The Paper

Mirror, Mirror on the wall... Take me to his world...

Four more piece....


and you'll be done with your puzzle~!


Why wer you solving a puzzle anyway? Be-cause Joonmyeon had to 'let' you finish it. The worst part? It has 1000 pieces.(Don't blame me, I have 1000 pieces puzzle too. Karma's a bish. B-O-O-G-E-R)


One more piece and...




A smile was spread across your face, ready to tall the others about your achievement when something was heard from the attic.


Due to curiosity, you went out of your room and tried o see what was happening when Kyungsoo called you, informing you that he baked some cupcakes(Why are you so lucky?).


You thought about going to the attic later after you ate so you went inside the kitchen where Kyungsoo and Jongin were.


"Uhmmm, where is Baekhyun oppa?" you asked both of them when you realized that the whole house has gone peaceful.


"He went to the attic. Some important things he left up there" Kyungsoo answered and before you could open your mouth, Baekhyun came inside with a confused facial expression.


"What happened, Baek?" Kyungsoo asked.

"A big box fell over and I noticed this piece of paper" Baek said, handing Kyungsoo tye paper he found earlier.


So that's why it sounded like something happened earlier... You thought while munching on another cupcake.


"At the other side of the mirror lies your fate,

Love and hatred will meet through the gate.

Beware of the people you will meet,

Maybe some wont greet.

A lote of trouble might ruin your day,

yet you might find love along the way.

Mark this as a treasured piece,

'Mirror, mirror one the wall...

Take me to his world...' WTF?" Kyungsoo read aloud, making Jongin go get a piece of tissue because his nose was bleeding because of the riddle(?).


"This is messed up!" Baekhyun commented. You, being so in love with mystery solving things, took the paper and went directly inside your room.



Author note:

Late update!!! Busy of school!!! Nuuuuuu

Anyway, sorry for tha grammars and the lame riddle...ish


X.O.X.O WILLOWveYouEXOplanet *hart**hart**hart*

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Late update... yay *sarcasm*


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