Chapter 11

What's My Name? Break Down; BEAST

“Where is Yoseob?” you repeated, more demanding than before.
The Boss sighed, “come inside, _____.” He motioned you to enter his office. You slowly trudged over and entered the modern, clean office. Yoseob’s Boss closed the door behind him, giving the employees death looks as if to say they should speak nothing of you, and get back to work.

“Come, sit.” The Boss sat in his chair, signalling you to sit down too.
You in a breath as you sat down, slowly but cautiously. Yoseob’s boss leaned on the office desk, intertwining his fingers in front of his face.
“What is it here you came for, _____?”
You sent him a glare, “You know why I’m here.” Truthfully, you didn’t know why you were sending the Boss glares and letting your anger out on him. He hasn’t done anything, right? Except for taking your boyfriend away from you for 4 years! Anger rose in you again as you recalled that he was the one who started this.  
‘She’s here for Yoseob, what do I do?’ The Boss, sighed, not knowing what to say. His hands became clammy, and his breathing uneven.
“No, I don’t. Why are you here?” He pretended to act dumb.
“Aish!” you muttered under your breath, making sure he didn’t hear. “Okay. Let’s just cut to the chase.” You spoke informally. The Boss was taken aback, but understood your situation, so he let it pass for now.  You leaned onto the table, looking the Boss in the eyes, making sure he was listening. “How is Yoseob?”
“Pardon me?” The bBoss prented he didn’t hear what you said when actually, he heard it loud and clear.
“How. Is. Yoseob?” you said each word with a pause through gritted teeth.
‘Oh my god! I will hulk smash you one day!’ You in air as you began to say everything that had happened.
“It’s been what? A month and 1 week? Something like that. Yoseob would call and text me a lot, and I’d do the same. But since a month ago… He stopped. Completely. Why is that? I’m really worried. I mean, what if something bad has happened to him? Or what is he’s angry at me for some reason? It makes me feel guilty, too. I mean, what if I did something wrong? What if because of me he got scolded at work? What if he got in trouble for calling me?  I always call him so many times every day, but it says that he’s unavailable! His number is cut off! Did he get a new phone or something? He doesn’t even reply to my emails either!” you cried, covering your face with your hands. “I demand to know what’s happening with Yoseob. Right now.”
The Boss was taken very aback. “Look- _____, I-“
“Just please, tell me. I’m dying on the inside. You don’t know how much I want to hear his voice.”
The Boss clenched fists under the table. Oh, how he wanted to tell you the truth. He would crack if you spoke again and to his luck, you did.
“Please. I really miss him.”
“_____... Yoseob’s…”

You looked up with promising eyes, hoping that it was all a misunderstanding.
“Please… P-Promise me, if anything happens to me, y-you’ll never let ______ know. T-Tell her that I’m well.. N-no matter what.” Yoseob’s voice ran through the Boss’ mind. ‘But- I promised him… I’m so sorry _____.’

“Yoseob is… F-Fine…” The Boss whispered, looking down. You were relieved that he was safe, but the concern that he hadn’t contacted you took over.
“B-But, why isn’t he contacting me?”
“I don’t know…. Maybe he did it for the best. All I can say, is that he is fine in America. I get regular updates from him about the work over there. He’s okay, _____.” Oh, how he wanted to punch himself in the face right then and there. What a lie that was. Heck that Yoseob was okay, he was the complete opposite! The Boss was worried for his life!
Your eyebrows furrowed, “for the best?” You looked down, blinking tears back. ‘He doesn’t want me in his life? He’s perfectly fine? He left me for the best? He was the one that wanted to keep this relationship long distance!’
Your mouth was slightly open as you softly gasped for air. You felt a tear stream down your face, and decided it was your queue to leave. You quickly stood up and bowed, then turned to leave.
You stopped in your tracks, not turning back.
“Don’t cry, please.”
You closed your eyes and stood there for a few seconds, then walked out the office, not caring about the stares coming your way. ‘He did it for the best… The best…’

You reached home with a tear stained face. Walking out the elevator, you fumbleded for your keys. Shakily, you unlocked the door and crashed into your apartment, closing the door shut behind you. Softly sobbing, you slid your back down the door, sitting on the floor, head in your knees.
“He’s okay? ……….”
“It’s for the best?”
“No calls? No texts? No emails? Just completely cut off?”
“Did he forget me?”
“Did he find someone else? Someone better?”
“Did he not want a long-distance relationship?”
“Was I not enough?”
“Was I too distant from him?”
You kept asking questions, running your hands through your hair.
“… Did he ever love me?”
Yes, stupid question, obviously, but in this case, you just threw different sorts of questions out. You’d even question your existence on the Earth.

You started to doubt everything. This led you to go a bit crazy. You stood up and grunted, going for the closest thing to you- A Lamp. You lifted it off the table and chucked it as hard as you could. You threw nearly everything in the room, each time screaming out a word you wanted to have an answer to.

You panted, sitting down on the couch. Your living room now a pig sty, with everything either damaged or misplaced. All of the questions you asked, led you to one answer-

He doesn’t love you anymore.

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made me cry and laugh, this is so tuching
Chapter 33: Perfect story! I cried a river. :)
Chapter 33: Lol.
I meant Hwaitingg!
Also u didnt mark the story complete yet.
Is there gonna be an epilogue or something? Kekeke.. ^^
Chapter 33: Wahhhh!!!
Yoseob remembered everything
and then they got married!!
Such a beautiful ending.. TvT
I was wondering what was gonna happen to Myungsoo..
Kekke.. He's got Gina now.
Aigoo~ kyeopta!! :)
Thank you once again for writing such an ahhh-mazingg fic!! :)
Will still be reading your Kai fic, too!! ;)
Cant wait for it!
Mistlea #5
Chapter 33: aww~~~ what a sweet ending ~~~
i'm officially in love with your story. hahaha i'm such a crybaby, i cried reading your story again... but this time because the ending was so happy :D
*i apologize for being weird :3*
you're an awesome writer! ^^
Chapter 33: Thanks for writing such a nice story! Although I kind of feel the ending is too rush hahaha, and I feel bad for myungsoo... Ah, it's always not good to love someone who loves someone else, um, anyways...
Keep writing, dear!
Chapter 33: Cant believe I finish reading your fanfic for less than 1.5hours !! This story made me cry! Love your story so much!! Continue writing such great fanfic author!! THUMBS UP :))