The News

My New Neighbor

I live in a neighborhood full of old people. The house next to mine is practically haunted so no one ever lives there. My parents are divorced and I live with my mom. My dad is the owner of a highly reclaimed toy store. In other words, we get a lot of child support. My mom still works though. She is one of the top doctors in Wisconsin. She can't just stop being a doctor because she has too many patients. It is August which means the new school year will begin soon and I will be a junior. I have a lot of friends but they all have boyfriends or girlfriends and they would rather spend time with their other half. While I on the other hand, spend my weekends with Netflix and doritos. 

My mom came home around seven'o'clock and told me that we were getting new neighbors. They were moving into the haunted house. I about had a heart attack because I was so excited. It means there might be a possibility of someone slightly younger moving into the neighborhood. I asked my mom if she knew anything about who it was. She said it was Mrs. Kim's son and his wife and their son. Also that they were coming here from Korea. I got all hyped up because Mrs. Kim is about my grandmas age which means her grandson could be my age.

I couldn't sleep at all because that's what happens when I get overly excited. Eventually I closed my eyes and fell asleep. I woke up the next morning and ate a bowl of lucky charms. The doorbell rang, I went to answer it and it was Mrs. Kim.

"Hi, sweetheart, would you be willing to help some of my family members move boxes because we need more young people with energy besides my grandson?" She's such a sweet lady and she always brings me cookies. How could I say no? Plus I wanted to meet the new neighbors anyway.

"Ok." I replied. 

"Let me go throw some clothes on and then I'll be over."

Once she left I ran upstairs, put on a pair of skinny jeans, a graphic tee and my black Vans.

I walked over to the house and the couple greeted me.

"My name is Ashlynn but you can call me Ash." I said.

The mother replied, "I'm Min and this is my husband, Heechul. And Jongin is somewhere."

"It's nice to meet you," I said shaking their hands, "so what can I do to help?"

"Would you be able to go in the truck and move the boxes forward?" Min asked.

"Of course." I replied as I hopped up into the truck. I heard a door slam and I turned around to see a boy my age. I almost choked on my spit when I saw a gorgeous boy who had dark brown hair that was gelled back, full lips, and dreamy eyes. When he smiled at me I tripped on a box and almost fell out of the truck. And I made an embarrassing squeeling noise.

"Are you ok?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine and I'm Ash by the way."

"Oh, my name is Jongin." He said in a deep voice that sounded like honey.

I shook his hand hoping that my hands weren't sweaty.


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