To: that one guy out there

Do you still remember? I saved you again from literature project deadline. You had volleyball practice that afternoon and yes, you asked me to help you print out the file. I had to make a long journey just to print out your project. They called me stupid for it. That was when I've learnt a lesson: never be too loyal to a friend. The reason? You laughed at me together with them. You didn't even utter a word of thanks to me.

We represented our class and competed basketball between classes. You know I really want to win badly. I can see you putting in lots of effort, but still, we didn't win the first, second, or third place. That was a disappointment. In the process, I believe you would have heard me telling my girl friends that you look cool playing basketball. Heh. You asked me but again, I wouldn't say it. I said you look like a basketball player when playing, which is cool but you are not cool. Then, one of your buddy told me you said that I look attractive when playing basketball. Heh. I asked you and you said I've got the skills.

Literature again, we grouped together because we were seat mates. The topic was "What is love" because of Romeo and Juliet's story. How it all happen in few days. The others were busy thinking about what they loved, and as I could think of was chocolate. They wouldn't write that down, saying that it is stupid of me. Then, you contributed saying chocolate. Yes, all thanks to your handsome face, they wrote it down. You told me it wasn't stupid and bought me a bar the next day. Heh. Our friends kept on teasing us about how much couple look we had, but we weren't bothered about it.

Your birthday, I bought you a customised handphone chain that cost a week of my allowance. I gave it to you before gym when your buddies and my friends were present. It was a pretty high end stuff, and the other classmates were "oohing" at it. I thought it was a little girlish for a guy but you assured me that it is not many times and said that you liked it very much. I trusted you I didn't want to be wrong, but I was. A month later, I saw it scattered around the area you sat. My heart fell into pieces, never able to piece them together. You knew very well how much I treasure friendships, and yet, that was what you did to me.

At the later part of the year, I heard from rumours that you liked my beastie. She's pretty and all, no doubts about you liking her because goodlooking people always end up together. My beastie confided in me, and all I said was 'go for it!". The thing is that you and one of your buddy liked her. Both of you decided to settle it over a one-on-one basketball match. I saw it. You lost and my bestie went into a relationship with him. She told me that she liked you than him, but you didn't make the move. I don't know if she's using your buddy to get you, but it doesn't matter to me anymore. 

Third year, we went to different classes. You went to the best class and I was in the second-blame it on my intelligence. I don't know, but that was how we drifted apart.

I was in the same class as few of your buddies. One day I mistakenly sent a text to one of your buddy-it's his fault for having a common name. I probably gotten his number through the big clique we were in back then. And yeah, we've gotten close and all that. We bought chocolate for each other, text till his early sleep time and all. I thought he was joking when he said that he would give you a punch as I've complained to him what a bigfatjerk you were. He really did that. It was during lunch when we were queuing for our food and you guys were infront of me and my friends. On the sight of me, he did hand gestures telling me to watch him. I didn't expect the next moment when he threw a punch onto your arm. You were like 'whatthehell?" and punched him in the face. Before a second one landed on his face, I blocked it and you hit my shoulder blade. It's painful, but it don't know where, the bruise or heart. I heard him telling you that he did that to punish you for mistreating his girl. His girl? I'm not his girl. That night, he told me that he wanted to punch your face, but didn't because he knew that I would be heartbroken to see your handsome face ruined. I laughed, not knowing whether it's because what he said was true or I find it funny. 

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White_Hacker_Z #1
Chapter 3: Author-nim, I know that feeling too. I've experienced it and it hurt a lot. I've met the guy who introduced me to love basketball and he made me felt like I'm special. Sadly, he had to transfer to another school in our 1st year of highschool. I love your story unni.
slushyplushie #2
Chapter 3: Chapter 3: I rlly feel u gurl. :(
vanessatran_ #3
Chapter 3: Hey, can you link me to your blog? I loved this little insert, i feel like i relate alot to it ugh this got me thinking about my first love.... but please write more!!
Kaisena #4
Chapter 3: Hey is this a confession to someone? Bcoz i feel like really into it.