Meet My Friends

My New Neighbor

I was looking at a pair of faded blue jeans when I heard someone squeel, "Ash!" and then before I knew it there were arms around me squeezing me into a hug. I looked over my shoulder to see three of my best friends. Tiffany, Jessica, and Amber were all standing next to each other.  

"Oh my gosh!" Tiffiany nearly screamed. "I can't believe we ran into each other here!"

In case you are wondering yes, Tiffany normally acts hyper like this. "Jeez! Tiff, chill out." I said in a clam tone. "I'm just going back to school shopping with my neighbor." 

Tiffany barely heard me before she switched topics. "Oh my gosh" Tiffany continued to gush, "There is a super hot guy over in the mens section. Like he could even be a Holister modle himself!" I sighed loudly and Amber patted me on the shoulder. We all wonder how we put up with Tiffany, but we love her anyways.

"Holy crap guys! He's coming this way," Tiffany whispered. I turned around to see Jongin grinning at me. 

I chuckled and siad, "Well, you already have one fangirl after you." He giggled like a toddler and it was so cute I neraly choked on my spit. He then held up his three shopping bags. Well, I guess he found some clothes.

Then he asked, "Are they your friends?"

"Yup, this is Tiffany, Amber, and Jessica."

"Oh, cool! Its nice to meet you guys. My name is Jongin."

After a while we decided to go get lunch together in the food court. The whole time we were standing in line Tiffany kept whispering things to me like, "Uggh! His lips look so kissable!" or "Why can't my boyfriend be that hot?"

I shook my head at all of her thoughts that she was speaking out loud, but she wasn't done quite yet. "I wonder if he has a girlfriend. You should ask him if he does so I can barrow him from you." I scowled at her comment. Then she asked, "Do you think he's a boxers or briefs kinda guy?"

Then I said (a little too loud)," Why don't  you ask him?"

"Okay." Tiffany replied surprisingly. Then she walked over to Jongin and said, "Hey Jongin, do you wear boxers or briefs?"

He gave a naughty smirk and replied, "Neither."

I honestly think that was the most I've ever seen Tiffany blush. Then I bursted out laughing and so did the rest of the group, besides Tiffany, who was too flustered to do anything at the moment.

After that we went to a few more stores and then we decided to go and get ice cream. Jongin's mom texted him that he needed to get home so we said our 'goodbyes' and parted ways.

Not before I dropped him off, of course. I brought him home around 4:30 and I helped him carry his bags into the house. Jongin's mom greeted me and thanked me for taking him shopping. Jongin demanded to walk me home even though I live next door and we exchanged phone numbers.

Before he left, I shocked myself by asking him if he wanted to see a movie with me bofore school started. 

"Yeah! That would be a lot of fun! I really enjoyed today. So thanks."

"You're welcome. I had fun too."

I smiled at him as he left my doorstep and I thought to myself that this is the beginning to a beautiful friendship or even more..........

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