Stars Might Fall

You're My Star

 Park Chanyeol was just an average young man who worked hard and still lived with his parents. He was head over hills in love with the village's most beautiful woman, Sandara, who unfortunately never paid any interest in him. Chanyeol worked in the village shop, for the nice old lady who owned it. One day, something happened that led to the most important day of Chanyeol's life. It happened on a day that seemed like any other, Chanyeol was working, as he always was, when Sandara walked into the shop. Chanyeol saw this as a chance and he quickly ran his hands though his dark hair to attempt to make it neater before walking over to the beautiful girl he had wanted for so long.

"Hello Sandara, is there anything I can help you with?" He asked nervously. The girl looked up at him, narrowing her eyes at the tall male before turning her back on him, completely ignoring his question and his presence. Chanyeol sighed, walking away in defeat. He had tried many times to have some kind of actual conversation with Sandara, but the girl just didn't seem to like him. He thought maybe it was because of how tall and lanky he was, or his elf-like ears that the other kids used to laugh at when he was in school. Whatever it was, Chanyeol still wanted to find a way to make her like him.

Later that same day Chanyeol approached Sandara's house with a bunch of roses in his hands. He took a deep breath before knocking on the door, his hands shaking nervously. Get yourself together Chanyeol, he told himself. The door opened a few moments after and Chanyeol had to take a minute to get his breath back when he saw Sandara standing in front of him.
"Oh...its you." She said, sounding disappointed.
"Uh, here." Chanyeol handed the roses to her and she gingerly took them from him, a frown on her face.
"What do you want Chanseol?" She snapped.
"It-it's Chanyeol. I just, I was wondering if...if you-"
"Look, I get it. I'm the most beautiful girl in town and you want to marry me but, Chanyeol, I'm so far out of your league." She said and Chanyeol felt his heart sink for the second time that day. Just then, Sandara got distracted by something behind Chanyeol and so the latter turned around to see a beautiful shooting star. His mouth opened in awe as he watched it slowly fall to the earth. He then remembered Sandara and turned back to her with a sad look on his face.
"You won't even give me a chance?" He asked, eyes full of hope. Sandara thought for a moment, looking at the shooting star once again.
"I tell you what, you see the shooting star over there. If you can go and get it and bring it back for me, I will marry you." Sandara said and Chanyeol felt a flicker of hope.
"Okay, I'll get the star for you." He said and Sandara laughed, not believing his words. But Chanyeol was determined that he would bring that star back to his true love and they would get married.

 *   *   *

Chanyeol approached the wall slowly and cautiously, knowing that the man guarding the wall would be close by. He'd spent all day preparing for his journey to find the star, which unfortunately involved crossing the wall. The wall had been there for as long as anyone had known, no one knew what lay beyond it but they knew they weren't allowed to cross and find out. However, true love conquers all and Chanyeol was determined to cross it so he could bring the star back and marry Sandara. Lucky for him when he spotted the guard, the old man was already scolding someone else about crossing the wall. So Chanyeol took the opportunity to quickly dash over the wall and run across the field beyond, which somehow went smoothly and without the guard noticing him. The tall boy then ran as fast as he could ready to begin his search for the star.

The journey was mostly boring, fields and trees, nothing interesting at all. Until he was approached by a man who seemed to appear out of nowhere.
"Hello!" The man said cheerily. He was shorter than Chanyeol, like most people, and he had round cheeks like a hamster.
"Uh hello, can I help you?" Chanyeol asked.
"Actually, I wanted to help you." The man said. "I'm Minseok, you looked tired so I thought I would give you something to make you feel better." The man, Minseok said before handing him a silver chain. Chanyeol looked at him confused and slightly scared before the man laughed. "Trust me, you might find it useful at some point. You know, if you need to take someone somewhere that they might not want to go or something." Minseok said, as if he knew something that Chanyeol didn't. Which he did, but Chanyeol didn't know that.
"Uh....thanks?" Chanyeol said, looking at the chain in his hands. When he looked up the man was gone and Chanyeol was confused. However, he put the chain into his bag and began walking again. He had a star to find.

Chanyeol's legs hurt and he had never been so tired in his life. He was glad he'd brought food because if not he probably wouldn't have made it all the way to where the star fell. He looked around, there was a massive hole in the ground so he knew he must have been in the right place. But where was the star? He looked around, confused for a moment until he realised someone else must have beaten him too it. He sighed before turning around to walk away, only to bump into someone and fall to the ground, the other person falling on top of him. Chanyeol was startled and he stared wide-eyed at the man on top of him. The latter looked up and narrowed his eyes at Chanyeol before pushing himself up.
"Don't you look where you're going?" The stranger asked annoyed. Chanyeol finally clambered to his feet and realised that he was much taller than the other man.
"Sorry." He mumbled, brushing himself down. The short stranger had blonde hair and a cute face that seemed to remind Chanyeol of a puppy and then he realised he was staring and the stranger was glaring at him still.
"What are you staring at?" The stranger asked.
"N-nothing!" Chanyeol answered much too quickly. "I don't suppose you've seen the star that fell here, have you?" He asked the stranger. However the shorter male looked at Chanyeol like he was an idiot.
"Oh yeah, it's name is Baekhyun and it landed right over there." He pointed to a spot a few feet away from them. "And it woke up with a massive headache, only to be knocked over by some giant idiot right here." The stranger pointed to the spot they were standing in as he continued to glare at Chanyeol. The taller's eyes widened as the strangers words sunk in.
"You're the star?" Chanyeol asked, pointing at the stranger in front of him.
"Obviously. Even a complete idiot would have figured that out by now." Baekhyun said annoyed, brushing his clothes down.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I had no idea that you would be...a person." Chanyeol admitted sheepishly.
"Well I am, so if you don't mind I need to find a way back home." Baekhyun told him.
"Okay, then I'm really sorry about this." Chanyeol says before quickly wrapping the chain around Baekhyun's small wrist and watching in awe as the chain grew and linked itself around the mans wrist and then he wrapped the other end around his own wrist so that the two of them were joined together. The shorter stared at it in disbelief.
"What the hell?" He asked angry and confused.
"I'm sorry, it's just that my one true love told me that she would marry me if I brought her back the star, as in, you. So I need to take you to her. After that you can go home, I'll even help you get there. I just need you to do this first." Chanyeol explained, hoping that maybe Baekhyun would understand and help him. 
"Are you kidding me? Do I have a choice?" Baekhyun asks, holding up his hand that was chained to Chanyeol's. 
"Sorry, again. I'm Chanyeol, by the way." Chanyeol said but Baekhyun seemed to be ignoring him so he just began walking with the shorter having no choice but to follow.

Chanyeol still didn't know what on earth compelled him to chain himself to the star, Baekhyun, and he felt bad about it. He also only realised after he had chained them together that he didn't know how to unchain them so it was going to be pretty difficult to get it off again. But he didn't tell Baekhyun this because the star had a bit of a temper and Chanyeol was not ready to have his head bitten off. Chanyeol seemed to walk quicker than Baekhyun which meant that the taller kept accidentally pulling Baekhyun along with the chain, hurting Baekhyun. The shorter male was getting annoyed as his legs couldn't keep up with Chanyeol's pace.
"Okay, fine. I'll come with you and help you win over that girl you like and then in return you can help me get back home. Just, please take the chain off." Baekhyun said suddenly, making them both stop walking. Chanyeol thought about lying to Baekhyun and saying that he didn't want to take it off, but he didn't want to lie to the star.
"Um...I would but...I don't know how." He admitted and Baekhyun's eyes widened.
"What?!" He shouted angrily, grabbing the collar of Chanyeol's shirt. "Why would you chain us together if you can't unchain us afterwards?!" Baekhyun yelled. Chanyeol, may have been much taller than the star, but at that moment he'd never felt so small.
"I-I didn't think about it at the time, I just needed to get you to come with me! The guy who gave it to me didn't tell me how to use it!" Chanyeol explained and Baekhyun huffed, letting go of Chanyeol's shirt.
"Well that's great, now I'm going to be chained to you for the rest of my life! That's just perfect!" Baekhyun shouted, throwing his arms in the air in annoyance. 
"I'm sorry." Chanyeol mumbled, looking at the ground and feeling guilty. Baekhyun looked at him and felt bad for yelling, there was something about Chanyeol that made him want to keep the other happy but he didn't know why.
"Fine. Let's just get going. We'll figure something out later." He said and Chanyeol nodded.

Baekhyun was lying on the ground next to Chanyeol who was sound asleep, but Baekhyun himself was awake. It was night and Baekhyun was used to being awake at night. He huffed as he tried to turn over before flopping right back over due to the chain connecting them.
"Stupid idiot." He muttered to himself as he tried to get comfortable. Just when he thought he might be able to get to sleep, definitely not snuggled up against Chanyeol's back, he heard rustling from behind him. Baekhyun thought about waking Chanyeol up, but then he decided that he didn't need the tall human to help him. He sat up and looked around, trying to find the source of the noise. At first there was nothing and Baekhyun nearly went back to sleep, but then he heard the rustling again and suddenly there was a unicorn standing near him. Baekhyun stared in awe as the creature approached him, wishing he could reach a hand out and the soft white hair of the horse.
"Do you need help?" Baekhyun heard a male voice in his head ask. He blinked a few times before realising that it was the unicorn asking him.
"Yes please. Can you do anything about this chain?" Baekhyun asked, raising his hand that was chained to Chanyeol.
"Of course I can, I'm a unicorn." The unicorn said before leaning down and cutting the chain with his horn. Baekhyun smiled as he stood up and stretched. 
"Cloud you take me somewhere else, unicorn?" Baekhyun asked the unicorn.
"Of course. Please call me Yixing." The unicorn said, letting Baekhyun climb onto his back.
"Thank you Yixing, I'm Baekhyun. I'm a star, I fell to earth but I just want to go home." Baekhyun explained.
"What about the human?" Yixing asked but Baekhyun shook his head.
"Leave him here. He practically kidnapped me." Baekhyun said and with that the two left the sleeping Chanyeol alone in the woods.

 *   *   *

Chanyeol awoke feeling stiff, having slept in an uncomfortable position on the ground. He stretched his arms before his eyes widened and he looked around himself to see that he was alone. He cursed in his head as he got up and began to panic. Baekhyun was his only hope to win Sandara's heart and now he'd lost him. Just when he was about to go searching for the star he heard a voice.
"Chanyeol~" the voice said and Chanyeol looked around before the voice spoke again. "Chanyeol, you must find Baekhyun." At this point Chanyeol realised that the voice was coming from above him. He stared at the night sky confused until the voice continued. "My brother, Baekhyun, is in trouble and you must find him and save him before the witch eats his heart." The voice said and Chanyeol's eyes widened when he realised that another star was talking to him, from the sky.
"Are you kidding me?" He asked.
"No, you moron. Now go find him before I kick your stupid for letting him die!" The voice shouted and Chanyeol flinched.
"Kyungsoo, stop scaring him." Another voice added.
"Sorry Luhan, but he's wasting time. Baekhyun might die before he even gets his moving." The first voice, Kyungsoo, said.
"Ignore Kyungsoo tall human man, go and find Baekhyun. He needs your help." Luhan said and Chanyeol finally got a grip before beginning to leave his spot in the woods. Then he froze and looked back up at the sky.
"How am I supposed to find him?" He asked.
"Head north, he's at an old Inn." Luhan said and Chanyeol quickly began his journey to find the missing star. 

It didn't take long for Chanyeol to find the Inn, though he wasn't sure if it was the right one. But if Baekhyun was in danger then he was going to find him and save him, not just because of Sandara. Chanyeol knocked on the door of the Inn and waited until a woman answered the door.
"Can I help you?" She asked, looking him up and down.
"I'm looking for someone. He's got blonde hair, about 173cm tall, a bit feisty." Chanyeol said and the woman narrowed her eyes at him.
"There's no one like that here." She told him. But before she could shut the door on him, Chanyeol spotted Baekhyun in the hallway behind her.
"Baekhyun!" He called out, pushing past the woman and running over to said male who looked quite shocked to see him.
"What the hell are you doing here?" Baekhyun asked annoyed. He thought he'd escaped the tall man. Chanyeol was glad he'd found Baekhyun before anything bad had happened to the shorter man.
"The stars, Kyungsoo and Luhan, they told me you were in trouble." Chanyeol explained.
"Trouble? What-wait, Luhan and Kyungsoo talked to you?" Baekhyun asked confused. Chanyeol was about to explain when he was knocked forwards, in Baekhyun, from a force behind him. The two of them fell to the ground in a heap, Baekhyun trapped underneath a dazed and confused Chanyeol.
"Damn humans always getting into other people's business." Baekhyun saw the woman who had helped him before standing a few metres away from them with a sharp knife. He quickly shook Chanyeol, making the taller come to his senses. Chanyeol scrambled to his feet, pulling Baekhyun up too, before standing in front of the shorter to protect him from the crazy woman with a knife.
"Stay away." Chanyeol said, but the woman only laughed.
"You're such a stupid human. I'm a witch, you can't fight me." She told him and Chanyeol's eyes widened at they both became surrounded by fire.
"Taeyeon? I thought you were trying to help me!" Baekhyun shouted from behind him. The witch, Taeyeon, laughed again. 
"I don't want to help you dear Baekhyun. I want to eat your heart." She said, raising the knife. Baekhyun tried to think of a way to escape when he remembered what Yixing gave him before he left. He pulled the candle out of his pocket and grabbed onto Chanyeol from behind.
"Close your eyes and think of home." Baekhyun told Chanyeol who seemed confused but still complied. Then everything went dark for a moment.

 *   *   *

When Chanyeol opened his eyes it was raining, which meant that they were no longer at the Inn. He felt Baekhyun's arms wrapped tightly around his middle from behind, in a back hug. For some reason it made his insides feel fuzzy and a smile stretched across his face.
"Baekhyun." He said and the shorter make finally opened his eyes and quickly moved his arms off of Chanyeol's torso.
"Where are we?" Baekhyun asked, looking around. They appeared to be on a ship, only the ship was in the sky and not on the sea. Chanyeol's eyes widened as he watched them pass a cloud and he turned to Baekhyun.
"What did you do?" He asked, panicked.
"Me? I didn't do anything. This is your fault!" Baekhyun yelled over the sound of rain.
"How is this my fault?" Chanyeol argued, pushing his wet hair out of his eyes.
"I told you to think of home!" Baekhyun shouted just as the rain began to pour harder and he shivered, pulling his jacket tighter around himself.
"I did think of home!" Chanyeol told him.
"Not your home! You were supposed to think of my home!" Baekhyun explained and Chanyeol threw his arms up in the air.
"How was I supposed to know that?" He asked. Baekhyun almost laughed at the soaking wet, pouting, tall man in front of him. But a loud voice stopped all thoughts of laughter.
"Who the hell are you?" A deep voice asked from behind Baekhyun. The two turned to see a tall blonde man holding a sword and a bunch of other men behind him. Baekhyun looked worried and Chanyeol looked scared.
"Kris, are they stowaways?" A short man asked but the taller man, Kris, ignored him and stepped towards Chanyeol and Baekhyun.
"How did you get on my ship?" Kris, asked angrily.
"Because Chanyeol's an idiot." Baekhyun said.
"Yah!" Chanyeol protested, looking at Baekhyun with a hurt expression.
"I'll ask you one more time before I throw you overboard, how did you get on my ship?" Kris asked again, lifting the blade up to Chanyeol's throat.
"Why would you throw us overboard? What kind of a person does that?" Baekhyun asked, with no thought to the fact that Kris had a sword against Chanyeol's throat.
"I'm a pirate." Kris deadpanned.
"Oh..." Baekhyun said in realisation. "We used a Babylon candle." Baekhyun explained.
"Why did you use it to come to my ship." Kris asked as Chanyeol didn't tear his eyes away from the sword at his throat.
"We didn't mean to. It was an accident, Chanyeol thought of the wrong place and so it put us somewhere in the middle. Your ship, obviously." Baekhyun told the pirate. Kris thought for a moment before finally lowering his weapon away from Chanyeol who let out a shaky breath.
"Okay, well, if it was an accident then I guess you can stay until we land next." Kris said before turning to his crew. "We're going to have a couple of guests for a while, meet Chanyeol and..." Kris looked at Baekhyun for an answer.
"Baekhyun." He told him.
"And Baekhyun." Kris finished and there were a few cheers before Kris led them inside. 
"This is Tao, my first mate." Kris said, pointing to a man slightly shorter than Chanyeol with scary eyes.
"I'm his first everything." Tao said happily.
"Tao!" Kris scolded him before leading the two newcomers to their room.

When Kris finally left them to get changed, after checking that they had no weapons on them, the two fell into silence. Chanyeol felt guilty because he thought it was his fault that Baekhyun might have lost his only chance to get home.
"Im sorry." Chanyeol said as Baekhyun dried his hair with a towel. The shorter froze before turning to Chanyeol.
"It's okay. It's not your fault." He said and Chanyeol took a step closer to him. Baekhyun just smiled awkwardly until Chanyeol took another step closer to him with a weird look on his face which made Baekhyun nervous.
"What?" He asked when Chanyeol took another step closer and continued staring at him.
"Y-you're...glowing." Chanyeol said lamely. Baekhyun almost face palmed, but instead he ended up giggling at the awestruck human.
"I'm a star Chanyeol. Stars glow." He told the taller who just continued staring at him.
"But you weren't doing it before." He said, reaching a hand out as if to touch Baekhyun's glowing face. Baekhyun panicked and took a step back. 
"It was all the near death experiences, I feel safer now that no one here is trying to cut my heart out." Baekhyun said. Though he knew it was a lie. He had a feeling that it was to do with Chanyeol, but he would never tell the man. Baekhyun didn't know much about love, but he knew that Chanyeol loved Sandara and that he had traveled all this way just to get her to agree to marry him. He thought that was stupid, you shouldn't need to do something so extravagant to prove your love for someone. Baekhyun was scared that he was staring to love Chanyeol, even though it had only been a couple of days, he'd seen many humans fall in love much faster. But he had also seen so many humans get hurt because of love, he knew that he needed to stop these feelings before the escalated too far.

Baekhyun spent the next few days trying his hardest to avoid Chanyeol, but the giant somehow kept ending up by his side. He kept making Baekhyun's feelings grow by making him laugh and telling him all about his life. Baekhyun had noticed that Chanyeol hadn't mentioned Sandara in quite some time and he was glad because it made his heart hurt less and it made him think that he might stand a chance of winning over Chanyeol. Baekhyun would pretend to be asleep in the late evening so that Chanyeol would carry him to his bed and tuck him in, as he loved the feeling of the taller's arms around him. Baekhyun could barely admit to himself that he had feelings for Chanyeol, but it was difficult to deny them when each day he spent with Chanyeol he would shine brighter and brighter. When Baekhyun was in the room alone he frowned at himself in the mirror.
"Is it better to have my heart eaten by Taeyeon or to have it broken by Chanyeol?" He asked himself.

When he was with Kris, watching Chanyeol practice how to fight with a sword. Kris leaned in and whispered into his ear.
"You're glowing Baekhyun. I know why." Kris said and Baekhyun thought it was a stupid thing to say since Kris now knew that Baekhyun was a star because he told him a few days ago.
"Im a star Kris, it's what I do." Baekhyun said, watching as Chanyeol barely missed a swing from Jongdae's sword.
"So you don't think it has anything to do with a tall idiot who you've been stuck with for the past few days?" Kris asked and Baekhyun became nervous.
"Of course not." He denied.
"You don't have to lie to me Baekhyun. Even if you weren't glowing the brightest when you were near him, it's still written all over your face." Kris said and Baekhyun was left speechless. "It's also written on his face. One of you needs to man up so that the two of you can finally be together instead of dancing round each other like you've been doing the past few days." Kris said and Baekhyun's eyes widened. Did Chanyeol really feel the same way about him?

 *   *   *

Chanyeol was sad to be leaving Kris, Tao, Jongdae and the rest of the crew on the ship. But he was happy because he could be alone with Baekhyun. Though he knew that they were supposed to continue the rest of their journey to Sandara, Chanyeol wasn't sure he wanted to. Sure, Sandara was pretty and rich but she had a terrible personality. Plus, she wasn't Baekhyun. Just as they were leaving, Kris pulled Chanyeol aside.
"Watch him when he glows." Kris said before sending the two on their way. Chanyeol was confused, but he tried to do as Kris said and watched Baekhyun when he glowed. But for a while it seemed as if he glowed a perfectly normal amount, until they heard footsteps coming from ahead of them and Chanyeol panicked wondering if it was the witch again. He pulled Baekhyun out of the way quickly, dragging him behind a tree and somehow pinning him against it. Their faces were close and Chanyeol stared from Baekhyun's deep brown eyes to his lips, realising just how beautiful the star was. Baekhyun, on the other hand was trying to control his breathing because of the close proximity, staring into Chanyeol's eyes. Chanyeol suddenly realised that Baekhyun was glowing, brightly, and if they weren't careful someone would notice them.
"Baekhyun," he whispered, catching the others attention. "You're glowing." He said and Baekhyun covered his face in his hands, embarrassed, causing Chanyeol to chuckle. Baekhyun felt it against his own chest and he only glowed brighter.
"Sorry. I can't help it." He whispered back to Chanyeol. It was at this moment that Chanyeol realised what Kris meant. Baekhyun shine brighter when he was near Chanyeol. The taller slowly and gently pulled Baekhyun's hands off of his face and the star looked up at him with bright eyes. Chanyeol found courage in the look in Baekhyun's eyes and he leaned down and brushed his lips against Baekhyun's.

Baekhyun stared wide eyed at Chanyeol, trying to take in the fact that he'd just kissed him. He liked him. He must have or he wouldn't have kissed him. Baekhyun finally got himself together and leaned up to kiss Chanyeol, shocking the taller even though he was the one that kissed Baekhyun first. But a moment later Chanyeol was kissing him back and Baekhyun was glowing brighter than was a short kiss, but they now both knew of each other's feelings.
"Baekhyun..." Chanyeol breathed. But before he could say anything else the trees around them caught on fire and they bother jumped, looking around only to find Taeyeon.
"Well well well, look what we have here." She said smirking. "Looks like love to me. What a shame I'll have to ruin it by killing you both." She said and Chanyeol took his protective stance in front of Baekhyun.
"I won't let you hurt him." Chanyeol said, pulling out his sword. Taeyeon laughed.
"You think you can fight me with that piece of metal?" She asked before waving he hand and sending Chanyeol flying into a tree. Baekhyun ran over to him, ignoring Taeyeon's laughter. Chanyeol sat up, glaring at the witch when Baekhyun intertwined their fingers together.
"I have an idea." The star said.
"What is it?" Chanyeol asked as he watched Taeyeon approach them with her knife.
"Hold me tight and close your eyes." Baekhyun said and Chanyeol thought about asking why, but he trusted Baekhyun so he wrapped his arms around the smaller man and closed his eyes. He felt Baekhyun's own arms wrap around him too then he could see a bright light behind his eylids, then a scream that sounded like Taeyeon. Then it was over and he felt Baekhyun's hands on his face.
"Chanyeol?" Baekhyun said and said man opened his eyes to see Baekhyun's beautiful face smiling down at him.
"What happened?" Chanyeol asked.
"She's gone." Baekhyun said, still smiling. Chanyeol smiled back before leaning up and kissing Baekhyun, tightening his hold on the star in his arms. When they pulled apart Chanyeol stared at Baekhyun, admiring him and the way he was glowing so brightly.
"What now?" Chanyeol asked.
"Well, I was going to go home after this was all over." Baekhyun told him and Chanyeol's face dropped.
"I don't want you to go back..." He whispered.
"Then I won't." Baekhyun said and Chanyeol kissed him again. 
"Good. You're staying here with me. Forever." Chanyeol said, planting kisses all over Baekhyun's face.
"What about Sandara?" Baekhyun asked sheepishly.
"I don't want her anymore. She's not you." Chanyeol said and Baekhyun grinned as Chanyeol kissed his nose.

*   *   *

A few months later and Baekhyun and Chanyeol were living on the magical side of the wall, after finding out from Minseok that Baekhyun would turn to dust if they crossed the wall. Though Chanyeol still doesn't know who Minseok actually is, he's grateful for the advice. They got a cottage near the woods, where they could live together peacefully. Occasionally dropping by the local market where they would see their new friends Sehun and Jongin, who were the ones who sold the cottage to them, and occasionally they would see Kris and Tao selling off their lightning.

Chanyeol was on his and Baekhyun's shared bed, watching the other sleep and tracing patterns on his skin.
"You know it's creepy when you stare, Yeol." Baekhyun mumbled, opening his eyes, Chanyeol chuckled, taking Baekhyun's hand in his own.
"You weren't complaining at my staring last night." Chanyeol said with a smirk and Baekhyun punched his arm.
"Shut up." He said before climbing on top of Chanyeol. The taller wrapped his arms around Baekhyun's waist and pressed a kiss onto his lovers neck.
"I want to marry you." Chanyeol said and Baekhyun's eyes widened.
"Really?" He asked. He'd seen so many humans get married and now he might have a chance to get married himself.
"Of course. I love you." Chanyeol said.
"Then marry me." Baekhyun told him.
"Okay, soon. I promise." Chanyeol said, kissing Baekhyun as a promise. Baekhyun cuddled up on Chanyeol's chest.
"I fell for you, Chanyeol. In every way possible." Baekhyun told him before closing his eyes and going back to sleep.





This didn't turn out as well as I hoped, but I hope you liked it anyway. I might come back to this one day and make it better one day, but this is it for now? Any mistakes are because I didn't really go through this. Don't forget to comment, upvote and subscribe.


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Rijat1 #1
Chapter 1: I didn't know i needed this
wonhyuk #2
Chapter 1: this is so cute omg! i want to watch the movie now
Chapter 1: Oneshot juseyo!!!
wolves_12 #4
Chapter 1: Oneshot . Oneshot . Oneshot :)) I'm too excited to read this ;))
Chapter 1: Oneshot please!! thanks :)
Chapter 1: I'd say a oneshot! Really excited for this!!