
The Broken mug...

Kyungsoo had woke up from his sleep. He nuzzles and cuddles the pillow and bed as its quite a chill in the morning. He smiles as he loves the sensation of morning when the chillness turns you to a lazy pig.


“awww.. wish today would be a great and brighter day..” Kyungsoo chuckled.  He spread wide his hand to then suddenly fisted on something beside him.






Kyungsoo shock. Who the hell is screaming beside him and isn’t he slept alone all the night? Who is that? A ? Kyungsoo’s face turns sour and he freak out, not dare to glance.


“yah!! Pig head, move away you fool.”



Kyungsoo once heard the voice then released a relieve sigh. He knows that voice really well. Its Chanyeol voice. and he is laying beside Kyungsoo all the night. Wait... Chanyeol? Laying beside Kyungsoo all the night? Kyungso eyes widen.


“c-c-chanyeol-ssi..?” Kyungsoo encouraged himself to turned his head.


There Chanyeol smiles, revealing his cute dimple. With his hand supporting his chin while his eyes are staring at Kyungsoo.



“morning sweetie pie..” Chanyeol had a really beautiful smile ever.


Kyungsoo just cant believe it. Really? Chanyeol is smiling? This cant be real. He knows he is dreaming. But why he still can feel the hotness from the room.


Kyungsoo gives Chanyeol a smile. His love shape smile to Chanyeol. Kyungsoo feels like this is the time for him to have a kiss from his husband. When he sees the situation is quite loving, Kyungsoo lean closer to Chanyeol and closes his eyes. He is ready to press is lips any moment on that red lips of Chanyeol when the fate hit him at the right moment.



Chanyeol shoves Kyungsoo’s face away from his face  a bit hard that in reflect, Kyungsoo’s body jerked back a bit. Kyungsoo instantly open his eyes to see the smirk on Chanyeol face.



“is that how pathetic you are wanting  to have a kiss from me? you are acting like a wanting to have a with me. just so you know i don’t even have a taste on . Especially someone like you. in your dreams.” Chanyeol got up from bed and walked to the bathroom. He stopped and turned to face Kyungsoo.



“uh huh. Wait just in case you are still clueless, me and you, sleeping together in one bed because first you are in my room , we are in my parents house, second, you’re such a heavy sleeper, no doubt because you’re the same with pigs and yeah the third is because i didnt dare to have my hand get  dirt fro touching you  that are not valuable to me at all. Get it. Thats all.”


Kyungsoo facepalm. What he had done. He just getting himself look even stupid in front of Chanyeol. He should know Chanyeol would never treat him nice. Never ever. Even he believe and has to convince himself it will happen someday but the chance is like super thin. No way Chanyeol would love for some , pig and fool like him. Kyungsoo cries because he feels hurt. Hurt for the God’s fate for him .






Once Kyungsoo ready with his outfit, he  walks down the stairs and heads to the kitchen as he smells something nice coming from that place.


Kyungsoo sees the maids and Chanyeol’s mom are busy with the breakfast.


“orameoni?” Kyungsoo respectfully smiled to them.



“oh say who is there. Wait up for a while Kyungsoo baby. We are still on preparing the breakfast. Come sit here.” Mrs.Park was  hyperactive when it comes to deal with Kyungsoo. She carefully held Kyungsoo’s hand and guided him to the seat.



“i-its okay orameoni. I-is there anything i can help with?” Kyungsoo shyly brushed his nape.


“aigoo.. see my lovely baby wants to help. Hmm okay. What about you help to cut the veggies.” Mrs.Park handled him a bowl of broccolis and carrots.


“well a tip for you. actually Broccoli is one of Chanyeol’s favourite vegetable. He likes it so much. Especially when you stir fried them, no doubt he would ever rejected that.” Chanyeol’s mom grinned.


Kyungsoo smiles too as he feels a slight happy as he gets to know a bit of Chanyeol’s personal life. “t-thank you. i-i would like to make it for him one day.” Kyungsoo chuckled while trying to hide his eagerness.


“one day? Why not now?” Mrs.Park winked.


Kyungsoo proudly smiles even huge. “jjinja? I-i don’t know he would like the taste of my cook. It will taste different and he wont like it.” Kyungsoo’s smile disappeared.


“hey, of course he will. Just don’t tell him it was you who cook that. Sometimes a white lie can grows a little love. Smile.” Mrs.Park was indeed a good talker.


Kyungsoo without more hesitant, quickly helps to ct the broccoli and the carrots he really hopes just a simple hope that Chanyeol would enjoy the meal. A single compliment from Chanyeol is the cure for his tearing soul.



Kyungsoo glad that he at least managed to cook the meal without Chanyeol knows the food was cooked by Kyungsoo.


Kyungsoo helps the maids to serve the meals on the dining table. He beams as he places down the plate of stir-fried broccoli and carrots on the table. In a hope of it will turn good to Chanyeol taste buds, Kyungsoo non stop praying on his heart for the delicate taste.


While waiting for Chanyeol and Mr.Park to get back from their  morning jog, Kyungsoo takes his time to discover the living room. His eyes are wandering over all the pictures frame that some were hanging still on the wall and some were placed nicely inside the glass rack.


His eyes catch on a picture of a small little plump boy who is pouting cutely. Kyungsoo chuckles as he loves how cute the boy was.



“that’s Chanyeol.” Someone spoken from behind Kyungsoo.


Kyungsoo startled as he barely know the guy is. “w-who are you?” Kyungsoo asked in a quick reflect.


The guy gives Kyungsoo his best smile that Kyungsoo finds it charming.


“who would you think?” he smirked, arms crossing each other.



Kyungsoo has no idea who is that guy but his brain suddenly working on recalling something.


“stop teasing him.” Mrs.Park suddenly popped out from nowhere and smiled.



“but he is cute though.” His eyes never left Kyungsoo’s.


“yea, come on stop maing him uncomfortable and leave him alone will you. shooo~”


“okay okay. By the way, nice to meet you Kyungsoo-ssi. I’m pretty sure we will have some time to talk. Let’s go and dig a dine.”


Kyungsoo clueless with what had just happened. Who is that guy and why he is sounded like nice Kyungsoo thought.


Chanyeol’s mom grins as she looks at Kyungsoo. “well he is my nephew. You know Chanyeol’s cousin. He always come to this house uninvited even, anytime he likes.”


Kyungsoo just cant believe the words. How come a person who has no respect to just barge in someone house uninvited.


“okay..” Kyungsoo tried to chill down. He has no idea wat is going on but he hopes he will make some friends later.


the car’s engine can be heard from the outside. Kyungsoo squeezes his hands as he feels so much excited to see his charming husband. He waits patiently at the front door to be opened and he will surprise him with a smooch? Nah! Hell no. That’s will make things harder. So, the least he can think is a slight hug.



The door at last opened and Kyungsoo swears his heart keeps on beating faster as he sees the smile and the dimples of his lovely husband. The best creature in the world.


“welcome back.” Kyungsoo quickly jumped on Chanyeol.


Chanyeol a bit shock as he could feel Kyungsoo’s hand snakes on his back and the smell of Kyungsoo’s hair is just so good that he smiles out of blue. But the reality hits him hard when he knows he cant take this thing up seriously.



Chanyeol deepens the hug when he hears Kyungsoo giggles through his ears. Even he enjoyed it at first but a cold person will remain cold when his heart are still as hard as rock.


“move away you fool.” Chanyeol whispered to Kyungsoo as he wanted to be extra careful so that his father wont listen to it.


“what i’ve said about this remember? You are just going too far and you’d get your reward later” Chanyeol’s fierce eyes came out once again.  He pretended to smile when he breaks the hug and heads to the dining table.



Kyungsoo smiles bitterly and follows Chanyeol and his dad from behind.


What a good impression to start a day huh? Kyungsoo thought.





 Kyungsoo sit beside Chanyeol as always. He has to act again right. Like always Chanyeol’s warns are the things he would always remember. Because it was the only reason Chanyeol’s lullaby voice can be kept on his memory.


“Kyungsoo baby if you wonder who is this guy is, its Kim  Soo Hyun, he is my nephew as i’ve told so and ya he is Chanyeol’s cousin.”


“hi Kyungsoo..”  Soohyun waved his hand to Kyungsoo. Smiles appeared from his face too.


Kyungsoo bows a bit and smiles back. “its a pleasure to meet you.”



Chanyeol seems like really not give a on everything happens on the table.


“well, me too. Frankly i’ve been wondering how is this Kyungsoo guy look like since i cant attend the wedding and wow, he is indeed a generous young and cute looking guy.”


Kyungsoo blushed. He feels that it was a bit too much for the compliment isn’t it?


“thanks.” Kyungsoo shyly beamed.


“see, how i love your smile just so you know Kyungsoo-ssi. Really i swear if not Chanyeol marrying you first, i would make you mine as fast as i can.”


Kyungsoo stops from scooping his soups. “did he really mean it?” Kyungsoo thought.


“yes. I would gladly marry you and live a happy live with you. oh ya and everyday will be full of kisses and... ?” Soohyun winked to Kyungsoo.


Everyone else is laughing to Soohyun’s over talking. Kyungsoo’s shyly grins as he knows it was just a fool joke. Chanyeol seems a bit shock with the words too. Because he knows Soohyun’s very well.


“look.. omma this broccoli is mmm...” Chanyeol tried to stop the both lovey dovey birds talk.


“what honey? Is it bad?”


Kyungsoo turns his head to Chanyeol, waiting for his words. What would he thinks  about the broccoli. Is it that bad uh? Kyungsoo is dying from the truth.


“its super delicious like extremely delicious. Its not taste like before but its like a bit. No.. its the same but its.. not.. hmm its..”


Kyungsoo swears that is the best time in his life ever when he knows Chanyeol really likes the food. If one clueless and speechless to say about the food, then boom that means its super good and delicious.


“well i’ve made it like always.”Mrs.Park lied.



Kyungsoo gotta thank his mother in law so badly for teaching him and revealing Chanyeol’s favourite dishes. He is extremely excited to start cooking for his lovely soon.


Chanyeol keeps on munching the broccoli. Chanyeol’s mom winks at Kyungsoo and Kyungsoo knows its the first plan of going for a success. He wants the relationship and the marriage to work. He wont give up because he believes one day there will be a brighter star for him.





Kyungsoo is helping the maids to clean the dishes when his phone suddenly ringing.


Kyungsoo wipes his wet hand on a clean towel and quickly answer it up before its too late. He didn’t glance on the name.




“y-yes h-heloo.. hmm..” it was the first time Kyungsoo heard the voice.


“yes.. may i know who i speak with?”



“uh.. its me. m-minho.”


Kyungsoo feels so much bless. His new friend is calling him. “n-ne minho-ssi. Mian  i thought it was some strangers calling me.”


“ah its okay. Hmm by the way.. a-are you f-free t-this w-weekend?”


Kyungsoo finds it cute that Minho stuttered. “y-yes i think so. Wae?”



“i-i thought of... hmm, wanna watch movie together?”



Kyungsoo silent. He has no idea whether to really join him or not. Well Kyungsoo never had his first movie time in the cinema. He never cared for one. But he feels bad if he rejected the offer like that.



“o-okay.. b-but i-i’ve never been there before so yeah i feel a bit uncomfortable.”



“i-its okay Kyungsoo-ssi. I will lead you. besides Baekkie misses you so much.”


Kyungsoo grins as the image of cute Bakehyun pouting appeared on his mind. “n-ne. I guess. M-meet you there.”


“gumawo Kyungsoo-ssi. I will pick you up. Later text me your address so i could reach it.”


Hold on? Chanyeol’s house. No way. He doesn’t want Chanyeol to think bad about him going out. Not like he will care but Kyungsoo had enough with Chanyeol’s hot temper. He doesn’t want Chanyeol to really think he is a to take away his money and run to Minho at last. No way.



“i-i.. l-lets meet up on the park like always. I will wait for you. annyeong.” Kyungsoo quickly hung up the phone call.


Kyungsoo wonders. If Chanyeol would allow him to go out with his new friend if he asked nicely? Kyungsoo shook his head. Chanyeol will never care. But if he got busted for lying. Damn, Kyungsoo doesn’t  dare to think about it anymore.






Kyungsoo tries to find Chanyeol inside the mansion but the searching guy is nowhere to be seen. Kyungsoo doubts that Chanyeol might going out again. He sighs as he feels alone. What a use of marriage if one had no really interest at first place.


Kyungsoo enters Chanyeol rooms. Everything is tidy and clean. Kyungsoo glances through each sides and angles of the room. Kyungsoo had never have that kind of super large and nice room. He envied Chanyeol so much that he feels so like an elf. Kyungsoo approaches the study table.


Kyungsoo sits on the seat and opens the drawer just to kill his boredom. He takes a notebook that was written ‘KEEP CALM AND STAY SWAG’ Kyungsoo laughs a bit. He wonders what is that mean but neither he cares. Kyungsoo smiles while flipping through the pages. There were some words there and here and Kyungsoo thinks it is a diary judging to the date labelled on each page. When Kyungsoo look up properly, it almost like Chanyeol’s high school memory. Because apparently it was happening 7 years  back then. 



Kyungsoo nods just to know that it was a diary. Kyungsoo doesn’t dare to read more and in detail because of course its someone’s else diary. A diary is the most private and personal thing. While Kyungsoo tries to put back on the drawer, there is a polaris of Chanyeol smiling. Kyungsoo grabs that and chuckles.



“aigoo.. look at how handsome you are before. Now even handsome too.” Kyungsoo giggled.


But the polaris seems had been tore because he can see barely with his two eyes, a hand is hugging Chanyeol’s neck from side. Kyungsoo stares back on the notebook. He deeply think that the another side of the polaris might be in between the pages somewhere. Kyungsoo puts back picture inside the drawer. Before he could pull back in the drawer as its own state, Kyungsoo was surprised by the sound of Chanyeol behind him.



“what are you doing?”



Kyungsoo panic. He turns behind to see the death stare again from Chanyeol.


“I SAID AGAIN WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” this time Chanyeol’s hand grabbed a bit tighter of Kyungsoo’s arms.



Kyungsoo’s tongue cant be cooperated because he is totally speechless. He was caught in red by the owner.


“i-i was..”


Chanyeol sees the drawer and his temper increasing ultimately.



“YAH! WHO TOLD YOU THAT YOU COULD SIMPLY TOUCH MY THINGS. DONT YOU REMEMBER ABOUT HOW I HAVE ALREADY WARNED YOU HUH?” Chanyeol didn’t realize he had grabbed Kyungsoo’s arms even tighter.


“ouch,.. i-its hurt..”




Kyungsoo swears that is the terrifying moment ever in his life. It was the first time he sees Chanyeol’s cold eyes. Its like he was in too much feels. The feels of pains and sorrow. Despite of the pain from  his arms, he feels pity towards Chanyeol even more.


“Chanyeol...i-it hurts. I-im sorry..”



Chanyeol cringes his face and harshly push Kyungsoo’s that until the boy fall on the floor.


“NEXT TIME IF YOU DONT LISTEN, THERE ARE MORE PAIN FOR YOU.” Chanyeol sighed and his eyes suddenly wetted from tears.  Chanyeol shook his head and face palmed.


Chanyeol looks at Kyungsoo and leaves the room.


The situation had becomes so tense that Kyungsoo ended up crying too. What had happened just now is beyond his expectation. Now its really proven that Chanyeol really hate him and that guy doesn’t even care if  he alive or not.


Kyungsoo hugs his legs and cries. “omma... appa.. harapuji..” Kyungsoo missed those nice people.





The night, Kyungsoo doesn’t dare to sleep with Chanyeol on the same bed. He rather spent his time and sleep at the garden outside the mansion.



Kyungsoo wears a huge sweater and not forget to bring along a small blanket to cover up his body. Kyungsoo sits while hugging his knees and cries. He is not feeling well and his emotion after what happen really bring him down.



Kyungsoo assumes everyone has already sleep. He doesn’t know with who he could share his sadness. It’s like the whole bunch of burdens are carrying on his shoulders. The  stupid marriage,  stupid fate, stupid himself for accepting the marriage. He is the one who really welcome the marriage before but now, the faith is fading. Kyungsoo can’t believe he was just a stupid rat.



“even fools fall for you Chanyeol-ah.. like me. Now i realise, a fool like me has not reach your standard. Will never be.” Kyungsoo nodded.



Kyungsoo eyes are so weak and heavy. Kyungsoo sleeps on the swing without he noticed.







Kyungsoo stirs in his sleep. He slowly opens his eyes and sees a light glows. “w-where am i?” Kyungsoo mumbled confusedly.


“you are in my room.” It was Chanyeol’s voice Kyungsoo heard.


Kyungsoo then realise that he was covered with a thick blanket and he was actually laying on Chanyeol’s bed.


“i-is not i was at the garden just now?” Kyungsoo asked, his hand pulled the blanket  up to his neck.



Chanyeol was actually on the couch. Kyungsoo feels bad because well obviously it is Chanyeol’s room. Not his but yet he got the bed and the other one not.



“don’t think i was doing it for you. i was scared if my parents caught you sleeping outside, they might think i’m bullying you.”


Kyungsoo silent. Of course obviously Chanyeol will not do a good deed for him for not a valid reason.



“thank you.”


Chanyeol silent too. Kyungsoo thinks the guy must already be in the dreamland.



“don’t thank me. I don’t like it. In fact i feel nauseous when hearing your voice.”


Kyungsoo cant hope for a good word from Chanyeol forever he guess. Kyungsoo give up and then forces himself to  get back into his dreamland. Where it is the only world he can at least see Chanyeol smiles for him and treats him well like a real married couple.









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so, this my new piece.. hope you guys give it a good read and dont forget to subscribe and upvote if you guys like it. chansoo chansoo chansoo!!! *chanting!!


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nammy93_ #1
Chapter 4: I NEED THE FREAKING UPDATES LIKE UGH PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 4: When will you update this and yr sesoo fics? (╥_╥)
Nina750 #3
Chapter 4: Crying hard because there is no updates :(
OhHunie #4
Chapter 4: Well who tried drag your money and you became like that chanyeolshi??? Really I hate his attitude and blubbering+weak+not self confidence kyungsoo. God I will puncha all assadsf please kyungie have a lot confidence and not bother yeol... Totally shipping minsoo asdgaga its first time. Anyway #strongsoo fighting!
Chapter 4: Chanyeol quit being so cold. Watch soo not care bout u anymore.
Minho is sweet
Chansoo6336 #7
Chapter 4: Poor Kyungie, Chanyeol even though you are jealous that doesn't mean you have to so rash to my Kyungie!
AlyciaC #8
Chapter 4: Hmmm chanyeol you're so jealous .... pire kyungsoo , stay with minho !