I Meet Him

People Fall in Love in Mysterious Ways


September 11, 2015


First Day of High School


My phone is vibrating. Without lifting my head I attempt to grab my phone, which was on my nightstand three feet away from my bed, of course I fail to do so, and my phone falls to the floor. I give myself a loud and big sigh and I get up. Lifting my head away from my soft, comfortable pillow, letting my hair fly across my face, I look at the floor and grab my iPhone 6s (which I recently got as a gift from my mom). The phone reads 6:24am.

“Ughh!! I start school in two hours! Summer why did you have to go?” I say while I reach my hand into the cold room air.

I knew that if I didn’t wake up early I couldn’t make myself presentable, people’s eyes will burn to even look toward my direction.

I walk to my mirror. Messy hair, no makeup, a plain white oversized tee and shorts, typical sleep wear.

“I hate going straight to bed after a shower!” just then I get interrupted by my little brother, Evan.

“Hey! Can you keep it down! I’m trying to watch some TV before I leave. So stop stomping your feet, Big Foot!”

He slammed the door before I could yell anything back.

“Aish! Middle schoolers.” Saying with annoyance in my voice.

I head to my closet and picked up my already prepared outfit. Many schools in Korea require to wear uniforms, but the school that I registered for doesn’t. Thank God!

I put my outfit onto my bed and grab my iPad and go into my bathroom. Once I got my straightener out and plugged in, I unlocked my iPad and went onto Dramafever. Of course clicking on ‘She Was Pretty’, I played the latest episode. While watching, more like listening, I straightened my hair.

Finally I was done. That took about 30 minutes of the episode, and I thought to myself, ‘I must have a lot of hair, or just payed more attention to my iPad.’ I shrugged it off and I turned off the straightener and let it cool down before putting it away. I pinned back my bangs with bobby pins and loosely tied my hair back into a low pony tail to wash my face. But before, I washed my hands just to make sure that I don’t add anymore germs to my face. After all that I patted my face dry and grabbed my iPad and went back to my bedroom. I checked the time. Seven oh seven.

“Are you serious!?” Still have to wait an hour.” I sighed again and put on my outfit. Ripped jeans, a marron colored short sleeve shirt with white detailing and for my shoes just regular black and white Converse. I put my dirty clothes into my basket and head straight to my vanity.

Doing my make-up isn’t that time consuming. All I do is apply a face primer and then put on BB cream to hide any blemishes, power my face, a thin line of eyeliner, then I put on one layer of mascara, and end with and ESO lip balm. Nothing too special, probably takes me around six minutes.

I put away all of my make-up and organize my vanity, grab the lip balm I used, grabbed my bag and put away my straightener, and headed downstairs for breakfast.

When I get to the kitchen I grab a pan and I went into the fridge for some eggs for my brother and I.

“Evan! How many eggs do you want this time?!” I yell.

“Just two!” he screams back at me. “Thank you!”


Since my parents are divorced, my mother got full custody of us both, but we still go visit are dad every weekend. Or whenever he wants to treat us to breakfast, lunch or dinner. My mom, she works as doctor and is needed in the mornings, around five o’clock she wakes up. As for my dad, he has his own company, and on his will, I’m the heir to his company. That’s if I want to follow something else I have passion for.

The eggs finish cooking and I get the plates. I put the cooked eggs on the plates making sure to split them to the amount of two eggs and the amount of three. I get the rice and I call Evan over to the table.

“Evan! Come and eat your breakfast! Watch TV over here.”


I hear footsteps running, getting closer and closer, “FOOD!”

I roll my eyes and turn on the TV that was in the dining room. Today we were watching an American TV series, although we were Americans for half are lifes we can’t seem to remember any of the shows we watched when we were little.

After we were done eating I grabbed both are dishes and put them into the sink, and we watched TV together until Evan had to leave. I checked the time to make sure Evan wouldn’t miss the bus, seven fifty-six,

“Evan you have to go you’re going to miss the bus.”

“Okay. See you later.” He said as he grabbed his school bag and ran for the door.

And with Evan gone, that means I better get my things ready. I turn off the TV and go back upstairs to get my notebooks and essentials. I head back downstairs and put the things in my bag.

And by this point you might think I am popular because of my father and my mother, and that I go to a private school and all that jazz, but I don’t. I go to a normal Korean high-school where everything is normal, except we don't where uniforms. Yes we do have "popular" kids at my school but the only time I talk to either of them is when I  have​ to do a project with one of them. And they get a good grade becasue of me! UGH! I hate them! All cocky and think that they're pretty. , please. Okay I went only a little overboard...I should get to school now. ​

I grab my bag and I head out the door, just when Evan was boarding the bus.

He saw me and he waved his hand, telling me to have a good day and come home safe. I nod back at him, agreeing and asking the same thing to him. And I start to walk off in the opposite direction the bus is.

On the way to school I see a guy. He has a school bag just like me but he isn’t dressed properly. Well… neither am I. Maybe it’s his first day at a school that has uniforms just didn’t want to. I guess… I shrugged it off and started walking again.

Just when the air smelled like roses and nature, I smelled this really nice cologne. I breathed it in as if I haven’t smelled anything before. The smell, it was not too strong to overpower the nose, but it was also not to light to the point where you can’t smell it at all. It was just right. I closed my eyes, still taking in the cologne.

“Having fun there?” all of a sudden, a gentle, yet husky voice enters my ears and into my head.

I pop open my eyes the second I heard the male voice. There, the most beautiful boy I have ever seen stood before me. It was that dude I saw with the school bag! He had brown hair, it looked like its dyed, his shirt was just a plain white tee, his pants were a type of blue color, and his shoes matched mine, with a jacket in his hands.

“Were you sniffing me?” he drops down his head to match my eye level staring at his shoes, forcing me to make eye contact with the strange guy.

I stuttered with getting my words out of my mouth. “Umm. It was just that, um, the cologne you are wearing, I like it.” I turn away, “It’s not too strong but it isn’t to light either.”

I hear him laugh. “You’re cute. What’s your name?”

You’re cute.” Echoed through my head what felt like a million times, and about the millionth and one time, I popped back into reality. I turn to him and looked him is the eye, “Did you just call me cute?”

His face looked like a confused little boy, and he replied back to me, “Yeah. You are cute. Why? Do you not like being called cute?”

“I am not cute. And who the hell are you anyway?”

A smile which had faded away, turned into his original lip shape, and he began to speak.

“Wow. Change in attitude. I didn’t know you could be a .”

“You’re calling me a ‘’, I don’t even know you.”

“Look who’s talking. I don’t think it’s very smart to start sniffing random people you don’t know, especially an older guy. You might never know what he might do to you.”

He was right, but the smell, it just smelled really good.

“Well maybe you just want to get to your school and not stand around like an idiot.”

“Well, ‘’ for your information I’m trying to get to school. It’s my first time going to this type of school. And plus, where’s your uniform?”

“And for your information person, I go to a school without uniforms.”

I cross my arms and close my eyes in frustration.

And a moment of silence drops between us, until...

“You do?” he questions in curiosity.

I slowly open my eyes, “Yeah… Why?”

“Because, the school my folks signed me up for doesn’t have any uniforms either. What’s the name of your school?”

With a little hope he doesn’t go to the same school, I make a deal, “Okay! I need to get going in a bit, but this is what we’re going to do. We are going to say the name of our school at the same time, okay?”


“One. Two. Three.”

“Hye Jin High.”

“Hye Jin High.”

We both say the same name. And in my heart it is slowly crumbling in pieces.

No, I think to myself.

“Well, guess there’s no more hiding are names, schoolmate. My name is Kim Taehyung.”

“I guess… I’m Park Hye Chi. Follow me. We need to hurry and get to school.”

Sorry for the long chapter! If you're interested please stay tuned! I will be making the cover in a couple days! Just wait please!  




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