Love Letter Panic! (1/2)

Love Letter Panic!
Oh wait, that's Junsu's infamous line. ( ̄□ ̄;)
No really, I was literally gaping like what I did when Changmin swiftly stole my homemade baked cookies a while ago without any permission and left me speechless. That snarky pest needs to be terminated by an insecticide, really. Grrrr.
Aish, I'm seriously out of the topic.
Do you have any idea why I'm being like this?
Do you? Do you? Do you?
I guess not. Pssh. ( ̄へ ̄;)
Okay fine, I'm spilling it out! Why, look at this. I just received a love letter from someone, and the contents are really freaking me out!
"You're the most beautiful man I've ever laid my eyes on, even more beautiful than the girls around this school. I think I'm falling in love with you and I don't think this is wrong, though I'm also a man. But you don't have any idea that I'm feeling this way."
I never thought that I was... beautiful. (/ω\)
Okay fine, I'm gay. Happy now?
But no really, never in my life did I receive a compliment like this. I was always being called for being a gay. Pssh, those close-minded people seriously need a life. Why don't they mind their own business and stay away from mine? Ugh.
"... and I don't think this is wrong, though I'm also a man."
“What’s this?”
Oh great. On the middle of my rejoice, expect a villain coming along. A familiar hand successfully snatched the paper out of my grasp.
Psssh, that Jung er Yunho. (¬、¬)
“Well this is such a stupid joke.” He said between reading the lines, eyes showing nothing but coldness. This guy… he never fails to annoy me every single day.
“GIVE THAT BACK TO ME!” I screamed, not ashamed that we’re on the school’s boy locker room. Grrr… this douchebag. ヽ(≧Д≦)ノ
Yunho twirled the paper in his hands, searching for something. “There’s no sender’s name on it. You don’t seriously believe in this prank, do you?”
I tried to snatch it but failed; Yunho’s too tall for my height. Aish, why am I born this small? God is so unfair. Changmin said once that I was in a deep sleep when the Heavens poured a massive amount of tall enhancers. ChangMEANindeed. (>人<)
“This is the very first time that someone called me beautiful! There might not be any more like him for the rest of my life!” I glared at him oh-so-hard, so hard that I could almost burn his skin with my laser beam-like gaze.
If only I have superpowers, pssh. ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ
“You’re really gay, do you know that? I don’t know why I’m still hanging out with you.”
Somehow, that line ache me a bit. “Fine, call me or whatever. I don’t give a ; I have to focus on my secret admirer anyways.” I sighed dreamily on the ‘secret admirer’ part.
I saw the panic stricken on Yunho’s face; he probably knew I was kinda hurt. “There’s no way I’m going to call you or whatever, Joongie.” Pssh, now he’s calling me with endearments. How does he manage to be this sweet and being a bastard at the same time?
“Hmp. Why can’t you at least be supportive of me? Are we not friends? You’re always bullying me.” I crossed my arms on my chest, frowning like a child who lost his candy.
“I’m not bullying you, I’m just telling you to snap out of your fantasies.” Said he, as a matter-of-fact.
Seeing that Yunho loosen up a bit from his reflexes, I seized the moment to stole the letter on his hand. “Quit making fun of me! Spring has finally sprung for me and you are definitely not getting into the way!”
“It hasn’t sprung yet; heck you don’t even know if that thing is legit.” He scoffed.
He keeps on opposing my point of views, that’s why we always engage ourselves in a heated bickering contest. We never had any serious conversations since day one.
When will he ever change? s(・`ヘ´・;)ゞ
“I’ll find him!” I carefully folded the stationary and slid it on my slacks’ pocket. “Whoever he is, I must find him. If he wants to play hide and seek, I’ll play with him!” I shut the door of my locker and exited the locker room.
“You’re in a serious case of insanity.” That’s the last thing I heard from him before I completely disappeared.
“You’re in a serious case of insanity.” Changmin retorted before wolfing up the hamburger he’s eating.
“See? That’s the exact word I told to Joongie.” Jung er should be banned from talking. And Changmin too. They’re the two morons existing on my fabulous life.
“Are you two sure you’re not siblings or whatever? ‘Cause you really sound like one.” I scoffed, sipping the iced coffee I ordered from the school cafeteria.
These are the guys I’m always hanging out with every lunch break. Changmin, Yunho, Yoochun, and Junsu. I envy the relationship Yoochun and Junsu has, they were smitten in love to each other. Huhu, I’m really eager to meet my secret admirer and make him my first & last boyfriend in my entire life.
(。┰ω┰。) Imagine, we would go to the beach to watch the sunset together, eat ice cream together, and make ty love together—
Okay, enough of the daydreaming. PG-13 only.
“That is so sweet of him, Jae-hyung! He just wrote a love letter to you!” Junsu said after he read the stationary. “I’ve always wanted Yoochun to do such romantic things to me like that.” He pouted as he wrapped his arm to Yoochun’s; his lower lip is getting a lot of attention from everyone. Awww, Junsu is so cute whenever he pouts like that. I just want to squish him! (*ノωノ) But his boyfriend won’t let me, psssh.
Yoochun sighed. “Those things are too girly and corny, Su. I would definitely not gonna ride on a big Ferris wheel with you.”
Annoyed, Junsu harshly pushed Yoochun’s arm away. “Aish, you’re no fun. Why did I even go out with you? I think Yoohwan’s better than you.”
“You should at least have mercy on me! You already know that I’m afraid of heights and yet you’re still insisting on riding the Ferris wheel with me!” Yoochun cringed. “And don’t compare me to my brother; it’s not that I compared you to Junho.”
“Coward prick. You’re just like Yunho, poor old man can’t also ride on a horror train.” He rolled his eyes to Yoochun & Yunho, completely ignoring their protests and turned his head to me instead. “Anyway, hyung… do you have any idea who’s the one who wrote that to you?”
I sighed, propping my elbows on the table and cupping my chin. “I have no idea either.”
“I can’t wait to meet him too! We should go on a double date or something, it’ll be fun! If Yunho can’t ride with you on the horror train, maybe your secret admirer would ride with you!”
All of us stopped eating when Yunho choked out on his sandwich. All eyes were casted on Yunho’s struggling to breathe. I shoved the soda in front of him and carefully patted his back. “Be careful on eating, it’s not that everyone would steal your food. Except for Changmin though.”
“Yah!” Changmin retorted.
Stupid Yunho had to interrupt my peaceful eating. I feel like such a mother hen.
Messy bed hair? Check. ed uniform? Check. Eyeliner? Check. Strawberry tinted lips? Check. Vanilla scent? Check.
All’s set. (。・`ω´・。)
My secret admirer was right; you’re really beautiful Kim Jaejoong. How come you never noticed that? I’m really such an idiot. I never thought I was… the bomb. ಠωಠ
I’m going crazy; talking to my reflection on the mirror. Better snap out of this.
As I pranced around the house, some of my sisters looked like they had just seen a ghost or something. They were all hyped-up like “What’s with your look? You look so blooming today!”, “Joongie, don’t tell me you already have a boyfriend?” and “Our Jaejoongie finally walks out of the closeeeet!” and I was like, “Lol whut, I never entered the closet noona. Sheesh.” (; ̄Д ̄)
The crazy family I had.
Oh believe me, my parents are the worst. They dressed me up in a lacy skirt when I was six years old. They even forced me to join kiddie beauty pageants. Gaaaah. Embarassing, I tell you. I remember Yunho laughing and teasing me about it when he saw my project scrapbook I passed on my teacher during sophomore days.
Speaking of the bastard, he’s the first one I saw in the school this morning.
“Seems like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Literally.”
That annoying smirk should be banned like, forever.
Ignore the existence. Just IGNORE HIS ING EXISTENCE.
I kept on doing the catwalk on the school’s hallway, not even paying attention to all the students hoarding around. Even Yunho.
WOOH, good vibes c’mere baby~~~ “ヽ(´▽`)ノ”
“Look at you; you just did a full make-over. Is this because of your secret admirer calling you beautiful? That’s so pathetic.”
Tch. So much for having good vibes. (¬д¬。)
I stopped from my tracks and faced Jung the dickhead (yes, he got promoted from being a er because he’s now ten times annoying than yesterday) Yunho. “ off Jung, stay out of my love life. I’ve decided that from now on, I’m going to live for love.” I pushed him away. “Now shoo, I still have a quest to find the love of my life.”
I entered the room and sat to my respective seat, the seat near the window. All of my classmates are gawking at me, seeing that I changed my whole appearance. I didn’t pay attention to their whisperings and such. It would just hurt me anyways.
Sighing, I looked outside the window and watched the autumn leaves falling down. Aish, why can’t he just come to me and introduce himself to me? It’s not like I’m going to bite. I’m getting crazy here thinking about whom the heck is he—
I looked to my right, only to see the Choi Siwon sitting next to me.
Yes, THE Choi Siwon.
The God in the legs. HNGGGGG~~ o(≧ω≦)o
“Hi, what’s up?” Choi Siwon smiled ever so brightly.
OMFG He’s talking to me? HE’S SMILING EVER SO BRIGHTLY TO ME?! He never paid any attention to me before (because yeah he’s so damn popular in this school, he’s the hottest guy in the campus
(*/ω\*) siiiigh). But why so sudden?
“What’s going on? You changed your image.”
Why is he trying to talk to me now? Why is he being oh-so-friendly to me?
Is it possible that… he’s the one who wrote me the letter?
“Uh… Jaejoong-sshi,” Siwon waved his hand in front of my face. “Are you alright?”
Snapping out of my reverie, I answered him with a stutter. “A-Ah yes, uh… what?”
“I’m just asking what’s this all about, changing your image so suddenly?”
I’m still gawking over the hotness of Choi Siwon. Well, who wouldn’t be? He looks really y in our school uniform. I feel like ripping it like, right now. I don’t care if there are students around, as long as I get what I want. Nnnnhhh. Never thought I’m a fan of voyeurism, heh.
Cough. Shut up hormones. “I just uh… feel like it. That’s all.”
The bell had rung, interrupting our small talk. He bid goodbye to me and sat to his permanent seat, which was too far away from mine. Hmm, should I switch seats with the nerdy guy next to him?
All I did was to stare on Siwon the whole period of studying.
Yes, I’m still studying. Over the Choi Siwon’s hotness. How he pays attention to the teacher’s lecture, how his y gaze fixed on the visual aids posted on the front board, how he ily gnawing his pen between his kissable lips—
OMG He looked back at me and gave me that blinding smile asdfghjkfghjk!!! o(≧∇≦)o
I didn’t realize that classes are finally over until the bell rang. When I finished on stashing my books (heck did I even read those?) on my bag, panic rises over me as I saw him exiting the room.
“Siwon-sshi, wait!”
Good thing he heard my voice. He stopped on his tracks and faced me fully. “Yes, what is it?”
The inner shyness in me suddenly came out. My fingers are playing with the stationary as I shook my head.
“Can I ask… did you write this letter for me?” I said, blushing.
“No, he didn’t.”
WHAT THE…!ヽ(#`Д´)ノ
Jung dickhead’s voice suddenly entered my eardrums. He’s such a creeper!
Siwon reached for his nape and smiled sheepishly. “I agree with him. I don’t remember writing a letter, sorry Jaejoong-sshi. I’ll be going now; my friends are waiting for me outside. See you around.”
From the school’s rooftop, I watched Siwon and his bunch of friends leaving the school premises. I blew the last puff of my cigarette and crushed it with my foot.
“Yesterday… that’s the day the letter was put into your locker. He wasn’t in school yesterday, he’s absent.” Yunho said as a matter-of-fact.
“How did you know? You’re not even our classmate.” I lifted myself and sat on the railings.
Yunho sat on the railings too, next to me. “I have connections, you know. I’m not called as Yunho for nothing.”
“Oh right, you know almost everything. Judging to your name. Pssh.”
“I could find him for you.” Yunho smirked.
I suddenly stood up from the railings and stared at him, eyes widened. “Eh? W-why?”
“He fell in love with a beautiful man. I want to see how he looks like. I’ll show him your pictures when you’re still six years old.” He snickered. “But I think that you wouldn’t be able to find him. See, you’re failing already. You’re too dumb.”
“You want me to push you up there?” I bit my lower lip in anger.
“Do it; I’ll be pulling you too so that we’ll be falling together.” He laughed.
“ out of my business!” I roared like a tiger, brushing off his attempts at making me laugh. “Just wait, you’ll see! I’ll be able to find him by myself, and I’ll forever rub my victory to you once I succeed!”
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Chapter 2: Well I was wrong but it still ended fluffy!
Chapter 1: it’s Yunho isn’t it ❤️
ishipyunjae #3
Chapter 2: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ "who else are you gonna find that has weird taste like I do?" Sorry to burst your bubble yun, but Jae's admirer line is longer than rollercoaster queue on summer holiday ;)
Chapter 2: awwwww....sequel pleaaasssseeeee....
Chapter 2: damn this is so cute... Yunho is soo sweet ":D
TinaYunho7 #6
Chapter 2: nice, really nice ^^
Chapter 2: This might be the most adorable two-shot I read for this month ;3
jjbrownsugga #8
Chapter 2: That was cute.
tsubakisworld #9
Chapter 2: Omg this is so cute and funny I love it ^////^ though I wish IT Would be much longer T~T