Deep Down

People Fall in Love in Mysterious Ways

An alarm goes off on my phone, “8:30- ARE YOU AT SCHOOL YET?!”

“HOLY !! WE GOT TO HURRY!” I grab his wrist and start to drag him along. Running through the people in front of us. Not even saying a simple, “Sorry,” “Excuse us.” Just running through so we don’t miss the first bell.

          You see, I’m a second year and I know the school pretty well, and I know that if we’re not there by 8:38, we are going to be late. AND THEY WILL CLOSE THE DOORS! AND THE DOORS LOCK AUTOMATICALY AT 8:38 SHARP!

Still running to school with this dude named, Kim Taehyung, I see the gates to the school!

          “RUN FASTER!” I scream.

          But I start to slow down to see him running but looking at his wrist. Was he looking at his wrist the whole time?

          “Why are you slowing down?! We can still make it!” and all of a sudden he starts to carry me bridal style.

          “What are you doing!? Put me down! I can run on my own!”

          “Hmm… How about no. Besides, we’re almost here.” He smiles and puts his head up again, to focus on running. “You know you’re fated to fall off if you don’t wrap your arms around my neck.”

          I eye him and I receive a smile.

          “Fine.” But in truth, I…. I JUST DIDN’T WANT TO FALL! I grab the nape of his neck, held on tight, and closed my eyes.

          Then he runs faster. Then stops.

          “We’re here. You can open your eyes now.”

          I open my eyes and see the school.

          “OKAY! Whatever you do, just follow me.”

          With a grin he responds, “Okay.”

          I roll my eyes and I tell him to hurry and enter the building. And we walk to the main office.

          “Hello. Wow, you guys made it just in time.” And the office lady directs her eyes to Taehyung. “You must the seventh of the new kids. Right? I only have more schedule left.” She picked it up and reads off the name, “Kim Taehyung, right?”

          “Yes! That’s me!” and he sticks out his hands to take it.

She smiles and gives it him.

          “And you went to this school last year right?”


          “Name please”

          “Park Hye Chi.”

          As her eyes search through the other files, I look over to Taehyung and see him reading his schedule.

          “Ah! Found you, Kim Hyechi. Here you go.” She sticks out my schedule. I bow my head and say ‘Thank you.’

          “Hey! What’s your first class?” asks Taehyung, looking cute and handsome at the same time.

          “Math. What’s yours?”

          “Me too! Room 203.”

          “Hey.” I stop him in his tracks, “why all of a sudden you’re happy? You were calling me a ‘’ just earlier. What’s with this sudden change in attitude? It’s weird.”

          “I don’t know… I just feel really happy right now.” And he smiles. “So what room are you in?”

          With no choice, I tell him it’s the same room as him.

          “REALLY! I was hoping that you and I weren’t in the same class.”

          “Oh! Now you say that. I don’t understand you.”

          “That’s right. You’re not supposed to me.”

          “Whatever. Come on I’ll show you the room.”

We start walking and we turn and turn and we finally get to the class and of course we were late.

Taehyung opens the door and we enter.

          “Who are you? Are you two in my class?”

          “Yes. I’m Park Hye Chi, and…”

          “Kim Tae Hyung.”

The teacher checks his list, “Seems to be. Why are you two late to the first day of school?”

          “Well he’s new and I went to this school last year and so I showed him the way to the class.”

          “Is this true, Mr. Kim Tae Hyung?”

          “Yes it is. I live nearby her and didn’t know my way here.”

          “Okay. Well the only open seats are those two empty seats in the back row.”

          “That’s fine.” I say and I start to the back row, and Taehyung follows me.

I set my stuff down and Taehyung sits in the right side and puts his backpack on the floor. Then I hear a silent phone chime. I look over to see how it is and it’s no other than the fool sitting next to me. Then I hear another phone vibrate. This time it was this dude who was sitting on the opposite side of Taehyung and I and he was sitting in the second to last row. And then Taehyung lays his arms on the table and puts his head in the small space left in his arms, and shows me his phone of text messages he was texting, I presume to be that dude.

          The contact name reads off, “Jiminie Babo”, and the texts say,

          “Hey that girl you have there is pretty cute.”

          “She’s not cute.”

          Than he begins to whisper, “Are you going to at him too?”


          “Why not? You did it to me.”

          “That was different.”

          “How was it different?”

          “Cause I didn’t like the way you called me cute.”

          “Fine. Cute.” Those were his final words to me and he lifts his head away from his arms, and looks up.”


          Finally the bell rings and its break time. But as I was going to leave an arm out of nowhere comes out and pulls me back into their chest.

          “Where are you going, Cute.” I look up and it’s Taehyung.

I lay my hands on his arm and try to break free, but it was no use, so I kept my hands where they were and he kept me in a headlock, and I sighed.


          “Cause me and Jimin here want to show you to our friends.”

          “Who’s Jimin?” I asked like I didn’t know the name.

          “I’m Jimin.” He walked up to me and Taehyung and grabbed his phone and took a picture of us.

          “Such a cute couple.”

Although I wanted him to delete the picture so bad, Taehyung didn’t mind. I tried and tried to break out of his lock but I couldn’t.

          My head spinning around and around with thoughts until, one thought popped in my head.

          ‘Peck him on the cheek’

I hesitated but it was the only way to get out of this position and get that phone and delete the picture.

          So I reach up and I pressed my lips against his cheeck and his lock, unlocked! I was free. I ran toward Jimin as he was running away, and grabbed his shirt and grabbed the phone and deleted the picture of me in Taehyung arms. And then gave it back to Jimin. More like threw it back to him. Grabbed my things and said, “So, where are your friends at?”

Taehyung looked paralyzed.

          “Tae, I’ll go look for the rest. Okay. You two stay here.”

“Tae? They call you th— Hyechi gets cut off by Taehyung grabbing her head and pushing his lips against hers. Kissing her with passion. He deepened the kiss. Hyechi didn’t know how to react but, deep down in her heart, she felt it was meant to be. The thumping of her heart tells her this was right. But her mind tells her, ‘no.’

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