
At the Edge of Dreams



Junhoe is in agony.

He grits his teeth but when the nurse applies the anaesthetic to his knee with a cotton ball, he doesn't even flinch. The scrape is nothing. The reason for the injury though - well, that what really kicks him for a loop. Chanwoo probably isn't even doing it on purpose. Doesn't mean that it hurts any less.

A band-aid is more than sufficient enough to cover the minor wound and Junhoe thanks the nurse with a bow before leaving. He's glad none of his friends insisted in accompanying him to the infirmary when he'd stumbled mid-game and tripped over his own two feet. Hanbin was concerned, of course, but Junhoe was quick to quell everyone's worries, telling them that he'd get himself checked out and be back in no time.

Donghyuk seemed unconvinced, pestering him with questions. Junhoe dismissed him with a wave of his hand and some vague excuse about being thirsty. There's no way he's going to admit the real reason for his fumble.

And what other reason is there other than Jinhwan? Jinhwan and Chanwoo, if he's going to get technical. What had started off as a perfect, ordinary day on the courts (the sun finally making its reappearance after three miserable days) ended with the court in a flurry. One second, Junhoe is just a pace away from a slam-dunk, calf muscles tensed for his launch. The next, his eyes slip away from the hoop and find their way to Jinhwan sitting on the bench with his legs crossed. Junhoe sees Chanwoo step off the court, handing the senior a drenched hand-towel. He sees Jinhwan stand on his toes, reaching up with tender fingers to brush the sweat off Chanwoo's brow.

Before he realises what's happening, Junhoe's shoe catches and he falls in an awkward tangle of limbs on the hard ground. He hears the surprised cries from his friends, and then Jinhwan's voice, high with concern, asking what happened. Donghyuk is there first, crouching to see if Junhoe is okay. Jinhwan arrives a beat later. Junhoe's heart is devastated when Jinhwan's face blocks out the sun, and he touches a hand to his forehead.

'Are you alright?' He's asked. Junhoe couldn't even work his mouth so he only nodded and pushed himself to his feet. It wasn't until Bobby pointed out his bleeding knee that he realised he was injured.

The locker door clangs when he slams a fist against it, loud enough to draw the attention of several students. Junhoe doesn't pay them any mind. His thoughts are all over the place. This isn't how he had planned to be reunited with Kim Jinhwan, but he had planned to be with him again one way or another. It's just...

What, fear? Jealousy? A deadly cocktail of the two, maybe. He hasn't felt these things in so long, in such burning quantities. They're alien sensations.

Junhoe's feet carry him back to the basketball courts by their own volition and it isn't until he hears someone calling his name that he recognises his surroundings. Yunhyeong waves him over. Junhoe obliges, standing close to his friend. He even lets him check his body over for further scrapes before getting tired of the attention. Yunhyeong lets him go without a fuss, but Bobby insits he at least sit down 'til their game is over. Junhoe doesn't care much for being babied but he sits when Hanbin gets involved. Their team captain's show of affection is a lot rougher than a minor fall.

Chanwoo smiles at him as he passes, and Junhoe returns it. He likes Chanwoo. Maybe not his proximity to Jinhwan, though that can't be helped. They're friends, which is more than Junhoe can say for the both of them. His own fault for sure.

He sighs and sits on the bench where the object of his jilted affections sat moments before. As always, Chanwoo's blazer is folded, his possessions placed well out of harm's way while everyone else's stuff is scattered and left alone. Jinhwan dotes on the kid.

Speaking of which, where is the senior? Junhoe turns in his spot - first right, then left -  and scans the immediate area. Gone.

A cold sensation on his head makes Junhoe jerk back. The cold shock sends him reeling backwards and for a heart-stopping moment, he's afraid he might fall off the bench. A hand grasps his wrist and steadies him, much to his relief. He doesn't need a concussion to add to his list of ailments (a scraped knee, an aching chest, a pounding head). He looks up, thanks ready on his tongue. The words dry up before they can make it out into the open air.

Jinhwan smiles, nervous. He holds a bottle of water out. Did he go out of his way...? Junhoe takes the bottle and the gratitude he was going to express before comes out stilted. When Jinhwan takes a seat next to him, Junhoe stiffens. Too close. From the corner of his eye, he sees a bead of sweat trickle down Jinhwan's temple to his neck. He feels him wipe it away with the back of his hand. He can smell the sun on him.

The game ends and Chanwoo approaches them with a bounce. His team has taken the win and he looks proud. On cue, Jinhwan begins to rise, a congratulations already on his lips.

When Junhoe looks back on this moment, he will always (always) wonder what made him do what he does.

'Wait.' He grabs the senior's arm before he can take another step. Jinhwan takes in a sharp breath. 

But he waits.

Junhoe fumbles with his words before he unsticks them from his throat, and even then, he wishes he could've spoken them with more finesse. 'About the camp.' He pauses. 'Do you want to bunk together?'

To Jinhwan's credit, he doesn't stare.

Instead, he averts his eyes and studies the trail of ants emerging from a crack in the cement. He mumbles.

'Donghyuk and I are sharing a room.'

Just like that, Junhoe is thankful that Jinhwan isn't looking at him. The answer fills Junhoe with such bitter disappointment he lets go of Jinhwan like he's been burned.

'That's - sorry.' Junhoe stops. Why is he apologising? He does his best to affect a nonchalant look. Anything other than the surprising hurt he feels. A kiss two years ago, a moon so full it looks like's in the past now. They don't owe each other anything. 'You should go. Chanwoo's waiting.'




The compromise Hanbin makes for the camp is pretty good, all things considered. Since the event is taking place during a school week, any work their teachers decide to give them for the trip is to be completed by the time they return. No exceptions. Their days would be split up into study and basketball, although Hanbin's certain that the camp won't be all work and no play. As far as he's concerned, they're the ones who come out on top of the deal.

Friday, the day of the camp, comes with the promise of a heavy heat. The sky is so blue Hanbin has to shield his eyes when he looks up. Not a single cloud in sight; the sun a blazing yellow ball. He shrugs off his blazer and tosses it over his shoulder. A suitcase with a backpack on top of it rests against his leg. Some students stop by the Academy's parking lot to ask him what they're for. He answers with some small satisfaction when they express their envy. They would call him spoiled but he knows that they just wish they'd joined his club.

Kwon Jiyong is the teacher assigned to watch over them. He's as fashionable as ever in torn jeans and a neat pin-stripped button-down shirt. Hanbin has no qualms about that either. The man had been the one to volunteer himself as supervisor, and now, he stands by the school's private shuttle bus that would transport them to their destination. He's discussing something with the bus driver, but when he sees Hanbin watching him, he raises a hand in greeting. Hanbin smiles, returning the gesture.

His watch reads 7:00AM when he glances at it. Still early. Their designated time is seven-thirty in the morning. Classes start by eight, and yet the school is already in a clamour. 


Hanbin looks up and a grin spreads across his face when he sees Jinhwan hurrying towards him, a suitcase trailing behind him. Like the younger boy, he's decided to pack an extra bag. Probably full of things he doesn't need but can't bear to leave behind. Hanbin leaves his stuff where they are and meets Jinhwan half-way.

'Let me help,' he says.

Jinhwan tries to refuse him, but Hanbin ends up taking the suitcase from him anyway. There's not much Jinhwan can do once Hanbin takes the suitcase by its handle and holds Jinhwan back with one arm. The senior huffs and Hanbin brings his possessions over to his pile.

They settle down on the curb, watching Mr. Kwon and the bus driver inspect the vehicle's wheels a second time. Jinhwan leans back, humming. He kicks his leather shoes at some loose gravel. Hanbin does the same. He hasn't had a chance to sit alone with the senior before, though he'd never thought about it too hard. Everything feels so natural with Kim Jinhwan that sometimes he forgets that they've been friends for less than a year. Hanbin gazes up at the sky again and wonders if he should start a conversation.

Jinhwan beats him to it. 'You know, I'm really looking forward to this camp.'

'Yeah?' Hanbin smiles when Jinhwan turns to give him a small grin.

'Yeah. It's been too long since I've gone on something like this.'

'I'm glad it's just us.' Hanbin admits. 'School camps are a pain in the when everyone in the class goes.'

That earns him a laugh. 'It doesn't bother you it's just going to be a bunch of smelly guys together for a week?'

'Nah. I hang out with them every day. Shouldn't make a difference.'

'I wouldn't bank on it.' Jinhwan warns. Before Hanbin can ask what he means, the usual load of students coming up from the bus stop arrive. A fresh surge of noise draws their attention to the school gates and Hanbin stands, dusting dirt from his hands. Jinhwan follows suit. The group of boys heading towards them can only be from the basketball team, each one either carrying or dragging a suitcase.

Yunhyeong and Donghyuk point at the same time when they see their captain, and Bobby gives an enthusiastic thumbs-up. There's a guitar case in his free hand. As far as Hanbin can tell, Junhoe's on his phone, face tight with a grimace. Nothing serious, Hanbin figures. Chances are his parents are checking he hasn't left his underwear at home.

'I wish they'd stop asking if I remembered to bring my underwear.'Junhoe grumbles as soon as he's within earshot. 'Like I'm going to forget something like that.'

'You can always borrow mine.' Donghyuk says helpfully. Junhoe swats at him.

'Where's Chanwoo?' Yunhyeong asks.

'Right here.'

The group turns in tandem to see Chanwoo approaching them with a suitcase in hand, and a sports bag over his shoulder. Bobby and Yunhyeong step up to meet him, taking a bag each. Jinhwan waves as Chanwoo breaks out into a wide smile.

'You sure were pushing the deadline.' Hanbin jokes when Chanwoo meets his eye. 'We'll be leaving in a few minutes. I knew I should've picked you up.'

'Sorry.' Chanwoo rubs the back of his neck. 'I was packing all night and I slept through my alarm.'

'Left it until the last minute, huh?' Jinhwan shakes his head. 'I told you to pack first, play later.'

'I even volunteered to help you out.' Yunhyeong adds. There's a playful shine in his eye and Hanbin laughs as the rest of the group heckles their friend. Chanwoo whines in faux complaint, rubbing the spot on his arm where Bobby smacks him. But he's laughing too and there's no denying the swell of affection Hanbin feels at the sound.




'- and make sure you always tell me where you're going. No wandering around on your own, understood?'

'Yes, Mr. Kwon.'

The teacher smiles when they answer in unison. He folds the piece of paper containing all their names and puts it in his pocket. The bus driver nods when he takes a seat at the front and tells him that they're good to go. Chanwoo stretches his legs as far as they'll go and yawns. Beside him, Yunhyeong twitches the curtains aside. The Academy blurs as the bus begins to move, leaving the school gates behind. Classes would be starting soon and Chanwoo is glad not to be stuck inside taking notes. No, he gets to stay at a nice beach-side cabin close to a gym with both indoor and outdoor courts. A week in paradise, he thinks.

Yunhyeong turns from the window once the school is completely out of sight. He grins, excited, and pats Chanwoo's knee.

'Isn't this great? It's practically a vacation.'

'We've still have to do schoolwork.' Donghyuk reminds him. Yunhyeong flaps his hand and dismisses Donghyuk with a scoff.

'Whatever, nerd.'

'Dad, he's calling me names!'

Hanbin takes an earphone out. 'Did you say something?'

'You're kind of a nerd.' Jinhwan says. Donghyuk looks betrayed.

Junhoe laughs. 'Serves you right.'

'What did I do to deserve this? All I said was -

The exchange goes back and forth until Yunhyeong eventually retracts Donghyuk's nerd status. He even does it in a magnanimous sort of way, voice apologetic, though he's grinning. The beauty doesn't seem convinced but he sits back with a pout when he realises Mr. Kwon is laughing at him in the reflection of the rear-view mirror.

Chanwoo yawns again, and this time, Yunhyeong notices. He ruffles Chanwoo's hair before patting his own shoulder. 'Wanna take a nap?'

Well. Chanwoo can't pretend that Yunhyeong's shoulder looks pretty comfortable. His late-night packing really has left him exhausted, and he thinks it'll be a good two hours before they get to their destination. Plenty of time to get a little sleep. But it would be weird to sleep on Yunhyeong, right? Chanwoo glances around but no one seems fazed by Yunhyeong's offer. If anything, they're treating it like these things happen all the time. Maybe it does.

'So, how about it?' Yunhyeong pats his shoulder again. Chanwoo shrugs and shimmies down until he's got his head against the crook of Yunhyeong's neck. He can feel Yunhyeong's breathing, feel the heat of his body. Chanwoo catches a whiff of cherry lipbalm, the sharp smell of hairspray, and the gentler scent of fabric softener. The trundling of the bus couple with the proximity to Yunhyeong makes Chanwoo's eyelids heavy. Moments before they close, he feels slender fingers trailing through his hair.




Chanwoo opens his eyes just as the bus pulls to a stop. He processes two things at once: the weight of Yunhyeong's head on top of his, and the snap of a camera followed by the sound of snickering. At first, Chanwoo's too disoriented to sit up. Then he remembers where he is. If Yunhyeong hadn't woken up at the same time, they might have knocked heads.

He feels Yunhyeong straighten, still drowsy from sleep. He mumbles something that sounds like a question but Chanwoo can't hear it. Junhoe answers him instead, and Yunhyeong stiffens. Embarrassment colours Chanwoo's cheeks when he realises that everyone in the bus is grinning. Oh, man. He doesn't regret falling asleep on his friend's shoulder but did he sleep-talk? Did Yunhyeong? Chanwoo rubs at a crick in his neck and tries to look unaffected. It doesn't help when he spots Hanbin in the rear-view mirror, showing Bobby something on his phone. If his suspicions are correct, Hanbin's the one who took the photo of him and Yunhyeong sleeping.

Jinhwan taps Chanwoo's arm. 'You look like you slept well.'

'So does Yunhyeong,' observes Donghyuk, leaning over the senior. 'We didn't want to wake you guys, but we're stopping for a toilet break.'

The boys file out of the bus lead by Mr. Kwon. Chanwoo blinks and squints against the sudden onslaught of sunlight. It's even hotter than it was before they left the Academy, and he pulls his blazer off to tie it around his waist. The stop isn't a glamorous one: just a petrol station with a convenience store. Across the road is a park with some benches and a grass field. Yunhyeong comes up behind Chanwoo, yawning. Hanbin stands on his other side.

'I'm pretty hungry.' Hanbin admits and Chanwoo hums in agreement.

Yunhyeong groans, pressing a hand against his own stomach. 'Too bad there's nowhere to eat a proper meal.'

'Should we check if they've got anything good inside?'

They follow after Jinhwan and Bobby who head straight for the convenience store. Cold air hits them like a blessing as soon as they step through the store's sliding doors. A little ding signals their entrance and the cashier looks up from. her magazine to give the group a smile. From the corner of his eye, Chanwoo spots Mr. Kwon heading off to the bathrooms with Donghyuk and Junhoe, probably to make sure the two don't get up to any mischief. 

Yunhyeong heads over to the hot food section as soon as he sees it. There's nothing substantial in there, as far as Chanwoo can tell, but has to admit that the baked pastry smells fantastic. Hanbin drifts over to the snacks, eyeing the packets of chips with misplaced intensity. Chanwoo can't help but smile at the sight. There's nothing Hanbin does that's half-assed.

Chanwoo stands behind the older boy and his head at the choices on offer. He's got a hankering for a little bit of everything on the shelf, including the sweets. Then he considers what Jinhwan would say and decides on one savoury snack, and one sweet.

'I want one of everything.' Hanbin declares just as Chanwoo makes up his mind. Before Chanwoo can ask if he's serious, Hanbin fetches a basket and drops snacks in with abandon.

Over the shelves, Chanwoo spots Jinhwan and Bobby picking out drinks for the team. Yunhyeong is further away with two pork buns in his hand and a furrowed brow. Chanwoo turns his gaze back to Hanbin. Somehow, the guy has filled two baskets to the top without Chanwoo noticing.

Hanbin catches him staring and grins, holding the baskets up. He nods at the food in Chanwoo's hands. 

'Is that all you're getting?'

'Uh, yeah.' Chanwoo stares at the baskets. 'You're really hungry.'

'Oh. It's not just for me.' Hanbin laughs. 'It's for all of us. Hey, pick something you like and chuck it in.'

'Ah, no. This is fine -'

'Come on, I'm buying.'

Chanwoo hesitates. But Hanbin playfully kicks at his shins until he relents and he puts in a few more snacks that he'd been considering. When the baskets are close to overflowing, Yunhyeong approaches them. He makes a sound of delight when he spots their junk.

'Wow, you guys got a lot!' He throws a miserable look over at the hot food section. Two pork buns wrapped in plastic sit steaming in his hands, plus a new stick of lipbalm. 'I'd do almost anything for barbecue.'

'Did anyone get ice-cream?' Jinhwan asks, arms occupied with bottles. Bobby trails close behind, distracted by every little knick-knack on the shelves.

Bobby snaps his fingers. He hands Chanwoo the drinks he's holding. 'I forgot. I'll grab some.'

By the time they're done paying, half an hour has already passed. Mr. Kwon, Donghyuk, and Junhoe are sitting on the curb outside. Mr. Kwon stands and flashes the boys a dazzling grin when he sees them. Junhoe joins him, straightening his pants, and Donghyuk waits until Mr. Kwon holds a hand out to help him up.

Jinhwan rustles the plastic bag he's hefting over his shoulder. 'I think we spent all our allowance on junk food.'

'We have ice-cream.' Hanbin says. He passes the bag around and puts his hands on his hips as the team rummage through for their favourites. They've even got one for their teacher, who ruffles everyone's hair, before sending them to the bus to put their loot away. But before they can start piling back inside themselves, Mr. Kwon calls them back.

He gestures to the park. 'Should we take a photo?'

The suggestion is met with unanimous enthusiasm. Chanwoo dashes across the road with Hanbin right beside him. Ahead, Yunhyeong whoops and jumps onto Junhoe's back, almost knocking the boy off-balance. Bobby grabs Jinhwan, even when he tries to side-step, and is tossed promptly over Bobby's shoulder. Donghyuk laughs, hair tossing in the dry wind as he runs, arms over his head. They had all been so cramped up in the bus that Chanwoo didn't even notice how badly he needed to stretch his legs.

He feels the grass sinking beneath his feet and the blue horizon nearly blinds him.




He doesn't see who it is that catches him when he falls; a flash of white, an arm crossing the space between them, skin and fabric against his cheek instead of grass. The sky tumbles, and so do they. Someone coughs out a gasp, and the other groans on impact.

Chanwoo doesn't understand what's happened at first. One moment he's running, the wind in his face, pushing back his hair. The next, the toe of his shoe snags on edge of a shallow ditch. Then he's toppling over, arms pinwheeling in a way he's sure looks hilarious. It takes a good thirty seconds for him to realise that he's on top of -  

Hanbin. It's Hanbin. They're almost nose to nose, and the closeness makes blood rush to Chanwoo face. The beat of his heart is painful. He stammers something, he thinks. An apology. He's not sure, too busy trying to untangle his long legs from Hanbin's. Beneath his fingers, Chanwoo feels the curve of hard muscle. When Hanbin shifts, his arms flex and Chanwoo's grip tightens. The team captain just raises a brow when Chanwoo manages to push himself up but doesn't stand. 

Now he's sitting on Hanbin's torso, frozen. Mortified. Hanbin props himself up on his elbows and his head. They stare at each other in silence. Chanwoo's throat works against him. Hanbin's eyes are so dark, he can't read what his friend is thinking. Finally, Hanbin laughs, sounding breathless. He shuts his eyes against the sight of Chanwoo outlined by the blue sky.

'You're heavy.'

The position is too intimate, too close, and it propels Chanwoo to his feet. He helps Hanbin up, and the two dust the grass off their uniforms without a word. Chanwoo doesn't even meet Hanbin's eye when the older boy bounds away to join Bobby and Donghyuk. Instead he stands there, staring at the sun, trying to calm the roar of his pulse.




They're all exhausted when they finally clamber back into the cool interior of the bus. Mr. Kwon had them waste their energy until the clock read ten in the morning, knowing full well that the boys would be rowdy again in no time. There's still another hour of travel to go and Donghyuk is excited by the prospect of spending the rest of the day exploring the area while the sun can still cast its golden glow.

He knows they've got to unpack their suitcases, and Hanbin is undoubtedly going to make them do some form of training, but by then, it should be too late to do anything too strenuous. This isn't the first time they've been on a camp together, but this is the first time Chanwoo and Jinhwan have joined them. He's disappointed Hongsoek and Jinhyeong aren't there, so he's promised them photos and daily phone-calls to make up for their absence. Donghyuk doesn't want to spend this time worrying about competitions or equations. Not today at least.

Bobby shifts next to him and rests his head against the window, looking half-asleep already. The bus hasn't even pulled out of the parking lot yet.

They aren't the only ones who've swapped their seats: Jinhwan is with Yunhyeong, and Junhoe spreads out at the back on his own with his eyes closed. Chanwoo, he sees in the seat in front of him, is beside Hanbin.

His interest in the two had been mild at first. Just some questions about how well Hanbin would take to the boy that had caught his eye all those months ago. Was the curiosity superficial or something more? Only time would tell, he thought.

And boy, did it tell a lot. 

What had been mild interest escalated to something more when Donghyuk saw just how taken Hanbin seemed within a few weeks. It's like he's toeing the line between liking someone and liking someone. And Donghyuk's sure he isn't the only one that's noticed.

Most importantly, Donghyuk remembers how Yunhyeong looked at the taller boy when they first caught Chanwoo gazing out the window; lit up by sunlight, and all too dreamy with his wide eyes. Donghyuk thinks he'd have to be blind not to see that Yunhyeong was in something-at-first-sight (the Big L Word might be too much for any of them to be thinking about so soon).

Now there's a new player on the scene. Hanbin's affection is unexpected.

And it might be a serious game changer.

Sure, he saw Chanwoo first. And yeah, Chanwoo's so easy to get along with that Donghyuk forgets that he hasn't been part of their little group all that long (sometimes, it's a jarring reminder when he blurts out an inside-joke and everyone laughs except the youngest). 

But Hanbin has an inexplicable softness in him when he's with Chanwoo. A tenderness in his touches and looks when he thinks no one is watching. Yunhyeong might not see it yet, but he will.

Something is going to happen, whether Donghyuk likes it or not. 

Whether any of them likes it or not. 




Bobby gives a low whistle as he steps out of the bus, his hands on his hips. Mr. Kwon surveys the scene with a critical eye, lowering his sunglasses to see the series of low buildings a little better. It's no high-rise apartment, but there is something homey about their wooden walls and steeped roofs. A sign indicates that the small red-bricked building across the road is where they check in for their cabin keys. Other cars in the parking lot are the kind that families on vacation have, and sure enough, Bobby spots a man and woman with a small child between them unloading suitcases from their vehicle. Saltwater is in the air, the smell of the beach perking him up as good as any coffee. Donghyuk steps up beside him, yawning like a cat. He stretches, shirt riding up to show a patch of pale skin. Bobby averts his gaze.

'Did you see the ocean?' he asks. 

Donghyuk takes a moment to respond, rotating his jaw until it cracks, and he yawns again. 'Couldn't see past your head.' 

Bobby swipes at him. For all his show of sleepiness, Donghyuk manages to dance out of his reach.

'It's right outside the cabins. Look.' 

They turn together, stepping around the bus to see the green-blue expanse, shimmering like jewels in the sun. Small figures dot the shore. A dog streaks into the waves, and the sound of children laughing reach their ears. The sand looks almost white from where they're standing. Bobby's itching for the chance to join in the fun, but the sound of Mr. Kwon telling them to unload their suitcases reminds him that work always comes before play.

He smacks Donghyuk's shoulder; some retribution for his earlier comment about Bobby's head, and gestures to the rest of the group with his chin. Bobby can tell that Donghyuk is barely holding back a whine. He rubs his shoulder with a pout but he says nothing. They walk back around the bus just in time to see Junhoe unloading Jinhwan's bags for him. 

'Thanks,' says Jinhwan. 

Junhoe grunts, and Donghyuk smirks.

'Kimbap.' Hanbin calls cheerfully. Bobby turns in his direction. His best friend is carrying both their suitcases but he points a toe at their plastic bags of food, and Hanbin's backpack. 'Can you help me?'


Mr. Kwon directs the group of boys to their cabins as soon as he comes back with their keys. Yunhyeong and Chanwoo disappear together first, an excited bounce to their steps. Their cabin is closest to the beach, and the furthest from Mr. Kwon's so it's no surprise they're so pleased. Donghyuk and Jinhwan collect their bags next, and move off together. As they turn a corner (their cabin the second furthest from the teacher) Bobby notices the way Junhoe's mouth flattens into a line. 

'Let's go,' the boy says when he sees Bobby and Hanbin staring.

Their cabin might be right next to Mr. Kwon's, but it is the largest, fitting in a bunk-bed and a single. Junhoe claims the top bunk without saying a word, tossing his bags into a corner and clambering up the ladder. He observes the room from his perch, before climbing back down to unpack. Bobby looks around too; there's a small television in the corner, an old DVD player, one wide window obscured by thick white curtains, and a wardrobe. No bathroom. Those are in another building, according to the website Hanbin showed him when booking cabins.

Bobby sorts through his clothes, humming as he does so. Junhoe joins in a few beats later, and the two of them manage a pretty good harmony. Hanbin, however, packs quietly. Distracted. Bobby catches him standing still a few times, lips pursed like he's eaten something sour. But then he'd shake his head, eyes clearing from whatever mental fog overtook him moments before, and continues to place his folded clothes into the wardrobe. 

After ten minutes, Junhoe calls for a bathroom break. Bobby thinks he's just itching to look at the ocean again. Hanbin doesn't seem to notice. He nods at Junhoe, and the boy disappears out the door without looking back.

Bobby waits until the door is closed before he turns to Hanbin. His friend is still off in his own world, staring at the old television with a frown. Bobby crosses the room and without warning, lunges onto Hanbin's back. Both wobble dangerously and Hanbin starts yelling while struggling to keep them both upright. Bobby whoops when they spin across the carpet until Hanbin trips over Junhoe's empty backpack and they end up sprawled side-by-side on Bobby's single bed. 

'Why?' Hanbin groans when he manages to catch his breath. Bobby just laughs and pushes his hair back.

'You look too serious,' he reprimands him. 'Come on, we're practically on vacation and you're pouting.'

'I'm not pouting.' Hanbin says, indignant. He grabs Bobby's pillow and smacks his friend with it, earning himself a pained grunt. 'And we're here to train, in case you forgot.'

'Yeah, of course.' Bobby rolls to his side to study his friend's profile. Bobby knows him, better than anyone. Better than he might know himself. 

Hanbin tilts his head.

'What are you thinking?'

'What are you thinking?'

Hanbin snorts and Bobby sits up to toss his pillow over his shoulder. 'No, I'm serious. You've been quiet this whole time.'

'I haven't.'

'Something's bothering you. I can tell.'

'Nothing.' Hanbin pauses. Bobby hears him swallow, sees the rise and fall of his Adam's apple. 'Nothing's bothering me, really.'

Bobby raises a brow. If Hanbin thinks he's blind, then he has another thing coming.

'Is it -'


A/N: PHEW. Big chapter! I've clocked in at over 5000 words for this one. Oh man. So what'd you guys think about APOLOGY and ANTHEM? I went nuts watching the big reveal. Of course, I was delighted to see that Chanwoo actually got lines, wahaha. Sorry for posting this chapter so late, guys! I've been busy with exams but they're over for the year so I can actually focus on the fic now. Let's see if I can start kicking the drama in by the next post. Keep me on the ball with any concerns or critiques! You guys are the best.

Shout-out to Criticastro, screaminghowls, sk8t3r92, masami_, LadySlay12, Mister_Chen, PenguinLOvers772, and Violet_Cloud for the comments, and to every single subscriber!

Thanks for reading, and have a wicked day, my friends.

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Queen8787 #1
Chapter 5: Please update soon! I cant wait!
noname101 #2
Chapter 5: please update. pleeeeease? :((((
ichliebedich1912 #4
Chapter 5: But... you won't drop the fic, right?
ichliebedich1912 #5
Chapter 5: Can't believe I just found your story this late. I admire your big chapter. Look forward to your next update <3
this is so goooood !!!! i so very much fell straight away because of your writing style and plot <3 tbh i really want this to be ot3 between yunhyeong/chanwoo/hanbin just because i love it that way XD and i for a reader point of view cant stand to know that if by chance this will end up with ot2 pairing, than there will be heart that is broken and tears that will be shed. but then again i am still a new lamb to this all, so i dont know if ot3 will be acceptable or not, especially about them, i only know ot3 as in jinhwan/jiwon/hanbin. so this is really going to be interesting and thanks so much for your effort to even write this and share this with us !!! have a nice day/night :)
baekhyunkkaebsong #7
Chapter 5: I love this fic!! chanbin and yunchan!!
Chapter 5: WHERE HAS THIS BEEN ALL MY LIFE i read this in one sitting and i'm going to do it again o h m y your writing style is beautiful and im chanwoo trash and i looooove it when he's being babied and oh my god goojunhwe i want to pet his hair but i also want to smack him and donghyuk and bobby hmmmmm i smell a thing ahhhh send help jiNHWAN IS ME BC OFC CHANWOO IS SOFT SPOT LAHDGDKSLALFJ
Violet_Cloud #9
Chapter 5: Aahhhh i've been dying to comment on this chapter xD I LOVE THIS CHAPTER SO MUCH OMG YOU DONT EVEN KNOW <3 So excited about Junhoe and Jinhwan's past, i guess the kiss left an unresolved tension because of lack of communication! Idk but I'm so thrilled to know more! And dont even let me start with HANWOO because omg they are my ultimate OTP of this group x''''D yes i love yunchan too but hanwoo have a special place in my heart so this chapter is UGH i cant even :') Hanbin's internal conflict is really complicated because he both aware that Yunhyeong falls for Chanwoo and so does he, so I am really looking forward to see how you're gonna make Hanbin faces this on later chapters! I dont remember ever saying this but if i have, i am sorry for my repetitive comment but I really like your writing style! It's so vivid I can imagine the scenes clearly and admittedly a little cheesy and I love it! I love that you describe your characters' inner turmoil in the narration, it makes it easier for us, readers, to undertand the situation xD OMG i am rambling i am sorry!! Long story short, i love your story and am really looking forward to your next chapter xD keep up the good work author-nim and see you in your next update!

P.s: merry (early) Christmas if you celebrate it!! :) and if you dont, then happy holiday! Hope you have a great day and sorry (again) for my long comment!