips and the male softly released his grip on her, un-lifting his weight off her mute figure.

“Forget it.” he erased the dreading silence and stood up. Eunjung only realised the male left when the sound of her front door closed. Eunjung comprehend that it took her too long to reply and she had lost her chance.

Game over. 

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