Chen's little visit

Sheepdog Trials

I freakin' hate Mondays. 

The words continually vibrated in Amber's skull as she stared blankly at the whiteboard with her hanging jaw, completely clueless with the mathematical words and equations written on it. The lecturer's dull voice sounded more robotic than ever that she had no trouble dozing off with her eyes open. She lazily looked around the study hall. Apparently she wasn't the only one having a hard time.

Beside her, Hyoyeon seemed to be the only concentrating, although her glassy eyes said otherwise. Jinri and Soojung, two of the youngest ones had their noses hunched almost in their phones. Even the genius, Kim Namjoon was out cold under the pile of papers and notes. 

At this rate Amber might be drifting off to the dreamland, with the tediously depressing voice as her music, if it weren't for the small patch at the professor's feet that caught her attention beforehand. It was deep brown and looked like it had been stepped in, which didn't make it looked less dangerous. She didn't have the guts to voice out her curiosity but it seemed like someone beat her to it. 

"Sir," Daehyun raised up his hand. He pointed a finger at the suspicious patch on the carpeted floor. "Someone just sh*t themselves on the floor."

Amber couldn't help bursting in stifled giggle at Daehyun's foul choice of word. Who knew that would be one of the ways to curse in front of your teacher? Trust Daehyun, the class clown to be so blunt. 

"Yeah, the sh*t has been there since we entered," even the polite Kikwang piped in. 

Oh, gosh. Amber had to restrain herself from guffawing as streams of the foul word were coming from everyone. 

"Calm down, everyone," the old professor raised his hands. "Let's just let the janitor sort out this sh*t." 

That's it. Amber was already cackling away. 


"Well, we somehow survived that." breathed out Hyoyeon as soon as they stepped out of the hall, stretching her rigid back. 

"You wish," snickered Amber. "I think Mr. Kim isn't too happy with me right now."

As they strolled down the stairs, heading for the cafeteria hall, Hyoyeon squinted her eyes at one of the lockers halls leading off the main hall.

"Hey, isn't that one of your dogs?" She jerked her chin at Amber's locker, where before it sat a perfectly light brown sheepdog, wagging its tails. 

Amber almost couldn't believe her eyes. Storming after it, she contemplated on whether she'd strangle the canine to death or pretend to not have anything to do with it. Both were quite tempting. 

"Chen!" she kneeled down before him. "What the hell are you doing here? How did you even get out?" 

Woof! barked Chen. Amber could translate it as: 'Through the door. Duh!'

Amber rolled her eyes, brushing her fingers behind his ears. "You think you so smart, huh? Wait," She narrowed her eyes accusingly. "You didn't happen to walk into my class, did you?" 

If dogs could smirk, Chen didn't show it.

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Chapter 2: Authornim please update soon! <3