The calm before the storm.

S.Coups Day Care

When Seungcheol was asked as a kid what he wanted to do when he was older, working in a day care centre would never in a million years have been his answer. But hey, that is what he is and honestly he would never change it for the world. Some days he arrives home wanting to cry from exhaustion and with little chunks of paint and crackers knotted into his hair, but he soon gets over it. He always has and always will. When he looks at the bigger picture it is so worth it to see the little bundles of joy (and sassiness) grow to become their own person. So every time he finds himself lying in a comatose state on the floor of his small apartment he just remembers to think about the happy times and how rewarding his job actually is.

 He also has to think of the nicer things as his alarm goes off at 6AM for the first day back after summer break. Well, the long lies in could only last so long. He had to get there early today to make sure everything was immaculate for the kids arriving and for the deliveries of their new items.

After he showered, got ready and was about to leave it had just turned 6:30. He would have to have his breakfast on the way to work much to his dismay. Without forgetting to grab an apple from the fruit bowl he left his apartment to begin his journey. His city was relatively small and not much was in it so his walk to work only lasted about 15 minutes usually.

When he arrived the first thing he noticed was the giant stack of boxes waiting outside like a very unpleasant surprise for him. Passer-byers probably though he was crazy, Just seeing a man standing statue like with a glazed look in his eyes staring at a bunch of boxes. But in his head he was questioning every life choice he had ever made up until that point and “How the hell am I supposed to manage these myself without my arms falling off?!?!” 

But it looked like the gods had heard his prayers. He saw his knight in shining armour strolling over with a happy smile settled onto his face.                                                                              “Dude, what are you waiting for? Why haven’t you gone inside yet?” and that came from no other than Hong Jisoo himself, or Joshua, as he preferred to be called.

Joshua isn’t originally from Korea but his Korean is perfect to the point that you could never tell that he is a Cali boy.  Unlike Seungcheol, Joshua had always dreamed of working with children ever since he was but a child himself. He considers himself to be extremely lucky to be able to work in S.Coups day care centre along with two guys that very quickly became his best friends. Joshua may also have a teeny tiny crush on Jeonghan, the other guy who works with them. Just a small one though (he likes to tell himself that anyway.) Speaking of the devil…

“Hey guys! Need some help?” Jeonghan casually walked over to them throwing a wave and a dazzling smile at them as he did so. Jeonghan is on the same boat as Joshua about always wanting to work with kids. He couldn’t imagine doing anything else as a career. He has always wanted to be a father and to have a baby of his own to look after and care for but this does just fine for him now. Jeonghan was a high school friend of Seungcheol’s and maybe even partially the cause of Seungcheol’s sudden ideal career change. They just sort of clicked from the start and were inseparable ever since. Then Joshua was added to the equation much to the joy of Jeonghan. He certainly has a soft spot for the boy to say the least.

“PLEASE! I couldn’t manage myself my arms would break off or the new wicked craze would be Seungcheol Stretch Armstrong.” Seungcheol rushed out.

“Umm you couldn’t have taken a few trips with the boxes?” Joshua quizzically asked. “No man! Two trips are for losers” was the reply he got like it was the most obvious thing in the world and that he should feel like an idiot for even asking such a question.

After the commotion of getting the boxes inside was finished with they each chose a box and got to work. Seungcheol was building a small indoor slide which he made sure to place foam mats under because yeah…as if they need any more opportunities for accidents and injuries to happen. Joshua had to put up the fencing to section off the baby area from the toddler area. Fencing sounds a bit harsh, but he couldn’t for the life of him think of anything else to describe it as. Jeonghan luckily had a simple bookshelf no more than waist height to build.

They managed to complete their tasks with little to no trouble other than Seungcheol drilling his shirtsleeve and attaching it to the wall whilst attempting to put up the new bag hooks. Joshua couldn’t be any more proud of his friend at that moment when he had to try to un-attach him from a wall. Honestly, the proudest best friend ever. At least it gave them a few laughs and made them forget about having to get to work so early.

After discarding the rubbish they had left behind from the new equipment they decided to give Seungcheol the job of setting up the books on the new shelf, because honestly, where could he go wrong with that? Joshua and Jeonghan after looking at the time (8:15) they decided to prep the food for the day they had ahead of them. Joshua decided that he would get started on the lunch of mac and cheese, for the bigger kids of course, and that means all they would have to do when lunch time came was actually heat it up. The day care is open for quite sometime. From 9 in the morning to five at night so they have to make sure the kids are well fed and looked after. Whilst Jeonghan busied himself with getting breakfast prepared, cutting apples and pears into cute shapes that could hopefully entertain a bunch of children for at least a little while.

As time went on they all started to become nervous. It was a whole new bunch of kids this year and they could only hope that they not only got along with them, but most importantly each other. Through the applications that were sent in they at least knew that all of the kids were boys, one was a baby, one wasn’t far from it and there were 9 toddlers. Their ages ranging from one to five. The day care centre was a cheaper option rather than nursery, because of early education not being free it put a lot of people out of pocket hence why a lot of people chose the centre and made it a popular option. Especially for living in such a low populated city.

The three eventually ended up sitting in silence on the mats on the floor just waiting for the first person to arrive.

This happens every year. They build themselves up so much only to worry about many things. If the kids will like them, will they get along and not fight with each other, many worries ran though their heads but came to a halt when they heard a door close and two pairs of footsteps making their way towards them. At the same they all jumped up ready to greet the parent and the first kid of the year.

Two bodies came in to view looking strangely similar… sometimes kids can look like their parents, of course they can, but their clone?!

Seungcheol, Joshua and Jeonghan bowed deeply greeting a very handsome man and what looks like to be a very small clone of said man. The boys were shocked but couldn’t show that on their faces.

“Hello, my name is Kim Heechul and this is my son Junhui.” The man, now known as Heechul introduced himself and his son whilst his boy just stared up at the three with a shy smile on his face grasping onto the straps of his backpack.

“Hello, Heechul-ssi I’m Jeonghan and this is Joshua and Seungcheol and we will be the ones looking after little Junhui this year.” He then bent down “Hey there sweetheart, why don’t you say goodbye to your dad and I will go show you where you can put your bag, hmm?” Jeonghan stood up and after little Junhui said his goodbyes and Heechul left, took his hand and led him to the newly put up bag hooks (that didn’t go up without a lot of difficulty I must say.) He then took Junhui to go write his name on a sticky label to stick to his shirt so their names wouldn’t be forgotten. Seungcheol then ticked Junhui’s name off on the register.

“Okay, one down ten to go.”



A.N~ Thank you to the people who have already subscribed to this and I hope this doesn't dissapoint. It's kind of a short update but it is currently 2:21AM where I am and I have to get up early for work tomorrow otherwise I would have loved to write more for you.

Please let me know what you think about the story, things in general like how big you would like the chapters to be and stuff so yeah. Thank you! <3


Do you have any idea who the other one could be? ^~^ Probably easy to guess.  


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jeji_17 #1
Chapter 3: PLEASEEEE UPDATE WHEN YOU HAVE THE TIME HYUNG/EONNIE (although I think you're most likely an eonnie)!!!! Best of luck to your studies!
ichiihiro #2
Chapter 3: Awwwww i hope you can update ASAP. Good luck with school!
Chapter 3: This is the cutest fic ever.
Take your time, and good luck with school!!
Chapter 3: Hi~ really love your current story~ I can't wait to read more~!
Chapter 3: Well you should really think of exams first. Just like me!!! So we're on the same boat xD Both having exams at the same time!! HAhahaha xD Good luck on it!!! Fighting!
Chapter 3: Take your time and focus on your exams! I'm a sophomore in college and i just had my exams last wk WHILE i was sick, man it was craaazy! So i get you. I hope you do well! Goodluck~ fighting~!!
Chapter 2: oh gadd!!
i imagined how does seungcheol like when he carried baby samuel 4 the first time <3
so cUTE AF !!
seungkwan's divaness 4ever adorable !!
kyaaaAAaaaAaa toddlers/babies seventeen is too much 4 me !!
and fighting for your exam dear c:
shinee4exo #8
Chapter 3: Good luck on your exams~ I hope you do well ^^
lita0591 #9
Chapter 2: Aaaa sooo cuuuteeee >_< i really can imagine them as babies and their interaction...
Subscribed ^^
fabJooa #10
Chapter 2: this is the cutest thing ever and IM SO HAPPY THAT SAMUEL IS IN THIS TOO ♥♥♥