My Music for You


Chapter 20


‘I have to get home, Junsu and Jae must be waiting for me, I totally forgot about my share of this month’s dorm rent.’ Yoochun told himself as he walked to the door to get out of the music room. He turned the latch and walked through,


“Ooomph—“ Yoochun grunted.

“Ow.” The other person said.

“Watch where you’re going.” Cried the girl.

“I’m so sorry.” Yoochun said politely.

“Oppa?” the girl said. Yoochun recognized the voice; he hurriedly reached for the light switch to confirm who the person is.

“Minhee?” Yoochun said with wide eyes. “What are you doing here?” Yoochun continued, looking straight at her.

“Uhh… well, I- uh…” Minhee fidgeted.

“It’s already late, Minhee, it’s passed 9.30. Your parents might look for you.” He again continued.

“Well, I uh…” Minhee took a deep breath. “I wanted to play the Guardian Angel.”

“What? You wanted to play the Guardian Angel? All the way here?” Yoochun exasperated. Minhee only nodded, her eyes, puffy and seemed lost. Yoochun took a deep breath and examined her. She wore her pajamas out with a pair of boots, and leather jacket, it seems she was in a hurry to get here.

“I suppose you were about to sleep, young lady.” He uttered.


“Come on, get inside your music room. I’ll fetch you something from the vendo machine outside. Stay here.” Yoochun ordered the young lady.


Soon, he heard music playing. It’s Guardian Angel. [ a/n: Guardian Angel: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vsn4lwXJsug] Yoochun listened from the outside of the music room, he watched her as her body swayed with the music, through the glass window of the room. Sometimes, during the course of the piece, she stops and misses a few notes just to wipe her eyes. But soon enough, she finishes the piece still beautifully.


Yoochun went inside the piano room, and sat on a chair beside her. And handed an open can of Apple Demisoda to her and his handkerchief. She didn’t say anything, just accepted and wiped her eyes.


“So, Minhee, Why are you here?”  he asked again. She looked timid.

“I-Uh… just wanted to play it here.”

“Why not at home?” He pursued.

“Coz, Mom doesn’t want me to play new stuffs.”

“Speaking of your mom, she should be worried, it’s late, your dad, too.”

“They don’t know I’m here, I sneaked out. Plus, Dad had another of his emergency meetings, and mom decided to come with him.” Minhee explained.

“So what’s the point of going here just to play it?” He injected.



[RIiiinnng] Yoochun’s phone rang. He talked for a while and hung up.


“So tell me again why you came here?” Yoochun pursued Minhee.

“Well, Mom doesn’t really want me to play modern music. And the last time I played Guardian Angel at home, she got mad. And I really, really, really wanted to play it now.” She explained. Yoochun thoroughly understood her feelings. With a traditional mother like that, he himself would never dare to oppose what she wanted; he’d do the same thing that Minhee is doing.


They just sat there, and be with each other’s company. Minhee continued to play the Guardian Angel. Every time Minhee would play it, tears always flooded her eyes. Yoochun could only sit there beside her and listen to her play her heart out. Now, he’s realizing, she could express her feelings now. Not all the technical Minhee that he met a few months ago.



After a few rounds of playing Guardian Angel, sitting beside each other, they sat on the floor with their backs against the wall, Minhee told Yoochun, “Thank You Oppa.”

“Hmmm?” Yoochun asked confused.

“For being here, for listening, just being here accompanying me. You could have left me here.” She explained.

“Yeah. I could have.” He said nodding in agreement.

“but why?” she asked with a soft voice, her head started to bob, she’s getting sleepy.

“coz, you’re here…” he said.

“And I just want to stay here and make sure you’re ok. and safe.” he continued.

“thank… You... Oppa…” And soon her head dropped on his shoulder. Yoochun was startled, he didn’t know what to do, he looked at his wrist watch, and it’s already 11.00 pm, his eyes are getting heavy as well, so, he fetched his jacket and put it over Minhee to cover her.

He whispered to her, “Good night, Sweetie.” And soon sleep has conquered him as well. 





hey! hey! hey!

another update yay!!!!!

sooo yeah. here it is!!! 

hope you all like it!!!

it's just short and brief... 

comments please!!!

sooo yeah. gotta go. it's my first day in my new work tomorrow! wish me luck!!!

sooo yeah. good night!

please read, comment and subscribe!!!

til my next update!

be happy and healthy!



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Chapter 34: Aaah, beautiful! Loved the story!
claribelmiranda #2
Chapter 34: awwww.....sweeeeet. hehe, done reading this one, hehe,loveeee it ;)
kimbap876 #3
Chapter 32: I was wondering for the longest time when you were gonna update this. Even though it took you almost a year to update/end this fanfic, I am still thankful the ending was really sweet!!! Maraming salamat-and hopefully, you can write another one.
Chapter 34: waaaaaaaaaaah so sweet ending~~~~
Chapter 34: finally, a good ending
Chapter 34: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh this was awesome :D
nar12345 #7
Chapter 33: Till you meet again - the end!
Chapter 31: Next chapter? I love the story ^-^
Chapter 31: updated, thanks^^