My Music for You


Chapter 22


It was Saturday again; Minhee woke up around 5.30 am, an hour earlier than her usual Saturday morning. She took a warm bath and readied herself for the piano lessons. She thought it would be nice if she wore a dab of make up, and curl her dark long her hair that cascades through her back, just to play around.  She wore a simple blue dress up to her knees, and she wore some ballet flats to finish off the look.


She went down from the stairs to find her dad, Youngbae reading the morning paper by the dining table with breakfast.

“Wow! My little girl is so pretty!” her dad complemented. Minhee smiled at him dearly and gave her father a morning kiss on the cheek and helped herself with the breakfast.

“Honey, I’ll be going to Japan before lunch time, I’ll come after mom, will you be OK alone?”

“Of course dad. Don’t worry. I’ll be fine.” They continued breakfast.


Minhee reached the music school, it was empty, and she headed to her usual music room, and laid out her score sheets on the rostrum. All of which are classical pieces. She began playing and soon was immersed in the pieces.


Soon, Yoochun came knocking on the door, Minhee’s back facing the door, busy playing a piece. Yoochun came in and said, “Excuse me Miss, but this room is already occupied. Sorry for the inconvenience, but If you need to practice; you can use the next room. I have a class at this hour.” Minhee smiled, and turned her head, “Come on in Oppa!”


Yoochun’s jaws dropped. It was like everything was in slow motion. He was amazed by the sight in front of him; he totally thought that there was another person using their piano room.  He stood like a statue by the door, with his jaws still wide open. Minhee stood up and lead him to their seats.


“Are you ok Oppa? Are you sick? How did your arm go?” Yoochun just stared right at her, he just watched her open and talk to him, he still didn’t respond to any of her questions, “Oppa? Are you ok?” His heart seems like it’s going to burst. He was completely mesmerized by the creature in front of him.


On the other hand, Minhee was getting impatient, again, so he shook Yoochun’s arms. He was startled. “Will you excuse me for a second?” Yoochun stood up and rushed to the door. It left Minhee confused.


Minhee continued to play more, ignoring her instructor. Yoochun came back, holding a piece of paper. He sat silently on the bench beside her and handed her the paper.  


“What’s this oppa?” She took the paper and read the writing, it’s a flyer. It’s about the year end recital, it says only couples would join, all participants should make a duet of their piece of choice.


“What? Seriously? Really? I was planning of asking you to suggest a piece for me to perform?!” She was in shock, and obviously ranting out. “What are they trying to do? I won’t be able to perform on my last recital, before I go to Julliard!” She felt devastated. She took a deep sigh and said “I’m sorry Oppa, but, can we cancel today’s lessons? I’m just too disappointed to practice.” She said.


“I knew it, you’d be upset about the news.” He said silently, he glanced to her, her face showed disappointment. “Hey, don’t fret.” He began, “Look at the bright side.” He encouraged.

“There’s no bright side in this news! All I could see is that, my last Year End Recital before I go to Julliard, will never happen, ‘coz they have this stupid idea for duets.” Minhee said with a dark cast on her face facing the piano with her arms across her chest. Yoochun smiled at her dearly, he understood why she’s really upset, because she really has a reason to be upset. He reached for her chin with his forefinger and directed her face to face him, he was smiling at her sweetly.

“Hey, don’t worry, you’ll perform.” He uttered.

“How?” she exasperated desperately.

“You have me.” 






Hey!!! an update!!!


i hope you all like it!!! please dont hesitate to leave a comment!!

ROOFTOP PRINCE IS DAEBAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


sooo yeah. 

please read, comment and subscribe!!!!

be happy and healthy!!! 

and til my next update!!!


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Chapter 34: Aaah, beautiful! Loved the story!
claribelmiranda #2
Chapter 34: awwww.....sweeeeet. hehe, done reading this one, hehe,loveeee it ;)
kimbap876 #3
Chapter 32: I was wondering for the longest time when you were gonna update this. Even though it took you almost a year to update/end this fanfic, I am still thankful the ending was really sweet!!! Maraming salamat-and hopefully, you can write another one.
Chapter 34: waaaaaaaaaaah so sweet ending~~~~
Chapter 34: finally, a good ending
Chapter 34: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh this was awesome :D
nar12345 #7
Chapter 33: Till you meet again - the end!
Chapter 31: Next chapter? I love the story ^-^
Chapter 31: updated, thanks^^