
for the lonely ones


“Chanyeol,” the voice on the other end of the phone hisses. “Where are you?”

Chanyeol fumbles with his jacket, holding the phone against his ear with his shoulder as he tries not to grin at Baekhyun’s irritated tone. “I’m sorry, Baekhyun, I’m so so sorry, I just got back from work-“

“You were supposed to be here half an hour ago, you incompetent weasel-“

“Okay, okay, I’m sorry, I promise I’m like 2 minutes away,” Chanyeol interjects as he closes the door of his apartment, trying to contain his laughter. He could never take Baekhyun seriously when he was angry, imagining his eyebrows furrowing and nose scrunching in frustration. 

“You better be.” There’s a click as Baekhyun hangs up.

Chanyeol’s quickly beginning to discover that Baekhyun has a flair for the melodramatic.


Chanyeol’s fingertips are blue by the time he gets to the restaurant, and he’s well aware he took much longer than 2 minutes. Baekhyun is beyond furious.

Chanyeol offers him an apologetic smile.

“Jongin’s waiting for you,” Baekhyun mutters. “Go inside. And for God’s sake, Park, don’t screw this up. I’m going to pick up Kyungsoo, and you better be there on time.”

Chanyeol changes his stance like Baekhyun had taught him to, going from shivering pedestrian to confident CEO in an instant. “I won’t,” he replies smoothly, straightening his dress shirt. 

Baekhyun blinks at him once, and Chanyeol feels his lips curl into a smirk. “If, as you say, Jongin and Kyungsoo are destined for each other, then my job should be easy. Right?”

“Right…” Baekhyun mumbles, but Chanyeol’s already walking away. 


Jongin’s eyes are distant, and Chanyeol has to snap his fingers in his face several times before he gets his attention. 

“Oh-shoot, sorry, Channie, I zoned out for a sec.” He grins charmingly, even as Chanyeol frowns. 

“How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me that, Jongin.” 

“It’s not gonna work, Channie. Get used to it.”

His frown deepens, then he grins. “Yeah, sure, as long as you can get used to working out with me every week,” Chanyeol says meaningfully.

Jongin pales. “Uh-hyung-"

“‘Hyung' is right,” Chanyeol says triumphantly.

“-you know I’ve always had the utmost respect for you, and I think you’re one of the most brilliant people I’ve had the pleasure of meeting in my life. Also, did I mention how good you look in black and white?” Chanyeol shakes his head, lips pinched in an attempt to hold in his smile. “Well, you look really good in black and white. So good, in fact, that I could date you if I wasn’t hopelessly in love already,” Jongin quips, and Chanyeol finds himself already laughing. 


“Kyungsoo-yah, the love of my life,” Baekhyun drawls, and Kyungsoo groans audibly. He knows exactly what it means when Baekhyun uses that tone, and he can’t deal with it today.

“Goddamn it, Baekhyun, I have to go to work in the hospital at 5 in the ing morning tomorrow are you ing kidding me.”

Baekhyun pouts. “Now, is that any way to treat your future husband?” he demands, smacking a loud kiss on Kyungsoo’s cheek.

Kyungsoo looks up with murder in his eyes and Baekhyun regrets it immediately. “Okay I’m sorry please don’t kill me I’m just a poor peasant working three jobs to pay off his rent please don’t hurt me-“

Kyungsoo smacks his head and Baekhyun chokes a little, but then he smiles cheekily and holds up a bag. 

“What’s that?” Kyungsoo asks warily.

Baekhyun hands it to him. “Take a look.”

Kyungsoo looks. His skin goes white. “Oh no."

“Put it on, honey. We’re going out tonight.”

“No we’re not.”

“Yes, we are.”

Kyungsoo looks at him, but the maniacal smile on Baekhyun’s face makes him think twice about disagreeing again.


“Oh, don’t look too happy about being here with me, Kyungsoo. People might get ideas.”

Kyungsoo snorts. “You’re the one who dragged me here in a ing suit, you jerk. Don’t expect too much from me if I’m about to get two hours of sleep tonight before going to work tomorrow because you’re so damn lonely you keep dragging me to every single event you have to attend-“

Baekhyun holds a hand to his chest in mock horror. “Ouch, that hurts. You know it’s because I love you, right?”

And suddenly Baekhyun’s eyes have gone wide and his smile is somehow adorable and Kyungsoo cannot resist.

“Whatever, .”

Baekhyun wraps his arms around him. “Thanks, Kyungsoo,” he says quietly, and Kyungsoo knows he really means it. 

It’s moments like these where Kyungsoo can’t stand being around Baekhyun. He has no idea why every single time Baekhyun asks him for a favour, he agrees, no matter how uncomfortable it makes him, or why he finds himself worrying about him at any given moment. He doesn’t understand why it makes him so upset when Baekhyun kisses his cheek, or why it makes him so angry whenever he clings to someone else for comfort instead of him. 

Actually, he thinks he does understand, after all. He just doesn’t want to admit it to himself.

Putting his drink down with a sigh, Kyungsoo resigns himself to another night of watching Baekhyun grind on other guys until he’s too drunk to walk, and having to drive him home in the end.


“Damn it, Chanyeol, when you said ‘fancy thing’, I thought you meant a gala. But this…”

Chanyeol grins as he stares out over the crowd of partygoers dressed in varying degrees of beautiful dresses and clean-cut suits. When he’d found out that he and Baekhyun had both gotten invites to a high-end party, Baekhyun had finally hatched a plan to force Kyungsoo and Jongin to interact. 

“You’re gonna bring Jongin as your date, and I’m going to bring Kyungsoo. If you’re right about Jongin not being a party person, they’ll probably spend the whole night at the bar. So…boom. Insta-love.”

“…Okayyy, sure. What about us, then?’

“Us? We monitor them. Ditch Jongin as soon as you can, then go back to spy on them.”

“Tell me this isn’t going to be as creepy as it sounds.”

“It isn’t going to be as creepy as it sounds, Chanyeol.” 


So here they are. 

“It’s supposed to be sophisticated, but my boss says that’s just a cover for the rich and famous to get their groove on,” Chanyeol says, and Jongin snorts.

“He said that? ‘Get their groove on’?”

“Yeah. Don’t ask.”

“Wasn’t going to.”

Chanyeol laughs, then feels instantly guilty for what he’s about to do.

“Anyway-oh look! I think that’s my boss right over there, I think I’d better say hi!” He points his finger across the room. “I’ll catch you later, Jongin,” he says apologetically, and leaves before he can see Jongin’s stricken expression at being left alone.


“Chanyeol! There you are!”

It’s Baekhyun, and he’s drunk out of his mind. 

“Whoa, Baek, are you oka-nope. You’re not,” Chanyeol finishes, as Baekhyun trips gracelessly over his own feet. Chanyeol heaves him back up, and Baekhyun smacks a loud kiss on his cheek. 

“Thanks, Yeol. Did I tell you how good you look today, by the way?”

Chanyeol is stunned, to say the least. He’s never seen Baekhyun so openly affectionate, except maybe towards Kyungsoo. 

“Okay, Baek, I think we need a break. Or have you already forgotten about our mission?”

Baekhyun doesn’t respond.


Chanyeol watches as his face turns red and he covers his mouth.

“Oh my god. To the bathroom. Now.”


a/n: hi guys! omg I can't believe how many of you subscribed to this piece of trash I'm so honoured. :P sorry about the abrupt ending, but part two is coming later! you're all so lovely :) *showers you with hugs and kisses*

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Chapter 3: I squirmed and squealed when I saw you updated !! I'm so excited and I can't help but being enthusiastic about this story since Baekyeol is my OTP after Sekai and I kinda have an obsession about them.
Lot of love for you authornim, you're amazing !
AddMee #2
Chapter 3: Love this! thanks for the update :D
faithlu #3
Chapter 2: im loving this already ahh cant wAit for more >//<
I've only read the description and I could already tell that your story was inspired from this funny yet cute video ~
I'm looking forward to the next chapters *O*