Sorry just an update on...updates??

S.Coups Day Care

Hey everyone this isn't a chapter sadly but I thought I should give a quick update on when the next chapter will be up. I started college a month ago and already I have exams for three classes (one of which is law and makes me want to cry) and a lenghty report for another. The last exam is Next Wednesday so the update will probably be on wednesday night. I really wish I could write sooner but if we dont get 100% on these exams we cant fully pass the year so they are very important. I also managed to sign up for madarin classes which I am excited for (better than trying to teach myself), but they wont take time away from me updating i promise ^~^

But on the plus side, almost 50 subscribers!! That is crazy, thank you all so much! <3

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jeji_17 #1
Chapter 3: PLEASEEEE UPDATE WHEN YOU HAVE THE TIME HYUNG/EONNIE (although I think you're most likely an eonnie)!!!! Best of luck to your studies!
ichiihiro #2
Chapter 3: Awwwww i hope you can update ASAP. Good luck with school!
Chapter 3: This is the cutest fic ever.
Take your time, and good luck with school!!
Chapter 3: Hi~ really love your current story~ I can't wait to read more~!
Chapter 3: Well you should really think of exams first. Just like me!!! So we're on the same boat xD Both having exams at the same time!! HAhahaha xD Good luck on it!!! Fighting!
Chapter 3: Take your time and focus on your exams! I'm a sophomore in college and i just had my exams last wk WHILE i was sick, man it was craaazy! So i get you. I hope you do well! Goodluck~ fighting~!!
Chapter 2: oh gadd!!
i imagined how does seungcheol like when he carried baby samuel 4 the first time <3
so cUTE AF !!
seungkwan's divaness 4ever adorable !!
kyaaaAAaaaAaa toddlers/babies seventeen is too much 4 me !!
and fighting for your exam dear c:
shinee4exo #8
Chapter 3: Good luck on your exams~ I hope you do well ^^
lita0591 #9
Chapter 2: Aaaa sooo cuuuteeee >_< i really can imagine them as babies and their interaction...
Subscribed ^^
fabJooa #10
Chapter 2: this is the cutest thing ever and IM SO HAPPY THAT SAMUEL IS IN THIS TOO ♥♥♥