J-Hope - Goodnight

BTSxyou story dump

The alarm vibrates on the bedside drawer. You snatch a hand out and silence it, peeking an eye open.

It’s still dark outside, the sun hasn’t risen.

You carefully extricate yourself out of your boyfriend’s grasp, peeling away from him and trying not to wake the boy up. Success! You have removed yourself from your boyfriend without him stirring.

As you stare at his unmoving form, your heartstrings tug a little.

The poor boy has been so exhausted from back to back promotions and it’s evident from his sleeping posture that he’s tired to the bone. He is splayed out on the mattress, mouth agape as breathy snores escape it. There’s a small trail of saliva leaking from the corner of his open mouth.

He looks like an idiot, you chuckle to yourself.

You suddenly get a mischievous idea in your head. Digging through the shelf, you find the old dusty Polaroid camera you always have on hand when it comes to Hoseok.

“Say cheese,” you snicker quietly, before snapping a picture of his glorious sleeping self, intending to keep it for future embarrassment.

You climb back onto the bed and lean down to give him a peck on the cheek when he grabs you by the wrist, pulling you down to cuddle.

“Love you,” he mumbles into your neck, deep voice tickling the sensitive skin.

“Ah,” you reply, smiling, but at the back of your mind, you wonder when is the best time to display that photo for all of his friends to see.


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Does the offer still hold??
PhoenixBear #2
Annyeong authornim! I was wondering if you could right me a Taehyung x Me story, I will give all of the information about how I would like it in a private message if you will and I hope to hear back from you soon!! Jal jja!
Chapter 1: Annyeong author-nim! I was hoping if you could write a Jungkook or TaehyungxMe fluff oneshot?? Hehe. I really hope that you could fulfill my request. If ever you do, I'd consider it as your birthday(it's actually like a few weeks from now) gift to me :) kamsahamnida. Oh! And I really like your writing style :) author-nim hwaiting!
ParkJimins_TinyWifey #4
OMO! I Loved my story!!! Thank chuuuu! I thought it was hilarious that Jimin & Jungkook played rock, paper, scissors to see who got to go on the date with me ahahahahahaha! Jungkook is really sweet, too!!! THIS MADE ME SQUEALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL! LOL!!! <333 THANKS AGAIN SOO MUCH!!!!! :D
Chapter 3: thank you sooooo much that was so good!!!!!! It was great omggg
HELLOOOOOO I saw this and I thought y not
So can I do a Jimin x Ema ( me ) please???
Can the scenario be about dance practice ( both dancers here :))) ) maybe fluff to ??? Ty!!