
Unsent Letters

3rd August 2015

Dear Wonwoo hyung, I invited you to hang out today but of course to my dismay, you turned me down again, saying you had to attend something important. So I decided to go with Junghan and Jisoo hyung instead. And really, I didnt mind until I saw you at the mall with Seungcheol hyung. Like wow, what a pleasant surprise. I was so mad at you and was so close to losing my , and if it wasnt for the hyungs holding me back, who knows what I could've done. I dont want to be mad at you, hyung. But you could've just told me that you didnt want to hang out with me. And also, Junghan hyung told me he overheard your conversation with Seungcheol hyung. You were talking about us, saying that the reason we grew distant was because we had different interests and we no longer click like we used to. Which I strongly deny, i think you're just being a . But the main reason we turned out this way was because life wasnt fair. And maybe you're right, maybe life is unfair but maybe there's more to just that.

Kim Mingyu.


Wonwoo pretends to not notice and care about the missing 'yours truly' as he neatly folds the letter and slips it back into the envelope. He's abit surprised though. He had no idea Mingyu was even there at that time. He thought Junghan and Jisoo were on their date again, since they failed to mention the younger's presence. Now he feels guilty again. He's been caught lying twice.


11th September 2015

Dear Wonwoo hyung, I've been thinking alot these days. After lashing out on you in my previous letter, I felt kinda bad about it because I had once promised myself, that no matter how much you've change or how different things are between us, I'll always accept you. Because thats the most important thing of a friendship right? Accepting each other. And you know, all this while I thought the decisions I've made through out the years was the best for you us. But after Jisoo hyung forced me to meditate with him, and after alot of thought, maybe most of the choices I made werent the best for us. Maybe the choices I made were the best for me, especially when you had no say in any of them. I've been thinking you were the one being selfish, but today I realized, maybe it was me.


Remember you used to date Jang Doyoon back in high school? Our senior by two years? You wanted to keep your relationship a secret because you knew what kind of reputation he had. You knew really well that he was the school's biggest flirt, seeing how he flirts with everyone. But somehow you still managed to fall for him. You were aware about how much the rest of our group didnt like him, so you made me promise to not tell anyone. And I sticked to my word. I never told a single soul, even when Hansol questioned me about the rumors regarding you and Doyoon hyung's relationship, I denied. It wasnt just Hansol though, I lied to all of them.


But I knew it wasnt long until they would find out. I knew we couldnt keep lying to them. I knew we couldnt hide forever because eventually, they would know. So when Hansol asked me for the third time, I gave in. I told him because with the look on his face, I knew he already knew. No, I knew they all already knew. The minute I admitted it, the look on their faces killed me. They looked so betrayed because like what Minghao had said to me that time; they trusted me and I broke their trust. And for what? Just to cover up for you. But you were my best friend, I didnt mind. And the fact that I was the only one who knew, made me proud because that indirectly proved you trusted me the most.


They were so mad to the point they wouldnt even spare us a glance and we had no one else but each other. I even promised you, "we're in this together." However, because I couldnt stand the thought of them being mad at me, I made you choose between Doyoon hyung or our friends. And of course you would've chose the latter but until this day, I can never forget how hurt you looked when I made you break up with him. I will never forget how I left you sitting at the bench to weep all by yourself. You told me countless of times that its okay, that "past is past." But I tore you away from that one person you loved and until this day, the guilt still creeps into my skin. There's a voice in my head that has been and still taunting me, constantly reminding me, "How could you? How could you do that to your own best friend?"


And thats not even the worse part. The worse part is realizing things had always been about me. Our friendship consists of me talking about myself and you listening and adding in a few remarks. And today, realization sank in. There's still alot of things I dont know about you and the fact that I never bothered to find out is so disturbing. And the fact that I'll probably never find out makes me want to never participate in life anymore. You always did things and make choices based on my opinion while I selfishly decide everything on my own. To think I called myself your best friend was awful because reality check, nothing I've ever done were near to that.


Your long absence made me realize all the flaws in our friendship, and as much as it admitting this, they were mostly commited by me. You made me realize how selfish I have been. And maybe my selfishness was one of the reasons you distant yourself away from me but its okay, I understand.

Kim Mingyu.


"Hey, emo boy. Why dont you put those down for now and join us for some pizza before you die of starvation."


Wonwoo glances towards the door to see Seungcheol standing at the doorway with his arms crossed. "What's so interesting about those letters anyway? You've been caging yourself in here for a few days now."


Wonwoo rolls his eyes, "No, I havent been caging myself in here just to read all this. I had to complete all of the assignments that was supposed to be due last week. And stop calling me emo boy."


The older chuckles before he raises his eyebrows and says teasingly, "Well maybe if you werent so immersed in reading your love letters, maybe they would have been due on time." He shrugs as he continues, "And I'll stop calling you emo boy the day you stop being emo."


Wonwoo lightly punches the older's shoulder and groans, "Hyung, I only received the box this week!" To which the said hyung wiggles his eyebrows, "But still."


"I'm not having this conversation with you." The younger says as he walks past him and joins Soonyoung in the living room.


As he takes a bite of his pizza, Soonyoung suddenly waves his hand in the air and swallows his food before he says, "You know that box Seokmin passed you the other day?"


Wonwoo nods as Seuncheol plops on the couch beside him.


"Well okay, so apparently, the box wasnt supposed to be given to you. Seokmin was cleaning out the pantry and found it at the very top shelf, behind the boxes of cereal."


Wonwoo nods again and internally laughs, because Mingyu obviously isnt good at hiding things.


Taking another bite of his pizza, he continues, "Having no idea who it belonged to, he simply opened it and saw your name on every single envelope. Which lead him to our doorstep that day. But he must have gotten too excited and so made a mistake of not asking who it belonged to."


Wonwoo makes a disgusted face because he doesnt enjoy seeing pieces of food flying out of Soonyoung's mouth as he talks. But he makes no comment about it because he's not in the mood for his sass. Ever.


Soonyoung swallows the last bite and wipes his hand on his shirt before he continues. "So to everyone's relief, mainly Junhui's, Mingyu is healthy enough to function on his own now. Seokmin notes the amount of times he saw Mingyu walking into the pantry and leaving empty handed. That raises suspicion because Mingyu does not leave the pantry without food, ever. And after pacing back and forth nervously, he asked if anyone had seen the box."


Seungcheol chokes on his juice and after he's done dying, he asks, "The love letters are from Mingyu?!"


Wonwoo snorts, "They arent love letters, by the way."


Soonyoung narrows his eyes, "No, they're not from Mingyu but yes, it belongs to him. Mingyu claimed that the box was never meant to be given to Wonwoo. So when Junghan hyung revealed that Seokmin had gave it to you, he went bonkers and they had to drag him to Jisoo hyung to calm him down."


"Then that explains the gloomy aura he had all day yesterday." Seungcheol joins in before he adds, "Mingyu is normally one of the enthusiastic players during basketball practice but yesterday he looked rather distracted and down. And when I asked him whats wrong, he simply shook his head. The box probably meant alot to him because bro, the poor kid looks completely crushed."


"But the thing is, he's been crushed for the past few months. He just never really showed it." Soonyoung says with a sigh and Seungcheol glances at him.


Wonwoo knows he's being a but its not like he wanted to be one. They wouldnt understand.


He feels a hand on his shoulder and turns around to see Jihoon standing there with a stern look on his face. What in the world? Why does he always appear out of nowhere?!


"We dont know why you're avoiding him but if our predictions are right, we dont want you to deny it. Mingyu really needs you, man. He may act like everything's fine for the past eleven months but he's slowly reaching his limit. One day he's going to completely give up and maybe thats what you want now, but you do know what happens when he does right? He'll never speak to you, or even look at you ever again. Your existence will be dead to him. And I dont think thats something you want forever. Someday you'll miss him, and he wont miss you back."


The three of them give him a smile as Soonyoung reminds him, "Dont let go of someone who's been there since day one. He may not be perfect, but he's trying to be the best for you. You're going to regret if you let him go."


Seungcheol adds, "Because you'll never find someone like Mingyu again. You'll never find someone who cares about you as much as he did. You'll never find someone who puts you their first priority like he did. You'll never find someone who keeps running back to you despite being continuously thrown aside like he did. You'll never find someone who will love you for you like he did."


And Wonwoo's heart breaks for the first time in months because Seungcheol is right. Soonyoung is right. Jihoon is right.


He's still denying it, but deep down he knows their prediction is also right;


Wonwoo has fallen. Eleven months ago, he fell into the pit of his own best friend.


i hope this chapter doesnt though.... but anyway, i hope you guys enjoy this chapter hehehe comments are appreciated! :)

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Chapter 13: This is sooo good!! Thank u <3
Chapter 13: This so cute. I loved this. All the chapters were very good. Thank you Author-nim. :))
Snowflakecookies #3
Chapter 13: Awwww i loved this !!!!
Chapter 13: i don't usually read letter-fics but oh go d this one has a good plot to it and it got actual interactions, dialogues, satisfying relationship growth and character/s developments. i enjoyed reading this fic, thank you for writing this!
cassiejoyz #5
Chapter 13: I cant stop smiling (though i got teary eyed at some point too but let's ignore that part) gosh this is so sweet. Thank you
ananano #6
Chapter 13: I actually managed to read this 13 chapters story within 2 hours. This is so awesome! I love it so much!
Chapter 13: Oh My God (you're not supposed to say that) this is like the cutest story of meanie ever. I fall in love with this story. Thanks for writing this story authornim <3
dannaching11 #8
Chapter 13: Im so inlove with this... A sequesl maybe authornim? hehe lovelots <3
eunlyhae_elf07 #9
eunlyhae_elf07 #10