A New Beginning

See Me

I nervously shift my pink, Hello Kitty backpack from shoulder to shoulder as I stand outside the YG Entertainment building. It’s finally March 5th, and today is the day I start training with YG.


I feel so childish as I walk towards the building. I just took the bus from school, so I’m still in my school uniform— skirt, blazer, tie and all. As I approach the sliding glass doors I try to remember what the instructions that came in the mail said. They were instructions on how to get into the building, since the security is so tight with all the crazy fans and everything. The only problem is, I can’t exactly remember what the instructions said…


Aigoo, I think, wincing at my own stupidity. What am I going to do?


That’s when I notice a security guard in a blue uniform standing outside the doors. He’s staring at me kind of weirdly… I think, as I motion for his attention. Is it because of my uniform?


“Annyeonghaseyo,” I say, bowing timidly. “I’m one of the new trainees. I got a letter about a meeting on the fifth?”


The guard looks at me skeptically and clears his throat, “ID please?”


“Oh!” I say, quickly sliding my Hello Kitty backpack off one shoulder. “I remember now!” I have to rummage through every pocket, pulling out pens and other useless items, before I finally find a small silver badge with my name engraved on it.


He furrows his eyebrows at me in disapproval, takes the badge, and holds it up in the light as if he’s expecting it to be a fraud. He clears his throat again and asks, “Choi YeoJin-ssi?”




“Thank you,” he says grumpily, opening the sliding glass doors for me to enter.


The moment I go through, the doors slam shut behind me. The noise is so loud and echo-y that I jump a little at the sudden bang. Then I remember that I have no idea where I’m even going.


What floor did the letter say the meeting was on? I think, frantically trying to remember any directions the letter might have mentioned.


I try to go back out the doors, but they’re locked. Panicking, I run to one of the huge, entirely glass walls near where the security guard is standing. I tap on the glass to get his attention.


“Hello?” I ask, pounding on the glass. The guard turns around at first in surprise, but after seeing me he looks really annoyed.


He walks over to the window and I can tell he’s saying something, but the glass is making his voice all muffled and weird. “I can’t hear you!” I mouth, pointing to my ears.


I can see that he’s saying, “WHAT?!” but all I hear is a soft and muted grumble. I try not to giggle as I point to the sliding doors, hoping he’ll get the hint. He sighs in exasperation and pushes a button to open them. I go around and poke my head out of the doors.


“Sorry, but do you know where I’m going?” I ask, trying to put on my best I’m-lost-please-help-me pouty-face.


He looks over at me in disdain and says, “Go through the first hallway, take a left, get on the elevator and go to the 10th floor. It’s the third room on the right.”


“Than-“ I begin to say, but he just bows quickly and slams the doors in my face, pretending not to hear me.


Grumpy old man… I think as I walk down a deserted hallway towards the elevators. I push the elevator button and step inside, hitting the button for the 10th floor. As the elevator begins to travel upward, I start to feel nervous all over again. But it’s not the kind of nervous I felt before my audition. It’s more of an excitement. It’s that kind of fluttery, light, tingly feeling in my stomach. I lean against the mirrored wall of the elevator, close my eyes, and imagine myself on stage singing in a bright spotlight.


I wish SunHi was here… I think. Surprisingly, she had taken the news of my acceptance really well. She wasn’t even disappointed that she hadn’t made it. In fact, she seemed more excited for me than she would have been for herself.


Suddenly, the elevator makes a soft pinging noise and the doors open to reveal a long, spacious hallway decorated with album covers and brightly colored posters along the walls. I find the third room on the right, and pause for just a moment before pushing open the door and stepping inside.


There is a long, wooden table not much different than the one in the audition room. Around the table there are about thirty people, including the other eleven trainees. Everyone is chatting lightly and there is a box of donuts at the center of the table. At the end of the table sits Yang Hyun Suk, the CEO.


“Ah, the last one has arrived!” He says in his infamous nasal voice, smiling playfully. “You’re a little late.”


I laugh kind of nervously. “I… uh… I’m sorry,” I say, as I fidget with my backpack straps.


“Just don’t do it again. Take a seat and let’s get started,” He grins, pointing at an empty chair at the opposite end of the table.


I start towards my seat and find myself taking a sharp inhale of breath as I look over at the empty chair. Well… not because of the chair, but because of the person sitting next to it.






Hey guys! :3 I thought I had already added this chapter a week ago, but when I checked AFF today I didn't see the chapter there. So I just uploaded it again. I hope you enjoy it! ^^ Can you guess who is sitting next to our little YeoJinnie during the YG meeting?

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Seems cute Update more Haha :) GRI FTW!♥
CupNoodles4319 #2
So Gd and Seungri are going to fight over top? interesting. Cant wait for the next update ^.^