
At the Edge of Dreams




'Were you telling him the truth?' Bobby asks.
Hanbin says nothing, staring straight ahead.

The rest of the boys are in front of them, out of earshot but still within their line of sight. A delighted scream somewhere in the crowd draws Donghyuk in further. Junhoe follows after him, shouting. Chanwoo and Jinhwan, the subjects of Bobby's question, look at each other and laugh. The sound is drowned out by the clamour of the stands. They had managed to finish their food fast enough to check out the club stalls, and though Chanwoo seemed to have made his mind up, Jinhwan was insistent he not rush his decision. Hanbin had been gracious at the time; he even pointed out a few clubs that would suit Chanwoo's interests before Yunhyeong took over the duty. Then he'd lingered back with Bobby, watching Chanwoo's reactions to each flier and sign with hawk-eyes.

'Were you telling him the truth?' Bobby repeats.

Hanbin clicks his tongue, but there's no exasperation on him. 'Yes.' He turns to Bobby. 'Mostly. Not at first, I think. I wanted Chanwoo on the team, that's why I wanted us to sit next to him. To be perfectly honest with you, I'd still try to persuade him if he changed his mind. But...'


'I don't know.' Hanbin scratches the back of his neck and sighs. 'He's obviously a good guy. Yunhyeong and Donghyuk love him already. And I'm sort of scared of Jinhwan. Except it's more than that. Like, he belongs with us, you know?'

'I can't imagine him hanging out with anyone else.' Bobby admits.

'Exactly. So even if he decides that he wants to join the crocheting club or whatever, I'm not just going to drop him.'

'Personally, I figure it's a little too late for that anyway.' Hanbin follows Bobby's gaze to a stall where Yunhyeong pulls Chanwoo in by the hand, pointing excitedly at a colourful sign. He says something to the taller boy and both share a loud laugh. 'Someone's attatched.' Bobby smirks. 'You already knew that though.'

Hanbin grins. 'That was pure chance.'

'Well, I think Chanwoo would be a good fit for the team. We can teach him.' Bobby shoves his hands into his blazer and looks around at the eager faces hoping to attract a new member. As a team, they had agreed that it would be best to wait rather than promote. Their reputations would do the rest, they were certain. He doesn't want to brag, but there's no denying that their looks, coupled with their talent both on the court and stage, had risen them to heady heights for a group of teenagers.

People would come eventually, if they didn't leave off with the baseball team that sported their own superstars. Song Mino and Lee Seunghoon were maybe even bigger names than them, but they were set to graduate along with Jinhwan within the year. Then the playground would be all theirs.

Bobby glances at Hanbin. His best friend isn't looking at Chanwoo anymore, staring straight into Bobby's eyes instead. Bobby reels, and Hanbin acts like he doesn't notice.

'What's on your mind?' He asks, all nonchalance.

Bobby almost touches a hand to his chest. He can feel his pulse hammering away, system still startled. 'Just thinking that this could be a great year,' is his reply when he remembers himself.

A slow smile spreads across Hanbin's lips and he throws a casual arm around Bobby's shoulders.

'Yeah.' He breathes in deeply through his nose. 'Can you smell it? This is just the start.'




Chanwoo can play a decent game of basketball, they find out during their lunch break. The classes between then are uneventful. As rowdy as he initially seemed, Donghyuk wasn't joking when he said he had brains as well as beauty. Chanwoo barely heard a peep from him as he scribbled into his notebook, wrist flicking so fast it made Chanwoo dizzy to watch. Hanbin was bent over in a similar fashion, only once or twice raising his head to say something to his best friend. The few glances Chanwoo snuck at Yunhyeong were equally as boring: if he wasn't browsing something on his phone (hidden inconspicuously under his desk), he was taking notes from the board. Not that Chanwoo particularly minded. If anything, he had been worried that he'd be too distracted. But once the bell rang and the teacher dismissed them, Hanbin was quick to lead the group to the courts.

Now, with their blazers tossed to the side (folded meticulously and set on Jinhwan's lap in Chanwoo's case), Hanbin spins the basketball in his hands and decides the teams.

'Yunhyeong, Chanwoo - you two are with me. Bobby, you take Junhoe and Donghyuk.'

Bobby gives Hanbin a thumbs up. Then the game begins.

It's a quick game only meant to gauge Chanwoo's skill against the other players, and Hanbin's not really sure what he's expecting. There's no disappointment, at least. The kid knows what he's doing, his shots accurate enough that Hanbin doesn't want to tear his hair out. And as he thought, his height is a fantastic bonus to the team. But there's still something lacking: in his movements, Hanbin thinks. Not enough power. Not enough weight. Yet. It's nothing that he and Bobby can't fix with a bit more practice.

Trust is earned though, and Chanwoo can't help but notice how carefully Yunhyeong and Hanbin pass to him. It's not a problem; he understands. He's envious of the way Bobby and his team move. There's a fluidity that can't be imitated, a rhythm unique to players who have mingled blood and sweat, pounding hours away to get on the same wavelength. Wherever Donghyuk steps, Junhoe is there to receive the pass with barely a blink. Wherever Junhoe passes, Bobby is there to slam the ball into the hoop, his body and movement a smooth arc.

It would be impossible to play like that with Hanbin and Yunhyeong after knowing them for less than a day. Even as comfortable as he felt with them, as welcome as they made him feel, Chanwoo's painfully aware that his rhythm is a beat behind theirs. It won't be that way forever, he knows. He'll work, like he always has, and always will.

But it hurts all the same when Bobby's team wins and Hanbin glances in his direction, smiling in a way that doesn't quite meet his eyes.

'It's alright,' he tells Chanwoo while Donghyuk and Junhoe high-five each other. It isn't.

Yunhyeong must notice his dejection, sitting on the bench next to Jinhwan. He's taking a long swig from his water-bottle when he feels the presence; a body still hot from exertion, the smell of sun on skin. Chanwoo turns, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, wondering what he should say when Yunhyeong reaches up and ruffles his hair.

Chanwoo is stunned. Yunhyeong takes one look at his expression and laughs. He retracts his fingers.

'Don't be so down,' he says. 'No one's mad at you.'

Maybe not, but Chanwoo shrugs and averts his gaze to his shoes. Jinhwan keeps silent this time and lets Yunhyeong do the talking.

'Really.' Yunhyeong tries again. His voice is genuinely upbeat, erasing any thoughts that he's only trying to make Chanwoo feel better. Chanwoo can't help but think he can believe Yunhyeong. If anything, he can believe in him. He doesn't question this certainty, wedged somewhere in his heart.

'Hanbin always gets a little uptight in any competition, but trust me. He's not mad at you.'

When Chanwoo looks up, he's dry-eyed though his throat works against him. It takes him a couple of seconds to swallow properly and answer.

'Thank you. I just...I guess I wanted to make a good first impression. I know I can play better than that.'

'Hanbin knows that too. I'm sorry that we let you down.'

Chanwoo looks mortified by suggestion, and Yunhyeong chuckles, shaking his head. His fingers return to scratch at Chanwoo's scalp. There's no denying that the feeling is soothing enough to fall asleep to. Chanwoo leans into the touch, and misses the way Yunhyeong's eyes soften.

'Look, you're beating yourself up over nothing. You'll see.'

As if on cue, Hanbin himself joins them, this time a much more genuine smile gracing his features. His white uniform is almost transparent with sweat and water from a bottle he emptied over his head. He holds a hand out to Chanwoo and looks baffled when the boy takes it with caution.

'What's wrong?'

Chanwoo says nothing, but he does glance at Yunhyeong who studies his face carefully. Up so close, Chanwoo almost feels flustered, like maybe he should pull away. He doesn't. After what feels like a minute but can't have been more than a couple of seconds, Yunhyeong is the one who answers Hanbin.

'Nothing really. He's just wondering how he did.'

'Oh, is that it?' Hanbin sounds relieved. He squeezes Chanwoo's hand and pulls him to his feet. Yunhyeong stands with him. 'I think you're good. You play well with us. Right, Yunhyeong?'

The boy nods. 'That's what I told him.'

'See, it's all good, then.' Chanwoo isn't unconvinced, per se, but it does feel more reassuring when the rest of the team gather around and even Junhoe compliments him.

'Good game,' he says. 'Didn't think you had it in you.' 

It makes Chanwoo feel light.

When the bell signals the end of their break, they file back inside and leave the warmth of the sun on the courts.




Two months fly by so fast it feels like a dream. Chanwoo can scarcely believe that he's been attending YG Academy in all that time, settling in with an ease he didn't think was possible.

He knows he has his friends to thank for that. Friends he never imagined would be his. Chanwoo rolls over in his bed, smiling into his pillow. Jinhwan, Hanbin, Yunhyeong, and Bobby, Donghyuk, and Junhoe. They had all made him feel welcome in their own way, taking him under their collective wings without so much as a blink. Discomfort at being scrutinised at every turn aside, the basketball team and the senior are great company. Even with all their popularity (Jinhwan's being the most surprising to find out about; who knew that he had quite the reputation as a dancer and singer?) they remained down-to-earth and kind to their peers.

Yunhyeong especially, Chanwoo thinks. His smile grows wider but before he can continue the thought, the alarm beside his head blares and Chanwoo hauls himself out of bed.

As usual, Jinhwan is the once who meets him at the front of the school. He's beaming though he's got an umbrella in one hand and the weather beats furiously around him. The rain that comes down is harsh and the wind bites through Chanwoo's uniform. His own umbrella is fighting not to turn inside-out. Thunder crackles somewhere overhead, and the smell of wet grass clogs Chanwoo's nose.

'Hurry, Chanwoo!' Jinhwan calls and beckons with his free hand. 'You'll get sick if you get soaked.' 

'Sorry! Let's go inside.' 

'They should've just cancelled the school day.' Jinhwan complains, shaking his umbrella dry as they enter the main building. Everywhere around them, students are shrugging off raincoats and voicing similar complaints. Chanwoo agrees. The weather is perfect for staying home and playing games but it makes classrooms miserable.

Bobby finds them just as they're about to make their way to Chanwoo's classroom. He looks like he's just come in, his hair soaked. Black strands stick to his forehead, making him look even younger. His clothes are dry, however. A raincoat sits folded in his arms. He grins sheepishly when Jinhwan raises an eyebrow.

'I forgot my umbrella,' he confirms and shakes the water out of his eyes as they walk. 'It started raining while I was on the bus. Didn't think it would be this bad though.'

'Looks like your basketball practice might have to be put off for today.' Jinhwan remarks.

'Maybe, but I don't know.' Bobby says. 'You know how Hanbin is.' Catching the worried furrow of Jinhwan's brow, he adds: 'Then again, Yunhyeong isn't too great with storms and Junhoe isn't -'

'Too great with water.' Jinhwan finishes for him. 'Yeah.'

Bobby looks at Chanwoo, but only receives a mouthed, who knows




Jinhwan parts ways with them as soon as the classroom comes into view. Bobby watches as the senior disappears around the corner and he grins at Chanwoo.

'He's pretty cool, huh?'

Chanwoo grins back. 'Yeah.'

When they step inside, the rest of their team is already lounging in their usual spots. Hanbin straightens in his seat when he sees Bobby and Chanwoo enter together. He waves them closer. They comply, Bobby taking the seat to Hanbin and Chanwoo between Donghyuk and the window.

'Wild weather, right?' Yunhyeong asks as Chanwoo unloads his school things onto the desk. There's a tight smile on his face as he gazes through the glass separating him from the heavy grey clouds and rain. Lightning flashes like a tongue of flame over the trees.

'Don't sweat it.' Hanbin says. 'I'm gonna see if the indoor gym is free. If not, then we'll just leave it.'

'Good.' Junhoe grimaces and runs his fingers through his hair, trying to fix the damage the water had wrought. 'The last thing I need is a cold before the camp.'

'Camp?' Bobby asks. He turns to Hanbin.

Hanbin scratches his nose. 'Oh, yeah. I was mentioning it to the others - I'm planning on organising a camp with our superivisor. We've got the numbers and the funding now.'

'How did you manage to convince Jinhwan to join?' Donghyuk asks. 'I thought he said he was too busy for club activities.'

'Sure.' Hanbin replies. 'But I told him he doesn't even have to be a regular. Hongseok, Jinhyeong, and Chanwoo are part of the second string already. Plus it makes us look good, having another senior.'

'And?' Bobby presses.

'And, well, with him, we meet the quota of players we need to be considered for extra funding.'

'Shouldn't we get a cute manager like Suhyun instead of Jinhwan?' It's a joke by Donghyuk but Hanbin stares at him seriously.

'Isn't Jinhwan cute enough?'

Beside Bobby, Junhoe sputters.

'There must be a reason for the camp.' Yunhyeong says. 'You were about to tell us before Bobby and Chanwoo got here.'

'It's going to be a training camp.' Hanbin grins at the clamour of surprise. When the group settles, he continues. 'Look, I know that none of us really planning to go big as basketball players once we graduate but there's a chance we'll be participating in tournaments, and I want to be prepared. And we've got to consider the rival schools that are bound to show up for practice matches.'

'JYP.' Junhoe mutters and earns a laugh from Donghyuk.

'When that happens, I don't want us to lose.' Hanbin says. Everyone nods in agreement.

Chanwoo sits back, biting back an eager grin. He's excited at the prospect of a training camp, and even more so at the prospect of finally playing as a team against another school. Sure, he's a second string player but that could change. There was also a good possibility that Hanbin would mix things up and still let him on the court.

As the teacher enteres the room and class commences, Chanwoo feels the phone in his pocket buzz. He pulls it out, head cocked. Yunhyeong's name is on the screen and he opens the text.

Want to be my tent-mate if the camp falls through?

Chanwoo looks up past Donghyuk to a yawning Yunhyeong, his phone hidden up his sleeve. He watches Yunhyeong's expression closely when he types out his answer and presses send. Yunhyeong checks his screen, then twists in his seat to face Chanwoo. 

Their eyes meet and Chanwoo is glad with what he sees there.




'Why is it still raining?' Yunhyeong complains as they step outside. There's nothing more than a light drizzle left from the earlier storm, but both Yunhyeong and Junhoe open their umbrellas anyway.

'It's not too bad.' Chanwoo says, holding his palm out to catch a few droplets of water. Bobby hums in agreement and jumps into a puddle. Donghyuk squawks, caught in the splash. Jinhwan pulls up the hood of his raincoat and helps Hanbin put his on.

The school day is finally over and done with. Most students linger inside the Academy's main building, waiting for parents to pick them up as opposed to walking or catching the bus. Yunhyeong, Junhoe, and Donghyuk decide to take their chances by sprinting to the train station instead of freezing at a bus stop. Jinhwan isn't so worried; his house is within a five-minute walking distance from the school, and he sets off with a hug from Chanwoo and a wave to the rest. Hanbin offers to walk Chanwoo home as the others depart, exchanging goodbyes. 

'We're going the same way, anyway.' Hanbin says, adjusting his bag-straps. The transparent plastic of his raincoat creaks when he moves, the sound itching both their teeth.

'I live a little further down than you.' Chanwoo points out. 'Doesn't that mean I'm walking you home?'

Hanbin pretends to pout and Chanwoo laughs at how misplaced the expression is on Hanbin's face. Hanbin shoves Chanwoo, and Chanwoo bumps his shoulder back.

'Have it your way. I'm trying to act like a gentleman and you try to upstage me.'

'I'd never!' Chanwoo protests. 'I can't even compete with you.'

'Don't think you can flatter your way out of this. I'm going to tell Jinhwan how you treat your elders.'

'Ahh, no, please.' Chanwoo flutes his voice and widens his eyes in mock-terror, holding his hands up. 'Anything but that!'

Hanbin laughs, and grabs Chanwoo's hands, twining their fingers together as he pushes the boy backwards. They wrestle for a good minute before Chanwoo gives, and Hanbin crows with delight as he releases Chanwoo. Both their hands drop to their sides, but they stand close enough that their fingers brush against each other.

They walk, the rain light and the promise of sunshine breaking through the clouds.




It's another three weeks before Chanwoo gets a call from Hanbin, confirming the date and location of the training camp.

He sits up in bed, his phone pressed tightly to his ear as the basketball team's leader tells him the details of what to bring, when to meet up, and how long they're going to be gone for. Chanwoo writes it all down as fast as he can, nodding, though he knows Hanbin can't see him.

When he hangs up, his phone goes off again almost straight away. Chanwoo picks it up and Yunhyeong's voice rings clear through the speaker.

'So, did Hanbin tell you where we were staying?'

'Yeah. We don't even have to spend the night in tents.'

'He did a pretty good job.' Yunhyeong agrees. In the background, Chanwoo can hear a young girl talking over the noise of a television. 'Looks like we'll be roommates instead of tent-mates, then. Jinhwan doesn't mind?'

'No. He says he might try and share a room with Donghyuk. It's too bad Jinhyeong and Hongseok can't make it.'

'Yeah, what's with that?'

'They said their parents didn't want them away for so long while school's still on.'

'Oh, no. With Jinhwan.'

'And Junhoe?'


'Dunno.' Chanwoo admits and sits down on his bed. The mattress springs dips with his weight, and he falls back onto his pillows. 'I haven't asked him but...'

'Well, I asked Junhoe once and I thought he was gonna bite my head off.'


'Tell me about it.' Yunhyeong pulls away from the phone to yell an answer over his shoulder before putting it back to his ear. 'Alright, I've got to go. Just wanted to make sure you weren't having second doubts about bunking with me.'

'I already turned Jinhwan down.'

Yunhyeong laughs. 'Fair enough. See you tomorrow, Chanwoo. Sweet dreams.'

'Yeah.' Chanwoo says. 'Sweet dreams.'

In another part of Seoul, Yunhyeong waits until the phone beeps before tossing it onto the sofa. He leans forward to rest his elbows on his knees, and buries his face in his hands, ears burning.

A/N: Shout-out to LadySlay12, BabybeMine, masami_, ShazamJusticeLeague, and sk8t3r92 for the comments, and to all the subscribers! I'm super excited to start writing the next few chapters, and I hope you're all enjoying the story so far. Sorry for the slow build-up but things will definitely pick up soon. 

Thanks for reading, and have a wicked day, folks!

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Queen8787 #1
Chapter 5: Please update soon! I cant wait!
noname101 #2
Chapter 5: please update. pleeeeease? :((((
ichliebedich1912 #4
Chapter 5: But... you won't drop the fic, right?
ichliebedich1912 #5
Chapter 5: Can't believe I just found your story this late. I admire your big chapter. Look forward to your next update <3
this is so goooood !!!! i so very much fell straight away because of your writing style and plot <3 tbh i really want this to be ot3 between yunhyeong/chanwoo/hanbin just because i love it that way XD and i for a reader point of view cant stand to know that if by chance this will end up with ot2 pairing, than there will be heart that is broken and tears that will be shed. but then again i am still a new lamb to this all, so i dont know if ot3 will be acceptable or not, especially about them, i only know ot3 as in jinhwan/jiwon/hanbin. so this is really going to be interesting and thanks so much for your effort to even write this and share this with us !!! have a nice day/night :)
baekhyunkkaebsong #7
Chapter 5: I love this fic!! chanbin and yunchan!!
Chapter 5: WHERE HAS THIS BEEN ALL MY LIFE i read this in one sitting and i'm going to do it again o h m y your writing style is beautiful and im chanwoo trash and i looooove it when he's being babied and oh my god goojunhwe i want to pet his hair but i also want to smack him and donghyuk and bobby hmmmmm i smell a thing ahhhh send help jiNHWAN IS ME BC OFC CHANWOO IS SOFT SPOT LAHDGDKSLALFJ
Violet_Cloud #9
Chapter 5: Aahhhh i've been dying to comment on this chapter xD I LOVE THIS CHAPTER SO MUCH OMG YOU DONT EVEN KNOW <3 So excited about Junhoe and Jinhwan's past, i guess the kiss left an unresolved tension because of lack of communication! Idk but I'm so thrilled to know more! And dont even let me start with HANWOO because omg they are my ultimate OTP of this group x''''D yes i love yunchan too but hanwoo have a special place in my heart so this chapter is UGH i cant even :') Hanbin's internal conflict is really complicated because he both aware that Yunhyeong falls for Chanwoo and so does he, so I am really looking forward to see how you're gonna make Hanbin faces this on later chapters! I dont remember ever saying this but if i have, i am sorry for my repetitive comment but I really like your writing style! It's so vivid I can imagine the scenes clearly and admittedly a little cheesy and I love it! I love that you describe your characters' inner turmoil in the narration, it makes it easier for us, readers, to undertand the situation xD OMG i am rambling i am sorry!! Long story short, i love your story and am really looking forward to your next chapter xD keep up the good work author-nim and see you in your next update!

P.s: merry (early) Christmas if you celebrate it!! :) and if you dont, then happy holiday! Hope you have a great day and sorry (again) for my long comment!