Chapter 9

What's My Name? Yet; BEAST


You sat on the couch, anxiously waiting for Yoseob’s call. It had been 2 weeks since Yoseob left, and 1 week since he stopped calling you. You became obsessed with his calls, and it felt like you needed them as much as you need blood in your body.

“Come on, _____. You’ve been sitting there for how many days, like 6 or 7? What about your flower shop? All the flowers are probably dead by now!” Gina stood in front of you, hands on her hips.
“But… Yoseob hasn’t called… It’s been a week. I’m worried!” you mumbled, looking down.
Gina softened, sitting down next to you. Securing an arm around your shoulder, she comfortingly rubbed your arm, “you never know, he could be very deep in his work. You know his job isn’t easy. You shouldn’t expect him to call you all the time.”
You nodded, “but there hasn’t been even 1 call since a week ago. Before he used to call like 5 times a day, don’t you think that sudden change isn’t even a bit suspicious?”
Gina looked down, unable to say anything. ‘She’s right…’
You started to get fidgety. “He doesn’t even pick up my calls. It keeps saying that he’s unavailable. Pfft.”
You gripped the cushion closest to you and squeezed it as hard as you could, your knuckles turning white.
Sighing, Gina let go of you and stood up. ‘Well, I’ll be off now. All my stuff is at the door.”
You snapped out of your trance and stood up after Gina, walking her to your door.
“Thank you so much for staying here these past weeks, you’ve really helped me a lot. I owe you big time. Really, thank you.” You looked down, sad that Gina had to leave. However, you understood her position, and it made you feel guilty. She had her own life, too. She had her own problems too. That’s why you decided to let her go now. It was really great of her to stay with you these past couple weeks.
“Hey, don’t be sad!” Gina lifted your chin with her hand. “It was great staying with you! We’ll still see each other a lot, so don’t worry! I’m always a phone call away!”
You smiled gratefully and hugged Gina, bidding her goodbye.
“Thank you!” you waved her off as she entered the lift. Smiling, Gina waved back and the doors closed.

You sighed and shut the door. “Now being all alone is going to kill me. Yoseob, why can’t you call me at least once to say you’re okay? I miss you.” You looked at your phone which was lying on the couch where you were seated before.
You slowly trudged to the couch and sat on it, staring blankly at the wall while holding a cushion. You really missed him. It killed you not hearing his voice. You were worried. Very worried. ‘What if he got a new phone? He’d still call me right? Of course he would. He will call me, even if it takes a year. He WILL call me. He loves me, right? I just have to be patient… Very patient.’
You sighed and looked at the phone, trying to hold your impatience in. Giving in, you blinked a tear back, hugging the cushion into your chest tighter than ever before. You were worried sick, and that’s how it was going to stay until you heard his voice again.
“Please, just once… Tell me you’re okay, tell me you’re safe, tell me you’re happy… Tell me you love me.”


A/N: Hello! Just a quick chappy, cause I wanted to update AND I wanted to let y'all know- especially the readers of my previous story 'The Way You Look At Me'- that I'll be creating a sequel to it, but I haven't yet started to plan nor decide when to start it, so I'll update you guys when I have :)
Also, TA-DA! FINALLY! A poster for this fic! hehe, tell me what you guys think, HONEST OPINIONS! I take all criticism, but please be nice :D Hehe
Something's wrong with the size though... It's so small... I don't know how to fix it LOL I'll try tomorrow :)

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made me cry and laugh, this is so tuching
Chapter 33: Perfect story! I cried a river. :)
Chapter 33: Lol.
I meant Hwaitingg!
Also u didnt mark the story complete yet.
Is there gonna be an epilogue or something? Kekeke.. ^^
Chapter 33: Wahhhh!!!
Yoseob remembered everything
and then they got married!!
Such a beautiful ending.. TvT
I was wondering what was gonna happen to Myungsoo..
Kekke.. He's got Gina now.
Aigoo~ kyeopta!! :)
Thank you once again for writing such an ahhh-mazingg fic!! :)
Will still be reading your Kai fic, too!! ;)
Cant wait for it!
Mistlea #5
Chapter 33: aww~~~ what a sweet ending ~~~
i'm officially in love with your story. hahaha i'm such a crybaby, i cried reading your story again... but this time because the ending was so happy :D
*i apologize for being weird :3*
you're an awesome writer! ^^
Chapter 33: Thanks for writing such a nice story! Although I kind of feel the ending is too rush hahaha, and I feel bad for myungsoo... Ah, it's always not good to love someone who loves someone else, um, anyways...
Keep writing, dear!
Chapter 33: Cant believe I finish reading your fanfic for less than 1.5hours !! This story made me cry! Love your story so much!! Continue writing such great fanfic author!! THUMBS UP :))