
I'll be your man Noona

When shooting the video was done everyone went out for a celebration. They danced the night away. They drank till they could no more. They partied till they could no more. Finally at 12 they went home. No one was in the right mind except for the maknaes and Amber. Either they were underage to drink or they didn't like drinking and couldn't tolerate alcohol. They helped their older friends get into the car and helped them home. Amber was only 18so she couldn't drive but that's when being famous comes in handy. She called a few people she knew and asked them to take her friends home.

Tao:um how are we going to get them into their rooms?

Amber: just put them all into the living room.

Kai: but noona is the only girl

Amber: don't worry I don't think they'll her they're drunk. And they're too tired to do anything so just go inside and sleep.

Sehun: alright then goodnight Tao and Kai hyung and good night Amber noona.

Kai was worried for Victoria so he slept by her side. Amber took a shower and quickly fell asleep. Morning came and Tao Sehun and Amber had woken up but the rest were still sleeping. They decided to surprise them and made breakfast. The good smell woke up Kris who overheard Amber talking about her ideal guy.

Amber: I like someone who can be my best friend and can always be there for me. He won't cheat on me and will love me for who I am. Some one who can cook and someone who don't drink, don't lie, and don't smoke.

Sehun: wow noona that's a lot to find in a man but luckily I fit in all those categories hahaha.

Kris could hear Amber laughing with the maknae. He finally figured out what type of men she liked. He could do the rest but drinking? Every man drinks unless he was gay but he was willing to change for Amber...

After they were done mAking breakfast they woke everyone up. They all complained of having headaches. Duh of course you would have a headache you drank dummies Amber though to her self.

After they finished breakfast they went on YouTube to see whether the fans like it or not. To their surprise the video and the song was a hit. So many people shipped Victoria with Luhan. They even had a ship name, Lutoria. Victoria and Luhan blushed when they read the comments. Of course Victoria was famous so she had many.ships but some reason this one was.her favorite. Amber and Kai were also shipped. Kaiber. EXO gained many fan girls because of their looks. When they checked their social media accounts their followers increased rapidly. When they read more comments there were everyone shipping Amber with Kris Kyungsoo Chanyeol Sehun Tao and so on. She.blushed really hard. If you saw her you'd think she.was.a.tomato.

Just shortly after they read comments Victoria received a phone call from some big companies and shows in the states.

Tao: who called noona?

Victoria: it's from the states they want us to go on Oprah next week. And kanye called saying he wanted to collaborate with us. And also beyonce and Adele.

Kai: that's great.

Amber: so that means werewe're going back to the states?

Victoria: yeah for a couple of weeks.

Sehun and Tao: but we don't want you to go noonas

Kris: it's work maknaes

Luhan: what about school?

Victoria: we'll call and tell them. For homework and assignment we will just ask our manager to bring our weekly homework and assignment.

Nobody wanted them to go but it was for work and they couldn't complain. They just decided to enjoy their last day together. That day they went and rent an amusement park. They couldn't go there when so many people were there so they rent it.

That day they rode so many rides they were all sick except for Amber lol. They ate so many food and had so much fun.

Next day they packed and drove to the airport. Of course fans were there but thankfully bodyguard were also there. EXO said their goodbyes and promised to call and Skype. Luhan did something Victoria thought he would never do. He kissed her and shocking everyone. Cameras caught that and in five minutes that was the hot issue. That was also the day Luhan asked Victoria to be his girlfriend which she happily agreed to. That was also the day she announced her relationship to the world. Fans were screaming for they were really happy for their dear Victoria. That was also the day Kai's nightmare became a reality.


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Hellohellohellobaby #1
Chapter 19: Somehow I still want Amber to end up with Kris, but Kyungber is nice too! It's nice how put Yiyun with Chen haha! I suddenly love EXO more!
BeepBeep1234 #2
Chapter 11: Is it weird that I think Jessica's evil laugh was funny?
Chapter 19: Yay! Vic and luhan are married to each other~
Thank you, author-nim :)
AmberBiased23 #4
The ending was soooo cute
Ambers a lucky girl she got both Chen and kyungsoo
Chapter 17: Thanks for the update ^^
Mich517 #6
Chapter 17: Omg poor Amber T^T
Chapter 16: KyungBer! ^^
Mich517 #8
Chapter 16: Still rooting for Chenber >~< because they seem the most realistic to me
Chapter 15: KyungBer and KaiToria please.......
krisber_1806 #10
Chapter 15: so not krisber...
i think this is krisber.