Chapter 2

Can You Just..!!


Seungcheol couldn't believe what they had just said..Lee Jihoon is here?! Many questions surfaced Seungcheol's still surprised mind..'why the hell is he here?' 'how did these peskies knows he's here' he thought...the fact that Jihoon was so against in transfering school is what really shocked him...he was still comprehending what his friends just said, when Seungkwan spoke...

"He's pretty confused right now.." with smirk on his face...

"Totally" Jeonghan added...

"Hyung..?!Hyung..?!" Mingyu said but still ignored by bewildered Seungcheol.."HYUNG.!"

"W-w-what?!!" Mingyu smiled to himself.."Hyung..don't be flustered about Jihoon hyung's sudden trasnferring..instead of spacing out, why don't you find him and declare your und---" a hand suddenly covers Mingyu's obnoxius mouth...

"Ha.ha.ha.ha....Gyu, why don't you get me some orange juice...i'm kinda thirsty..." Wonwoo said...then faced Mingyu with just-shut-the-hell-up-you-moron look...and throw Mingyu outside their leisure room...

They were all nervous while looking at still-dumb-face Seungcheol...while processing all what is happening...Jihoon's angelic smile run through his mind...his heartbeat accelerated in an instant...his blood rushing through his face...he couldn't believe it...that young boy with irresistibly charming cheeks and innocent smile is here...



Seungcheol and Seungkwan was transfered by their parents to a small pre-school as a punishment to their unsuccessfull escapade to go to an amusement park....they stayed their for 2 weeks...though it was a small school they both enjoyed their stay...the class was all friendly to them...the teachers treated them just like every normal the 3rd week of their stay...a small chubby boy showed up...he showed unfriendly aura to all who glances at him...and his name was Lee Jihoon...he's always alone..distant from others..he didn't talk day, as curiosity hits young Seungcheol...he followed Jihoon from school to wherever he is going...Jihoon's mysteriousness is killing this young fellow...he wanted to know Jihoon's feelings or what he is thinking....Jihoon stopped his tracks...then Seungcheol realized where his is...

화창한 Florwer Shop

'A flower shop' Seungcheol looks really crappy, old and at the same time 'lonely'...Jihoon entered the shop..Seungcheol immediately run towards the it and hide behind a big flower pot...good thing the window was open he can clearly hear what they are talking...

"Ajumma.!" Jihoon called...then a not very old lady came out behind the cashier....Seungcheol noticed that Jihoon was rather calm-looking the moment he entered this shop...

"Oh..omo..Jihoonie..your here again.?!" the lady said excitedly...

"I always come here everyday.." Jihoon pouted that even young Seungcheol find it very cute...

'He always comes here.?' Seungcheol said to himself..

The lady laughed at Jihoon's cuteness.."Where is Sammy and Dongjin..ajumma..?!"

"Samuel-ah..Dongjinie...Jihoonie's here..." the lady shouted...afterawhile Seungcheol heard some if some is rashing to get down...

"HYUNG!!!!!!!!!" two overly excited young boys came down the staires and rushed towards Jihoon.."Aigoo~~" Jihoon said while smilling brightly...the 2 boys hugged Jihoon tighly...


(here is cute little dongjin and cute little samuel...credits from

"We missed you hyung.!" the boy with cute little face said burrying his face to the olders body...Jihoon chuckled.."You always misses me, Dongie." while pinching Dongjin's chubbly little cheeks..the little boy smiled at him revealing his cute little front teeth...

Seungcheol was, somewhat amused of this side of Jihoon..he would never will regret that he followed this kid...

After their long 'i-missed-you-hyung' convo..." what shall we play today.?" he asked the 2 boys..Samuel cross his arms pouting..tilted his head upwards as if thinking deeply.."How about Butterfly Grave, hyung..!!!"..."Yeah.!"Dongjin agreed..."Okay, Butterfly Grave it would."

The 3 boys walked towards an abandoned-looking piano...and it looks old too...

Then suddenly, he heard a melodious sound..Seungcheol unconsciously closed his eyes..he listened to every melody Jihoon was making...the song captivated his poor heart...

Unknowingly, the lady was startled to see a boy behind his pot of plants..."Pssssttt..little kid.?!' she said in her low voice..but Seungcheol was so into the song..she squinted her eyes to this strange boy...."Yah." she slowly tapped the boy's shoulder..then Seungcheol, finally, was back to reality...

"Huh.?!"the boy widened his eyes...'Crap.' he was ready to run, when the lady spoke..

"Little kid, are by any chance an acquaintance of Jihoonie..?" she said with a smile...Seungcheol lowered his head then nodded slowly..his a bit shy..

"If your friends with Jihoonie...why are you here outside.?!It's freezing cold here.." she worried...

He didn't realized the coldness of the breeze because Jihoon's melody is warming him up...

Seungcheol didn't utter a word...."Okay, then...why don't you come inside..i have hot chocolate..and i'm sure Jihoonie would be happy to see you..since you both are friends.."



"I-I-I think i'll go ahead ajumma.." he started running away...

Seungcheol run as fast as he can...he'd rather freeze in cold than to meet a frowning Jihoon...he still remembers what happened last week...when he and Seungkwan was trying to be friends with him...he just snapped out and said 'Go away..i don't need your sympathy..i better be alone than to have both of you as my friends..' and he walked away...Seungcheol truthfully was hurt BUT Seungkwan, 'HYUNG.!! I like that kid....we should make him our friend, I'll tell the others about it.'..he sighed..Seungkwan is really positive...the next day, Seungkwan always bothers/annoys/irritates Jihoon..every single hour..until Jihoon gives up and accepted Seungkwan's 'forced' friendship...

While escaping, Seungcheol bumped into a hard-rock thing...he fell of the ground and grumbled in pain.."I'm sorry."

He got up and immediatley bowed to that person..."I'm very sorry mister.."

"You stupid kid!Watch were you going.."

Seungcheol apologized again..

"NO!!!YOU PAY ME..LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE TO MY DRINK!" the man shouted pointing at a shattered glass...

This mister was drunk...that made Seungcheol shiverred in terror..he was about to cry when he heard a small voice that he never expected...

"Why don't you pick your own size, mister..!"

The man turned to that little man and laughed hard..."You piece of a ..!!" the man wobbly walked towards Jihoon...

"Run Seungcheol.!!!" Jihoon shouted..

His eyes widened... his even more terrified...his was now crying..."RUN!!" then for the 2nd time...he ran again...he didn't even looked back...

As he approached the busy road, he slumped to the floor...he's tired now...very a child he didn't dreamed to experience this kind of situation...he just cried there..without noticing a small figure inching on him...he was so scared...he wanted his eomma...

He was still sobbing when a familiar voice spoke..."Hey, are you alright.?" he lifted his head...he even cried harder when he saw Jihoon's face..he hugged him tightly.."I was so afraid, Jihoonie.." and cried more...Jihoon sighed...

"This would never happened if you never followed me.." Jihoon said calmly...patting Seungcheol's back...even Jihoon was younger than him..he felt relaxed...

Seungcheol slowly released Jihoon from his arms..he calmed down a bit...then took a deep breath..."It's because i wanted to be your friend..but..but you always pushed us i was sad.."

"Hyung-ah, sorry for treating you bad..but next time if you want to come with me..just ask me okay.."

Then for the first time in Seungcheol's life, he witnesed the most angelic smile...

Since then, Seungcheol and Jihoon became friends..he, Seungkwan and Jihoon played with each other...although, Jihoon would always lose his temper whenever Seungkwan is getting annoying...but still, he is happy..seeing Jihoon is not alone anymore...several months later, Seungcheol and Seungkwan's parents lifted their punshment..and they needed to go back to their own lives....Seungkwan (self-proclaimed Jihoon's bestfriend) was throwing tantrums, he don't want to leave Jihoon...Seungcheol too, he was so against it..but how can a kid like him would change anything...but instead of outbursting, like Seungkwan did, Seungcheol wrote Jihoon a letter..


Dear Jihoonie,

Annyeong, first all i wanted to say sorry because we're leaving you now...i hope you'll get along with the other kids..they are nice and cool..and always remember that you're special in my our don't forget about us okay...we'll see each other soon..bye bye..

Your special friend,




Don't be mean to other kids, okay =)


Years had passed by...they never heard a single news from Jihoon..some said that his family brought him back to Busan..


He'll never forget Jihoon...his childhood friend...his special one...his first love..




Jihoon was still struggling on finding the dorm he is assigned too...'Where the hell is that stupid dorm..!' he is annoyed..

"Can I help you.?" asked a tall guy...ah that was an understatement...a very very very tall guy..."By the way, nice hair.." pointing at his pastel pink hair.....

"Errr..thanks...?! I was looking for room no. 017.?" Jihoon said...he noticed that the tall guy was holding about 10 cans of juice...

"Oh you should be the ne---" then he suddenly realized who's this new kid..he dropped all the canned juice and shake Jihoon's shoulders...

"Is your name, by any chance, Lee Jihoon.?!?!?!:" he asked grinning....

Jihoon was a bit taken back by the sudden skinship with this complete tall stranger..."Y-Y-Yeah.?!" confusion was written all over Jihoon's face....

"COUPS HYUNG WOULD BE VERY HAPPY!!!" Mingyu said to himself...he was talking to himself...

Jihoon sighed..'This school is full of weird people.'

"So would you help me find my room." Jihoon distrating Mingyu who's smilling evily..

"A-Ah yeah...of course..anything for the newbee..btw, i'm Mingyu, first year..." Mingyu introduced himself, offering Jihoon his hand...

Although, Jihoon was bit weirded by this Mingyu guy..he accepted his handshake.."I'm Lee Jihoon, second year.."

"Okay, since we're friends now...i'll show you your room, Jihoon hyung.." it sounded so unsual calling to Jihoon when Mingyu called him hyung..."This is your room hyung..."

Then he closed the door, good thing Mingyu didn't bother him anymore...

"What a day."




okay that was short..hahahaha...anyways sorry for the annoying flashback ^^

i hoped you'll not be bored by this chapter...

and also,i promised that i'll update more often...kay.. ^o^

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b2tyowl1311 #1
Chapter 3: chan is so cute omigosssssshhhhh,,, I think my heart is being blessed because of this adorable chapter~~ thanks for the update^^
Balalala1717 #2
Chapter 3: Cuteee jihooniee and chaaan yaaay ~~~ update soon im curious when jihoon met seungcheol hihi
ImAWeirdMonkey00 #3
Chapter 2: The flashback was ADORABLE!!! My fragile heart KENNAT with cute scenes!!! ♡♡♡

And I hope they'll meet each other soon!!! Im anticipating tht moment and Im also anticipating the next chapter!!!

Update soon please!! Oh and thank you for writing this. Bless your soul and may the force be with you for years to come (≧▽≦)
Hyeonjae14 #4
Chapter 2: This story is so cute....I hope you will update it..
Chapter 2: they're going to meet soon
Chapter 2: Aw the flashback is really cute ♡ and can't wait for Seungcheol to meet Jihoon!
Chapter 1: i love this storyyyyyyyy!!!!!!
Chapter 1: Is Jihoon that popular? XD