Thank You, Kiseop.

A Crazy Twist of Fate




Seems like my instincts were right. Hyun Ri was up there. I'm really smart. Yeaah.



Kim Hyun Ri's POV



I let out all my frustrations, my heartaches, and my tears. I might seem tough on the outside, but deep inside, I'm a weakling with a fragile heart. No matter how I control my tears, it still find its way out of my eyes. 


I continued to scream.


    "WHY DO I HAVE TO LIKE YOU? WHY?", I screamed once more, with tears in my face. 


It felt good. At least, my heartaches were all out. I felt a little bit more comfortable. The feeling was good. 


After a while of screaming, I finally stopped. And I noticed that my tears were already dried up. Ah. At last. I feel so refreshed. 


I turned around and I saw Kiseop standing just beside me, making me fall backward in a swift motion. I closed my eyes, getting ready for the big hit. 


But, I felt nothing. 


Instead, Kiseop oppa was holding me, with his face only a few inches from mine. My nose and his were barely touching. I blinked for a moment, staring at his lovely face. I blushed and got up. 


"Erhm. Mianhe oppa. ", I said, bowing.

"No, it's okay. ", he replied, smirking.

"Oh wait--. What are you doing here oppa?", I asked him. 

His smirk turned into a wide grin.



"What did you hear oppa?", I asked him, not trying to sound so obvious. 

"Erm. Let just say that, I heard... EVERYTHING. ", he answered back, putting more emphasis on the last word. 


Hyun Ri. Pabo. Stupid little ant. Why did you have to blabber things about Kevin. What if he tell him about what you said?


"I won't tell him. Don't worry. I'm a good guy. ", he said.

Did he just read my mind?

"Ahh. Thankyou oppa. Please don't tell him. I don't wanna cause a ruckus. Please do understand. ", I said. 

"I understand you, don't worry. I promise I won't tell him. But.. it seems like you really like him a lot. Do you?", he asked me. 

"Well---. Sort of. I liked him from a long, long, time ago. ", I said. 

"Oh. It's not just a fangirl thing?", he asked me. 

"Uhm. Yes. It's more than that. But, I'm really trying to forget things.. and this stupid heart of mine. I don't wanna get hurt. Kevin oppa only knew me for a few days. And I was nothing but an ordinary KissMe. ", I said. Miracle, but my tears are not falling out. 

"Oh. I understand you. Please don't get hurt. But who knows? Maybe they were just childhood sweethearts. ", he said, smiling.

I smiled back, noticing his effort to make me smile.

"Thanks, but I'm really trying to move on and I'm trying to forget this feeling. I know that I can get over it soon. ", I said.

"Sure thing. I'll support whatever decision you want. ", Kiseop said, nodding his head. 

"Thank you, Kiseop oppa.", I said as I smiled once more. 


Thank God that there is this person who can comfort me everytime I'm sad. 


"So, should we get going back?", he asked me. 

"Sure thing. ", I said as we both nodded our heads and went back to our classroom.


As we went back, we noticed that the teacher was not yet there. Woah. he's probably absent. YEA~! My classmates are partying. Crazy dudes. 


I looked around and noticed that Min Hye was not around. Well, I should probably see her more.


 Go on with your life. Ignore the people who are making you sad. Smile. Be optimistic. Better things await in the future. 

I smiled as I went back to my seat as Kiseop sat on his chair too. 

"Woah. The two of you came back together. Seems like we have a new batch of lovebirds, huh?", Kibum said which made all of laugh, except Kevin. He has his own world. All he's doing was to text on his cellphone all day long. 


"Hyung. Stop teasing me. ", Kiseop said as he defended himself.

"Well, tell me first why did you two came back together.", Kibum asked Kiseop.

"We met each other at the hallways. What now?", Kiseop said as Kibum frowned. 

                                                    The bickering never stopped. 


              Days and weeks passed. I, UKISS, and my friends, were getting much more closer. But, I felt a little more distant from Kevin. Well, he was spending too much time with Min Hye, which is something that I ignored. Somehow, the pain  I felt was thrown away to the sea. Maybe I'm over him. Just maybe. But well, I wish so. 


           Time flew so fast.  I just knew that today, was the releasing day. The releasing day of the MV. I wonder what people will think about it. Aaah. I'm so nervous. We even had a press-conference today. They asked me to come and participate in it too. I turned back the offer but UKISS still insisted. In a dew minutes, the press-conference will start. Guess what? I'm really having a hard time. I was wearing this stupid killer heels and my dress was so revealing, much more revealing that what I wore on the shooting of the MV.


"Don't be scared, Hyun Ri-ah. We're here to support you. ", Alexander said as I smiled back at him and the other members.

"Thankyou guys. ", I replied and they all smiled back.


Thankyou dear readers~!  Especially for the comments~! ILY~!33 subscribers~! WOW. Thankyou. And oh, sorry for the typos. :D Mianhe.

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Chapter 52: PLS update... I need to know what happens!!! This is to good of a story to stop reading so pls update!!!
veran97 #2
Chapter 52: I LOVE your story!!! Even though I just got your story hehe :D
Can't wait for the next update :D
Chapter 52: Wanna read more so badly ~
So cute i LOVE your story!!!!
Kyaa so cute ^.^ KEVINNN!! <33333 update soon :D
ukissmekevin16 #6
This Story is so cute :)
KiseopLover #7
Yippie, Kiseop!! Lol~ it's been awhile though Kiseop gets a topic in ur story :) can't wait!! Great story :D
Leehui #8
Please update. ;) this story is nice
lhychii #9
I love this story. Please update ^__^