Punch of Love 4.0

Punch of Love

The day of the competition commences,


Taeyeon  and Tiffany has been only greeting each other when they meet coincidentally at the school lockers or hallway, but they did not really speak to each other. But every time when the other party is not aware that they are nearby, the one will always glance and got distracted easily. Waiting the chance to share eye contact to say hi. Jessica on the other hand has been stuck to Yuri who seems to crash her Psychology class. Soon, Yulsic became friends but still, always bickering over the smallest thing.


Today is the day of the beach competition, the whole of last week, Tiffany has been doing preparation work with her team, gathering the logistics and fringe activities etc. She came down 7am today. Taeyeon came 3 hours before the game to eat with Yuri and do some last minute practice. Tiffany has been running around the beach since morning.

Taeyeon saw Tiffany as he was munching his food with Yuri yakking away.

“Hold on.”  Taeyeon grabbed his unopened burger and ran out to catch up with Tiffany.



The girl stopped what she is writing and turned to feel shocked, “Taeyeon? You’re a little too early?”

“It’s never too early.” Taeyeon smiled. “Anyway.. Are you busy?”

“Yeah.. the net got torn by one the seagulls. It will not look good later.. I do not know what should I do omg. All my members are busy with their locations. I have to be on standby here as I fix some flaws.. oh my god..” Tiffany unknowingly talk more than she should, but Taeyeon listened.


“I’ll get it for you.”


“The net. Just let me know the exact dimensions. I’ll be back.” Taeyeon casually plant the burger on her hand. “Eat up.”

“But Tae.. Thanks..” Before Tiffany could say anything, Taeyeon ran off.



After half an hour, Taeyeon came back, with some hydrating drinks as well. Taeyeon told Yuri to stick with Tiffany for the moment so he could know her whereabouts if she is not able to pick up his calls or busy.

“Oh god Taeyeon!” Yuri finally saw his friend back. He is bored to death although he has been busy looking at the bikini babes.

Tiffany is busy discussing with another guy, a volunteer for the event.


“Why are you so helpful?” Yuri brought Taeyeon’s eyes back to him.

“She’s helpless. You know she is tanking too much for this s?”

“How would you know?”

“I.. I saw her staying back in school just for meetings and preparation planning.”

“You… saw?”

“Kwon Yuri, can you stop interrogating me?! I’m just being nice.”

“Right right.. to Tiffany only." Yuri teased his friend and got a punch back.


“Hey..” Tiffany return to them after ending her discussion.


“Thanks Taeyeon..”

“And.. drink up.” Taeyeon pushed another bag filled with cold drinks.

“oh my god! I’m thirsty like hell!” Tiffany’s reaction made Taeyeon laughed. Yuri observed their conversation and shook his head.

‘No way Tae…’


“We will go to an area and do a little warm up first. Share these drinks with your team. I hope it's enough..”

“Thank you Taeyeon.. I’ll see you later.”


“Remember to drink up.”

“I’ll.. and.. thanks for the burger.”

Tayeon smiled and pushed Yuri away from Tiffany as they head towards the main event area.





“You gave her burger?”

“What’s wrong with that?”

“Did you not eat?”

“I’m not hungry.”


Yuri stunned for a second, “Dude.. are you chasing Tiffany?”

“What the ?! Are you nuts!?”

“You probably don’t know what you are doing broo..”

“She’s a friend.”


“Oh I thought acquaintance?”

“Shut the up..”

“Her ranking in your heart has promoted.”

“Can you stop it?!”


Yuri wriggle his eyesbrows to tease Taeyeon.

‘I… I just wanted to help and I think she will go down if she doesn’t eat well and drink more in this hot weather.. what’s wrong with showing concern to a friend?’ Taeyeon thought.




“Hey Jessica!” Yuri dropped the ball that Taeyeon passed and ran to the girl.

“What the ?!” Taeyeon cursed and looked at Jackson. Jackson just laughed.

“Jessica, you came to support me right?!”

“Gross. No? I came to support Mr popular Choi Siwon.”

“What?!” He frowned.

“Hi Jessica.” Taeyeon walked over and pass Yuri a drink.

“She came for Siwon.” Yuri told Taeyeon.


“Oh.. cool.”

“Cool?! He’s our competitor! Our MAIN competitor dammit.” Yuri raged.

“It’s her freedom to show her support to whoever she wants..” Taeyeon punch Yuri playfully and walked away.

From afar, he could see Tiffany running around the area and suddenly a tall build man come to her.

“Siwon..” Taeyeon muttered with anger.


“Tiffany.” Taeyeon walked towards the couple to break their conversation in purpose. “I have something to ask you.. privately.”

Siwon just smirked when he sees Taeyeon. Tiffany then excused herself and walk to Taeyeon before Siwon walk off to join his team.

“What is it Taeyeon?”

“Er… what did Siwon find you about? Did he harass you?”

Tiffany chuckled immediately when she know what is this all about.

“I’m alright. Don’t worry.” Part of her feels really safe and warmth when Taeyeon show her concern.


But she continued, “He’s quite nice.”

“What?!” Taeyeon could not believe his ears.

“He said that you and him have a bad past but that does not mean he is a bad guy. He offered to help me move some things earlier.”

“And .. you actually believe he is not that bad?”

“Yeah.. and I guess that’s why most of the girls like him. He's quite charming.” She laughed.

“Do you?” Taeyeon blurt out.


When Tiffany is about to speak, the announcement made right in time to cut their conversation. The game is about to begin.

"Okay, I gotta go. Talk to you later! Good luck Tae!"

"Good luck Tae." Yuri came from behind and teased the boy.

" you!"

"Do you realize she unconsciously call you Tae instead of Taeyeon or Taeyeon ssi or oppa? Why is it just Tae?"

Wait.. now that Yuri mentioned it.. It's true.

But Taeyeon did not realize that because it seems so natural when Tiffany called him Tae some times. It's like.. they are long lost friends.

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Chapter 22: I need some mini TaeNy moments if you may. Hahahahah
31 streak #2
Chapter 22: Hope there will be an epilogue
Chapter 22: Omg finally. Have been waiting for this.. thank you soo much for updating
Gaejihyo815 #4
Chapter 22: That’s so sweet! A lil drama makes it exciting!
Taeyeon2209 #5
Chapter 1: TaeNy genderbender 🔥😍
84 streak #6
Wer r you huhuh
1132 streak #7
Chapter 19: AUTHOURSSI where are you? Are you still busy? Hope you won't abandon this ff cause its a good one actually and I also hope that with this confrontation Siwon's grudge will disappear and they'll be friends
UnderDoc #8
Chapter 19: When are you gonna update it again author, i like ur story cus the plot is interesting
Chapter 19: please update author-nim!!!
HayeonAh #10
Chapter 19: This is so sad. Hope Siwon and Tae going to have peace soon.