Back To School Shopping

My New Neighbor

After we were done moving the boxes, Min invited me to stay for tea and cookies. If her cookies were anything like her mothers then there was no way I could turn them down.

"So, how many days are there until school starts?" Jongin asked me.

"Only 7." I replied with a frown. Jongin groaned and put his head in his hands.

Then Min said, "Jongin is just upset because has to go get school supplies and clothes."

"I could take you shopping if you want," I said to Jongin, " I mean I know where all the stores are and I'm not busy."

Jongin's head shot up and he said, "That would be awesome!"


I went home and told my mom that I was taking Jongin shopping. She smiled and said she was glad that I made a new friend. She also told me to drive carefully because thats what mothers are supposed to say.

I woke up at 7 the next morning because Jongin was coming over at 8:30. I had my basic back to school list for Jongin to use because he is also a junior. I also had a list of all the stores we could go to. We have a huge mall about 45 minutes away.

Jongin arrived right on time, wearing jeans and a T-Shirt that says 'Parental Guidance'. I almost giggled because it fit his looks well. I invited him in because I still needed to grab my phone, chapstick, and wallet. "So, what are you hobbies?"

"I dance" he replied.

"Really? I do too." I said excitedly, " What type?"

I noticed that he had a slight blush across his cheeks when he answered, "Ballet, Hip-Hop, and Pop and Lock."

"Oh my gosh! Thats so cool that you do ballet, you should sign up at the studio that I go to."

About 10 minutes later we finally made it to the car. "Whoa! Nice car!" he said. 

"Thanks" I said.

We got in and decided to go get school supplies from Wal-Mart first. We made it to the checkout about an hour later. We managed to get all of his school supplies even though they were really picked over.

Then we decided to head to the mall. We got there later due to traffic. We walked in and I told him to choose a store. He ended up choosing Holister. Once we were in the store we split up to look in our designated sections.

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