
Everything Falls Into Place


They sat on top of the fence, watching the sun slowly dip away beneath the ground.
''Hee Chul ?''
''What kind of girls do you like?''
Hee Chul had been struck. At a loss for words. How was he going to answer this without sounding weird?
He sat, watching the sunset and turned to Hong Ki slowly. Hong Ki stared straight ahead, ignoring him. Hee Chul couldn't read his bestfriend's face at all. Hongki displayed no possible answer for his sudden questioning.
''You know what...? I don't know.'' Heechul responded, ''I thought I'd know by now..but I still don't. I don't have a type.''
Hongki muttered something. 
Hongki told him to forget it. Heechul watched the last orange dips disappear bit by bit until the sky was a hazy pink.
''Why'd you ask?'' he implored.
''Do you like blondes?''
Heechul thought about this. Foreigners? one of those girls from America or something? he hadn't really cared for them as much as any other girl he'd ever come across. Girls were all the same to him. He felt nothing for them outside of perhaps friendship and the ocassional snide remarks directed towards them. He liked Choi Jin Ri - but she was like a little sister he wanted to protect. He liked SoHee. He once thought he was in love with the latter, but then Sohee got herself a boyfriend and Heechul realized that he was more worried about the man upsetting her than him having his girl.
Heechul had lost track of all that was going on, and found himself staring into the eyes of a very serious looking Hongki. Heechul noticed something hanging in Hongki's eyes. He looked upward and felt himself blush. His heart hammered against his chest.
Hongki couldn't mean that, could he? he hadn't been asking him...because of...
''Can I kiss you?''
Heechul felt as if he would faint right then and there. And then Hongki placed a hand on Heechul's own.
They kissed. It was the single most wondrous moment of his life. He'd never felt anything quite like it. And once it happened, he felt as if everything in life that he'd ever been worried about, confused about had all fallen into place. Then he knew why girls didn't go beyond a certain point in his heart.
It was because of this boy, right here. The one that he had been holding a torch for, without knowing.
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Chapter 1: so sweet,i love it
Chapter 1: Aaaaaaawh this is so cuuuute *^* <3