
At the Edge of Dreams



Yunhyeong is startled, to say the least.

'I want him on the team.' Hanbin's voice is barely above a whisper in his ear.

Yunhyeong doesn't even need to ask who Hanbin's talking about. The brief glance he'd shot Chanwoo was a loaded one: the last time he'd seen Hanbin's eyes so intense, Hanbin had spotted Donghyuk in the music room back in middle-school, sweating over his piano. Next thing they all knew, Donghyuk was on the basketball team and a good friend. Yunhyeong scratches the back of his head.

It is weird though. He won't pretend it isn't. Yunhyeong studies his friend. Even if this is about appearances, even if this is about height, it doesn't make any sense. The Academy is huge and there are better candidates for Hanbin's favour. Yet they tended to go unnoticed by their little clique. Hanbin had seen something in Chanwoo. Yunhyeong wants to know what it is.

Hanbin gestures to Chanwoo with a jerk of his chin. 'Go sit next to him.'

'Me?' Yunhyeong's brows shoot up.


If Yunhyeong is expecting an explanation, he doesn't get one. Whatever Hanbin's plan is, he can only go along with it. He nods.

'Sure, Hanbin.'

The rest of their group is already moving towards the back of the classroom, mostly out of habit. Mostly, Yunhyeong thinks, because Donghyuk is making a beeline for Chanwoo without even seeing the other desks. Before Hanbin or Yunhyeong can even tell him to leave the spot next to Chanwoo free, Donghyuk slides into the seat and beams at the new kid.

Yunhyeong winces. If Donghyuk doesn't downright intimidate Chanwoo with that killer smile, he's going to make him fall in love.

It's a strangely uncomfortable thought. Uncomfortable enough to get Yunhyeong moving. His heart is still pounding, if he's going to be completely honest with himself. What had happened? Had he seen the same thing Hanbin had in that one brief moment Chanwoo turned away from the window, face illuminated by the sun, brown eyes unguarded in their distraction? Yunhyeong presses a palm to his chest and thinks that maybe he has a glimmer of Hanbin's plan. His friend had seen right through him. He takes the seat next to Donghyuk, the chair squeaking as he drags it from under the desk too fast.

Hanbin follows close behind Yunhyeong and takes the spot directly in front of Chanwoo. Beside him, Bobby tosses his books onto the desk and turns to study Chanwoo. His expression is carefully polite, just like Yunhyeong's, as if they aren't sure how to handle he situation. Hanbin may not have said anything to the rest of them, but his intentions are clear enough. Junhoe settles down next to Bobby. He spares Chanwoo a glance, but nothing more.

Hanbin twists in his seat, forearm on the back of his chair. He smiles, teeth perfect, a glint in his dark eyes. If Yunhyeong didn't know Hanbin better, he would've thought he was being friendly. Charming. As it is, Yunhyeong thinks he looks like a shark.

Or maybe he's reading too much into things.

Chanwoo jerks, his forefinger twitching like a nervous tick. There's surprise writ all over his face. A hint of wariness too. Yunhyeong can see it in the furrow of his brow and in the way his mouth parts.  He meets Hanbin's stare timidly, eyes darting from Donghyuk to Hanbin, to Bobby, and then back again.

'Hello.' Donghyuk says before anyone else can. As always, Yunhyeong is impressed with the ease Donghyuk exudes friendliness. From a distance, he knows that the beauty throws people for a loop. 'I've never seen you before. It's your first day, isn't it?'

'Yeah.' Yunhyeong doesn't miss the way Chanwoo's tongue flicks out to his dry lips. He's about to bow his head before realising that he doesn't need to use such formalities with them. 'I'm Jung Chanwoo.'

'Kim Donghyuk. It's nice to meet you.'

'It's nice to meet you too.' Chanwoo chances a small smile and Yunhyeong relaxes. Maybe they'd have a chance with the guy yet.

Bobby s his hand out and Chanwoo shakes it hesitantly. 'Kim Jiwon. Everyone calls me Bobby.' Chanwoo's arms are long enough that he barely has to rise from his seat to reach the space between the two of them.


Donghyuk points to Hanbin who hasn't said a word since sitting, though his stare hasn't wavered. 'That's Hanbin. Or B.I.'

Hanbin gives Chanwoo a two- salute. 'Either's fine.'

'He's the head of the basketball team.' Bobby supplies. He jabs a thumb at the blonde to his side. 'That's Junhoe -'

'I can introduce myself -'

'But he won't.' Donghyuk says easily. He kicks at the back of Junhoe's chair playfully. The boy in questions scowls and moves his seat, even though it's already out of Donghyuk's reach. 'He's been grumpy all morning.'

'I have not.' Junhoe finally twists in his seat to study Chanwoo properly. 'Really, don't mind me.'

Yunhyeong interjects, trying to salvage the suddenly awkward situation. It would've been so much easier if Hanbin had told him what the plan actutally was. Instead he's left grasping at straws and he has no idea what Donghyuk's got on his mind.

Chanwoo's face has shifted from awkward straight to nervous. His slender fingers twine together and Yunhyeong realises that they've effectively boxed the boy in. It really isn't any surprise that the boy feels threatened. Then there's the rest of the class staring at them  - he's used to it, but either Chanwoo isn't or he doesn't like it.

He leans past Donghyuk and smiles in what he hopes is a reassuring manner. Chanwoo presses himself closer to the window, swallowing.

'I'm Song Yunhyeong. Call me Yunhyeong.' He reaches out to Chanwoo with all the care of someone trying to approach a frightened animal. He's relieved when Chanwoo doesn't flinch away and grips his hand tight. His palm is so warm that Yunhyeong's touch lingers longer than he means it to.

Hanbin clears his throat. 'Jung Chanwoo, huh? You're the scholarship student aren't you?'

The rest of the boys look at each other in surprise. They all know that the school can well afford to take in a new scholarship student every year but no one had expected it to be the unassuming boy in their class. Yunhyeong shoots Hanbin a suspicious squint and notices Bobby doing the same thing. It's hard to tell whether or not Hanbin has known the whole time.

The tips of Chanwoo's ears slowly redden. 'Yeah.'

For a second, Yunhyeong thinks that Chanwoo might just leave it there, but he continues: 'I...didn't realise that people would recognise me. As the scholarship student, I mean.'

'Word gets around fast.' Hanbin says, echoing Chanwoo's earlier thoughts. 'With so many folks competing for it each year, we all get a little curious.'

'A little.' Bobby squints through a ring he makes with his forefinger and thumb. 'What B.I's really saying is that he's a scholarship student too. So whoever you are, you must be some hot .'

'I'm not.' Chanwoo lowers his eyes and fidgets with the cuff of his sleeve. 'I worked for it, that's all.'

Yunhyeong puts his hand up like he's addressing a teacher. Chanwoo raises his head. 'Wait a minute. So if you're the scholarship student -'

'There's no if about it. He literally just said it's him.' Junhoe snorts. This time, Bobby's the one to turn around and place a well-aimed elbow in Junhoe's ribs.

'What did you get in for?' Yunhyeong asks.

'Singing.' It's the first time that Chanwoo answers with any real confidence. He even chances a toothy smile. Yunhyeong returns it.

'That's great! We're probably going to see each other then. Music's one of my electives too.'

'We're all in Music.' Donghyuk says. He's grinning like something wicked. Yunnhyeong doesn't trust the knowing shine in his eye. 'So you'll be seeing us a lot.'

'And you want to be a singer?' Hanbin.

'Yeah. More than anything.'

Hanbin's features soften at that, his gaze less invasive. His boyish grin is so much more genuine and Yunhyeong watches, with some envy, how guileless Hanbin becomes in that moment. Hanbin is so honest with his expressions, so painfully honest when he likes some, when he doesn't - 

And he likes Chanwoo. At least, enough to give the boy a stare so warm that Yunhyeong has to avert his eyes. But he doesn't miss the way the corners of Chanwoo's mouth quirk up in a shy smile.


Yunhyeong's the one that offers to show the new kid around the school during recess.

Hanbin isn't surprised. It was obvious, the moment he'd walked into the classroom, that he'd taken a liking to Jung Chanwoo. Hanbin smirks. Yeah, he made a good call.

That class ends with its usual hassle: the bell ringing over the teacher's dismissal, students moving as one body, jostling to get out first, voices loud and cheerful. Hanbin waits until the room is almost empty before getting to his feet. He stretches his arms over his head and winces when he feels something crack.

Behind him, he knows Chanwoo hasn't left. He turns his head over his shoulder. Chanwoo is packing his things slowly, tucking them into his backpack with meticulous care. Something in his mannerisms tells Hanbin that it isn't a habit. He's just stalling - waiting to see if Hanbin and his gang would leave first.

They don't.

Yunhyeong leans against the windowsill next to Chanwoo's desk, chattering away to both Donghyuk and Bobby. Hanbin catches Chanwoo's doe-eyes on Yunhyeong, watching with him an attentiveness that would rival his own. There's a question in there, in the nervous way he his lips. Hanbin can't place it, but it's familiar.

'Chanwoo.' The desk rocks when Hanbin spreads his hands on its surface and bumps it with his thighs. Yunhyeong falters in mid-sentence, startled by Hanbin's sudden intrusion. Even Junhoe looks up from the phone he's been fidling with.

The classroom is empty, save for the six of them. The sudden hush that falls over the group is thick. Only the clock on the wall sounds louder than the puff of air Bobby exhales. Chanwoo lifts his head slowly to regard Hanbin. He swallows. He, more than anyone, feels the strange weight of the situation. It's as if Hanbin's acknowledgement of him makes things real, less unsure. Like Yunhyeong's amiable personality isn't just for the sake of the sorry new guy, or Donghyuk's infectious laughter is forced, or Bobby's vigour is there to overwhelm him.

It feels like something being set into motion.

Hanbin keeps speaking.

'Are you ready to go? We're going to show you around, right?'

'Oh. Yeah. Yeah, I'm good to go.' It takes a good moment for Chanwoo to get his bearings again. He zips his backback up and slings it over his left shoulder as he stands. Up close, Hanbin can really feel the height difference between the two of them. 'I guess I'll just follow you guys.'

'Absolutely.' Yunhyeong gives Chanwoo a friendly pat on the shoulder. 'You don't have to worry about a thing. My sense of direction is pretty good.'

'He even has this supernatural ability that allows him to find anyone holding a camera or a mirror.' Donghyuk adds enthusiastically. 'It's amazing.'

'Shut up already!'

Hanbin watches the two scuffle for a second before shrugging and waving Chanwoo over. 'Come on. Let Bobby babysit.'

Chanwoo nods, wide eyes still on Yunhyeong who manages to grab Donghyuk by the lapels of his blazer. Bobby grabs him from behind and tugs him away. Hanbin waves a dismissive hand.

'They can be worse.'

'I'm a saint.' Yunhyeong protests. Bobby doesn't let go of him so he settles with just leaning his head against his captor's shoulder. He pouts. 'Donghyuk's the one who totally provoked me.'

'I've done no such thing.' Donghyuk says. He flicks his hair out his eyes and grins. 'Let's go, I'm starving.'

Hanbin shakes his head, trying his best to be exasperated. It doesn't work. The affection is all too obvious on his face.

They file out of the room one by one, Chanwoo up front and Junhoe following. Yunhyeong and Hanbin stay back, watching.

'So, did you figure out why I wanted you to sit next to him?'' Hanbin asks when Donghyuk, the last to leave, disappears out the door.

Yunhyeong doesn't look at him. His eyes aren't anywhere near the exit, but on the sunbeam pouring out over the desk in the back corner. Chanwoo had idly doodled his name on the edge. Hanbin sees Yunhyeong's hand tighten into a fist over his heart.

'No.' A lie.

Hanbin lets it go.


'There you are.'

Jinhwan closes his novel when Chanwoo finally steps out of the classroom, pushing off the wall next to the entrance. He had come straight to Chanwoo's class after his own, ready to offer the first-year his time to show him around the school. There wasn't any special reason for his kindness other than the fact that he felt endeared to Chanwoo. Sure, the two of them had one hell of a first meeting, and yeah, Jinhwan's already a senior set to graduate at the end of the year. But he can't help it. He's always been a little soft.

When Chanwoo spots him, his face lights up and Jinhwan is so glad he's made the right choice. His face splits into a grin in response. He tucks the novel under his arm and holds his hand out. Chanwoo takes it, giving it a brief squeeze in greeting before letting it drop back to his side.

'Jinhwan!' Chanwoo sounds pleased. 'You came.'

'Of course. I was wondering if maybe you wanted to hang out. We can walk around the school some more, and I can tell you about the clubs -' Jinwan stops. His mouth dries, and suddenly, it's hard to swallow. The world mutes around him as the blood in his ears roars. It's the strangest sensation, having his vision waver then focus to a point so sharp he can only see the person coming up behind Chanwoo. 

Koo Junhoe.

God, the name leaves a taste in his mouth.

Jinhwan almost turns around then. Almost runs away to leave Chanwoo gaping after him. The only thing that brings him out of his trance is Chanwoo's hand on his shoulder, large and comforting, shaking him gently. Jinhwan snaps back into himself with a gasp.

Junhoe, a lot taller and a lot more handsome than he remembers, hasn't seen him yet. His hair has been bleached to a pale blonde but Jinhwan knows his face. It's impossible to mistake Junhoe for anyone else. Junhoe's on his phone, intent on his texting. If he speaks, if he lets his voice be heard, Junhoe's going to see him and there are some things Jinhwan would rather leave alone.

Chanwoo peers at him with deep concern. 'Are you okay? Is it your head?'

'No, I'm fine. Sorry.' Jinhwan forces a laugh. Junhoe's head comes up at the sound, quick enough to dispel any hopes he had in Junhoe ever forgetting him. Jinhwan tears his gaze away and forces all his attention on Chanwoo. 'I just...blanked out for a second there. So, what do you say?' 

'I'd love to.' Chanwoo beams. 'Um, there are some guys who wanted to show me around as well, but -'

Jinhwan's ashamed by the relief he feels at that. It gives him a reason to leave before Junhoe gathers his wits and says something to him. But Chanwoo isn't done.

'Will you come with us?'

'Oh, I don't know. You've made friends already and they're in your class. It might be weird making them hang out with a senior.'

'Who's this, Chanwoo?' 

Jinhwan and Chanwoo face the speaker at the same time. Bobby pushes past Junhoe, standing stock-still in his spot, and throws a casual arm around Chanwoo's shoulder. Jinhwan fixes a strained smile on his face.

'Just a friend.'

'His name is Kim Jinhwan.' 

Bobby's touch snaps Junhoe out of his stupor and his jaw twitches.

Jinhwan flinches at his name. It's been - what? Two years? Two years since he's heard it from Junhoe's lips. It cuts hearing it face-to-face and not over the phone. Worse, it cuts hearing it in such bland tones. None of the tenderness is there anymore.

Bobby's eyes dart from one to the other. 'You guys close?'

'No.' Junhoe says. 'We've met before though.'

'Right.' Jinhwan agrees. His heart is in his throat. 'A long time ago.'

Chanwoo and Bobby exchange a glance. They'd both have to be blind and dumb not to see the tension between the two. Bobby clears his throat and Chanwoo utters a nervous laugh just as Donghyuk joins them. No one says anything but Donghyuk is quick enough to take in the situation. Even with the awkward air, he thumps Junhoe's back. His voice comes out a little too jovial.

It works though, and Jinhwan is grateful.

'Hey, I've seen you before. You're a senior.' 

'Sure am.'

Bobby whistles and ruffles Chanwoo's hair. 'You've already got friends on your first day! And a senior too, you sly dog.' 

'I don't know what that means.' Chanwoo whines but he doesn't try to push Bobby away. 'Jinhwan helped me this morning. He came to pick me up after class so he could show me around.'

'Heart of gold.' Junhoe says.

'Oh, so we're all doing the same thing anyway.' Donghyuk says, ignoring Junhoe in favour of Jinhwan. 'Come join us.'

Jinhwan hesitates, looking to Chanwoo for approval. 'Well...'

'Please, Jinhwan.'

He caves. 'Alright.' Jinhwan sneaks a peek at Junhoe but he only gets a blank stare in return.


Proper introductions are made when Hanbin and Yunhyeong finally step out of the classroom to find the rest of the boys crowding the area outside. By then most of the tension is gone, though Jinhwan makes it a point to stick close to Chanwoo as they begin to walk. Donghyuk and Bobby are exceptionally warm, constantly asking them questions that range from elective choices to hobbies.

Chanwoo watches Jinhwan try to keep up with the conversation, smiling. They're both strangers to the group, though Chanwoo doesn't really understand what's going on between Junhoe and Jinhwan. But it doesn't feel like they're outsiders. Not anymore, at least. Chanwoo has to admit that he was expecting Yunhyeong to forget his offer to be Chanwoo's guide for the day. He hadn't though, and they all remembered his name. Even now, Yunhyeong is beside him trying to get Chanwoo to respond without his polite stiffness.

It takes a bit, but eventually, Chanwoo laughs at his story about a disastrous camping trip. 'That didn't really happen. Did it?' 

Yunhyeong grins, wide and honest. 'Bobby and Junhoe are so awkward alone it physically hurts me to look at them together.'

'It physically hurts me to look at your face.' Junhoe retorts.

'I know. My face has been known to break many a heart.' Yunhyeong replies without missing a beat. He pretends to wipe a tear from his eye. When Junhoe turns his head to stifle a smile, Yunhyeong pumps his fist in triumph. 'Still got it.'

'This is what happens,' Hanbin says. 'When you're more beauty than brains.'

'Luckily, I'm both.' Donghyuk flutters his lashes.

Junhoe jabs his friend in the side with a hard finger. 'Stay out of this.'

'Why must you hurt me, Koo Junhoe?'

They're a loud bunch, Chanwoo thinks. As comfortable as he is with the boys themselves, he can't help but squirm when eyes follow them down the hallway. Some of the whispers reach his ears and it's hard to miss the intrigue evident on everyone's face. Hanbin and his friends are recognisable, and even Jinhwan's name gets tossed in the air a couple of times. Chanwoo, though - the few who know he's the scholarship student for the year are the loudest. Those who don't know him will soon enough.

Yunhyeong's the one who notices his discomfort. Jinhwan's distracted, pointing up the stairs to where the student cafeteria apparently leads. Chanwoo nods. He's listening, mostly, though his eyes keep flicking over to a group of seniors gazing at them. Yunhyeong recognises the faces: good friends he's known since his own arrival at the academy. He makes eye-contact with Kim Jinwoo who his head curiously at Chanwoo. Yunhyeong mouthes later, and Jinwoo shrugs. He ushers the rest of his group away. When Chanwoo notices they're gone, he relaxes.

Once Jinhwan's done with his tour, the boys elect to step out into the sunshine to eat. Students breeze past them, some in groups, some in pairs, others alone. The pavement near the side of the main building is jam-packed with stalls and people waving fliers around and signs. The first day of school is always lively during the breaks with everyone trying their best to promote their club. Since the number of heads determines a club's funding, it's no surprise that some clubs go all out. Yunhyeong can smell popcorn and fairy-floss in the air. Someone is playing live on an acoustic guitar, belting out a new hit English song.

Chanwoo watches the spectacle, obviously enthralled by the colours and the music. Jinhwan promises that they can spend some time browsing after they eat. If they don't get the chance, Hanbin adds, they can always come back during their lunch break.

'There's a lot of clubs here, obviously.' Yunhyeong is saying when they finally find a spot to sit. The cement is too hot so they settle for the grassy area near the basketball courts. Bobby and Donghyuk spread out around him, and Junhoe sits closest to the shade of a nearby tree. Jinhwan settles in comfortably next to Chanwoo, who in turn, takes a spot next to Yunhyeong. Hanbin lies on his back, propping his feet up on Bobby's lap. 'You can join more than one, I guess. But you've got to be careful. Some clubs are casual about attendance and participation. Other clubs need all your attention. Like the basketball team.'

'We do play for fun.' Bobby explains. 'But we'll be playing competitively as well, so anyone who wants to make it onto the real court has to put in the effort.'

'Let me guess,' Jinhwan says. 'You're all first string players.'

'For now.' Hanbin props himself up on his elbows. 'Only because we don't have any other members.' He grimaces. 'I did want Mino and Seunghoon on the team. Those guys would kick . You'd know them wouldn't you, Jinhwan?'

'Oh, sure. I thought they'd join you guys for sure but they ended up on the baseball team. I take it you're searching for new teammates then?'


'And you're considering Chanwoo?'

Yunhyeong and Hanbin share a look with each other, then turn back to Jinhwan. Chanwoo pretends to study something interesting in the sky. Yunhyeong can't read him, but he sure as hell can read the storm brewing on Jinhwan's face.

'I am.' Hanbin admits. When he sees the expression on the senior's face, he's quick to try and explain himself. 'We didn't just befriend Chanwoo because I thought he'd be great for the team. I mean sure, I considered it -'

'We do really want to get to know him.' Yunhyeong says helpfully. 'We were all the new kid in class at some point, and he was sitting on his own.'

'Really?' Jinhwan demands in a voice that even has Donghyuk and Junhoe paying attention to the exchange. Chanwoo is still pretending he's not listening. 'You really mean it?'

'Don't lie to him.' Junhoe advises.

'We wanted to introduce ourselves. Honest to God.'

'So you wouldn't mind if he chose another club?'

Yunhyeong shakes his head. 'That doesn't matter to us.'

Jinhwan nods, apparently convinced. He melts back to the sweet soft-faced stranger Yunhyeong had seen the first time. He shudders. If there's one senior he's not going to cross, it's Kim Jinhwan. Junhoe appears mildly amused by the exchange though he says nothing. Chanwoo speaks.

'What club are you in, Jinhwan?'

Jinhwan blinks. 'Me? I'm not in any. I used to be with the dance club but I know this year is going to be pretty crazy. I'm surprised anyone manages to balance club activities, training, and study. Plus, I'm working at my mother's cafe so I don't really have the time.'

Chanwoo nods thoughtfully, teeth worrying at his bottom lip. His eyes wander back towards the stalls and turns something over in his head. Then he seems to make up his mind. He smiles at Jinhwan first, then at Yunhyeong.

'Do I need to try out for the basketball team?'

A/N: Hey, folks! Sorry for the delay on this chapter. I ended up spending my weekend watching Mix & Match with my sister, ahah. Hopefully you all enjoy the chapter. I'll definitely try and get the next one out on time.

A special shout-out to Mister_Chen, BabybeMine, LadySlay12, masami_, sk8t3r92, hifellas, boomshakalaaka, and baekhyunkkaebsong, as well as all the subscribers!

Thanks for reading, and have a wicked day, folks.

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Queen8787 #1
Chapter 5: Please update soon! I cant wait!
noname101 #2
Chapter 5: please update. pleeeeease? :((((
ichliebedich1912 #4
Chapter 5: But... you won't drop the fic, right?
ichliebedich1912 #5
Chapter 5: Can't believe I just found your story this late. I admire your big chapter. Look forward to your next update <3
this is so goooood !!!! i so very much fell straight away because of your writing style and plot <3 tbh i really want this to be ot3 between yunhyeong/chanwoo/hanbin just because i love it that way XD and i for a reader point of view cant stand to know that if by chance this will end up with ot2 pairing, than there will be heart that is broken and tears that will be shed. but then again i am still a new lamb to this all, so i dont know if ot3 will be acceptable or not, especially about them, i only know ot3 as in jinhwan/jiwon/hanbin. so this is really going to be interesting and thanks so much for your effort to even write this and share this with us !!! have a nice day/night :)
baekhyunkkaebsong #7
Chapter 5: I love this fic!! chanbin and yunchan!!
Chapter 5: WHERE HAS THIS BEEN ALL MY LIFE i read this in one sitting and i'm going to do it again o h m y your writing style is beautiful and im chanwoo trash and i looooove it when he's being babied and oh my god goojunhwe i want to pet his hair but i also want to smack him and donghyuk and bobby hmmmmm i smell a thing ahhhh send help jiNHWAN IS ME BC OFC CHANWOO IS SOFT SPOT LAHDGDKSLALFJ
Violet_Cloud #9
Chapter 5: Aahhhh i've been dying to comment on this chapter xD I LOVE THIS CHAPTER SO MUCH OMG YOU DONT EVEN KNOW <3 So excited about Junhoe and Jinhwan's past, i guess the kiss left an unresolved tension because of lack of communication! Idk but I'm so thrilled to know more! And dont even let me start with HANWOO because omg they are my ultimate OTP of this group x''''D yes i love yunchan too but hanwoo have a special place in my heart so this chapter is UGH i cant even :') Hanbin's internal conflict is really complicated because he both aware that Yunhyeong falls for Chanwoo and so does he, so I am really looking forward to see how you're gonna make Hanbin faces this on later chapters! I dont remember ever saying this but if i have, i am sorry for my repetitive comment but I really like your writing style! It's so vivid I can imagine the scenes clearly and admittedly a little cheesy and I love it! I love that you describe your characters' inner turmoil in the narration, it makes it easier for us, readers, to undertand the situation xD OMG i am rambling i am sorry!! Long story short, i love your story and am really looking forward to your next chapter xD keep up the good work author-nim and see you in your next update!

P.s: merry (early) Christmas if you celebrate it!! :) and if you dont, then happy holiday! Hope you have a great day and sorry (again) for my long comment!