The Introductions (Part 1)

S.Coups Day Care


It is safe to say that Seungcheol, Jeonghan and Joshua all agree that Junhui is a precious little angel.

Whilst they were waiting on others to arrive they were trying to get Junhui to feel a little more comfortable in their company, and trying to find out a bit about him. So far they know that the little loves to dance. After about 5 minutes of talking to him he heard what they could only imagine to be someone's ring tone going off from outside the room and as soon as Junhui heard it he shot up and started dancing. Thoroughly entertained, Jeonghan stood up and went into the hallway to great the newcomers.         "Hello there, who do we have here?" He asked. "Ah hello there, I'm Kim Sunggyu and this is my son Soonyoung, baby introduce yourself." He urged the boy. Soonyoung bowed politely "Hello my name is Soonyoung, please take care of me" he sweetly shot them a smile. Soonyoung took Jeonghan's hand, as he was lead into the main room willingly after the goodbyes with his father. The goodbye was far more emotional for one of the parties involved, Soonyoung was just excited to play and make friends. He plopped himself down right next to Junhui and they exchanged happy smiles, Soonyoung just then sat calmly trying to stick his own nametag on which he was totally adamant on doing all by himself because he is a “big boy”. 

Shuffling was heard and two little heads popped around the corner to stare at everyone "hello I am Mingyu and this is my forever best friend Wonwoo, Wonwoo say hi" the taller of the two almost shouted. "Umm...hello there." The smaller boy timidly whispered.

"Sorry about them they are really excited about today. My name is Taekwoon and I am Wonwoo's father, my friends who are Mingyu's parents couldn't make it today because of work. I will usually be bringing them both anyway."

Jeonghan, Joshua and Seungcheol introduced themselves to Taekwoon and reassured the worried father that everything was going to be fine. After he left all attention was now back on the boys. "Okay little dudes let's get you guys organized, you can choose a bag hook each and just pop your bag on it then we will get you name tags so none of your new friends you will make today can forget your names." Joshua escorted the boys to the bag area and then got them their labels. The three older boys noticed that Mingyu was the more outspoken one of the pair and he never seemed to let Wonwoo's hand go so they were practically stuck to each other’s side like glue.

When they were finished their task Wonwoo and Mingyu joined the other two boys on the floor “Hello lets be friends, hmm?” Yeah, Mingyu was a good kid they could all tell.

Another bang of the door signalled what they hope to be the arrival of other kids. And they were right. Jeonghan stayed sitting in a little group on the floor with those that had already arrived and Joshua and Seungcheol got on their way to greet who ever had arrived. Happily surprised to see a bunch of cute smiley kids all standing waiting on their parent coming in. They all filed in through the door in a line to go over and stand by their children. “Hello, my name is seokminnie and this is my uncle.” Gesturing up to the brightly smiling man holding on to his shoulder. “Hey my name is Hoseok, and I hope you will look after my baby well.” He informed them that he was Seokmin’s uncle and he would drop him off and his other uncle would collect him because of his mum’s busy schedule. He beamed. “Ah of course sir, there is no need to worry” Seungcheol returned the smile. Hoseok then announced “I would love to stay more and chat but me and Yoongi have to head to the studio” Said Yoongi then introduced himself and his child Jihoon who looked strangely intimidating for a 5 year old…

Joshua felt a light tap on his leg and looked down to find the cutest kid ever stare back. “Ah baby don’t do that you have to introduce yourself a father in the crowd loosely scolded. “Hello my name is Minghao” Joshua got a cute blink and nod with the introduction while Minghao’s dad introduced himself as Yixing and informed them that because Minghao was so young, and because they are originally from China he mixes up his words sometimes. He was thoroughly reassured that it was completely fine and they would do all they can to help, Yixing was able to leave with his mind at ease.

“Excuse me, my name is Seungkwan and I think we will be having a lot of fun today.”  The next kid introduced himself and Seungcheol couldn’t help but laugh at his informative tone and the serious look on his face. Looks like they have a little diva on their hands. He waved bye to his dad who told them his name was Key. Odd name but who are they to judge?

Hansol wad the next kid they met. Seungcheol and Joshua were told that he could speak a little bit of both Korean and English so Joshua tried to make him feel more comfortable by kneeling down and talking to him in English.

“Hey buddy, I can speak English too so if you ever have a problem just come to me okay?” Hansol then giggled cutely nodding his head of curly hair “okay! That’s cool. Thank you Joshua. Can I call you that?!?” He asked in a panic “sure kiddo its fine by me.”

Now the two youngest were left. Joshua had taken the new additions to their little group into the main room to meet Jeonghan and the others. Leaving Seungcheol to greet the last two families. A cute little boy with spiked hair toddled up to him “hi. Me Dino.” Okay that’s it. Seungcheol died from the cuteness. “Hi I’m Chen and this is my son Lee Chan, or Dino… as he just decided.” A man said chuckling at his son’s cuteness.

Then something happened that he was dreading. A loud wailing was heard from the last baby. A very sympathetic father looked at Seungcheol “I’m sorry he really doesn’t like new places.” The baby wobbly toddled his way over to Seungcheol who was quick to scoop him up in his arms. Silence. The baby who he assumed to be Samuel stared at him with teary eyes before a small smile made its way on to the little cuties face. “Wow, he seems to really like you already. Great! My name is Mark and this little button Is Samuel.” After mark left that was it. Seungcheol stood in the hallway before leaning down to take Chan’s or Dino as he preferred, hand to guide him into the big room with Samuel still silently cozied up in his arms. That was it, everyone had arrived safe and sound well except Samuel’s short lived screaming.

After the newest additions were settled, the three elders decided that the first thing first, had to be breakfast.

They guided the children to the group table with tiny chairs and two highchairs for the young ones. It comically looked like mother ducks guiding their flock of ducklings to eat. Everyone chose a chair and Joshua managed to get Dino into his highchair with no problem but Samuel…that was another story. The loud wailing began again as soon as Seungcheol tried to put him down. Samuel tightened his grip on the t-shirt that he was clinging to with all his might but Seungcheol soon gave up. He couldn’t have the kid crying like that so he decided to just hold him for the time being. Jeonghan retrieved his previously prepared fruit, which he carefully placed in 9 individual boxes for the boys and made two servings of oatmeal for Dino and Samuel. One minute the kids were just happily chatting between themselves while Joshua was feeding Dino and Samuel by Seungcheol, the next there was a deathly silence except from a few quiet gasps. The elder trio looked around to see Jihoon with what looked like a mushy piece of banana stuck to his cheek making the most disgusted face ever. Jihoon quickly shot a glare at the main culprit, Seungkwan, who seemed completely un-phased but the drama surrounding him. “You are lucky you are a baby” he huffed out “Well, excuse you, I am a big boy mr.” Jeonghan quickly assed the situation and led Jihoon away so that they could clean his face.

After breakfast the next thing on their itinerary was a small tour to help the kids get used to their surroundings. The boxes and bowls were cleaned away and the surprisingly little mess cleared away quickly. They had all the boys in a line with Jeonghan leading them and introducing things, Joshua in the middle making sure everyone was okay and Seungcheol at the back making sure no one was left behind still with Samuel in his arms. Not that he minded at all, it was endearing. Even sweet Soonyoung was holding Dino’s hand slowly guiding him along with the others. They were showed the bathrooms, the different play areas that they could have fun in and the closed off garden they had. However, no one noticed Mingyu giving the slide a look of amazement.

They seemed to enjoy the small garden a lot. They all split up into little groups to explore for a bit.

Seokmin was crouched down by the flower patch, and from the back it looked like he was just looking at the flowers. But no. He was speaking to his newfound friend. Keith. Keith the wriggly little worm that was now softly picked up by Seokmin and placed in his palm. He giggled happily as Keith “danced” around on his hand.

Seungkwan was trying to explain to anyone who would listen why he thought Jihoon over reacted. Soonyoung was still with Dino trying to get the younger to understand why he should stay off the dirt and the younger just stared at him like he understood every word he said and just nodded with a little smile. Junhui and Minghao got acquainted with each other as they chatted quietly between themselves in Chinese with Junhui holding Minghao’s hand leading him about the garden.

So far so good. No major accidents and no one hates them. All is well, that is, until they hear a shriek of pure terror.




A.N A massive thank you to everyone that has subscribed and taken an interest in the story already. I am forever grateful <3 I hope I dont dissapoint with this chapter and part two should be up by the end of the week. Thank you for the lovely comments. I honestly didnt expect anyone to want to read more but yes, it made me happy. Thanks again X

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jeji_17 #1
Chapter 3: PLEASEEEE UPDATE WHEN YOU HAVE THE TIME HYUNG/EONNIE (although I think you're most likely an eonnie)!!!! Best of luck to your studies!
ichiihiro #2
Chapter 3: Awwwww i hope you can update ASAP. Good luck with school!
Chapter 3: This is the cutest fic ever.
Take your time, and good luck with school!!
Chapter 3: Hi~ really love your current story~ I can't wait to read more~!
Chapter 3: Well you should really think of exams first. Just like me!!! So we're on the same boat xD Both having exams at the same time!! HAhahaha xD Good luck on it!!! Fighting!
Chapter 3: Take your time and focus on your exams! I'm a sophomore in college and i just had my exams last wk WHILE i was sick, man it was craaazy! So i get you. I hope you do well! Goodluck~ fighting~!!
Chapter 2: oh gadd!!
i imagined how does seungcheol like when he carried baby samuel 4 the first time <3
so cUTE AF !!
seungkwan's divaness 4ever adorable !!
kyaaaAAaaaAaa toddlers/babies seventeen is too much 4 me !!
and fighting for your exam dear c:
shinee4exo #8
Chapter 3: Good luck on your exams~ I hope you do well ^^
lita0591 #9
Chapter 2: Aaaa sooo cuuuteeee >_< i really can imagine them as babies and their interaction...
Subscribed ^^
fabJooa #10
Chapter 2: this is the cutest thing ever and IM SO HAPPY THAT SAMUEL IS IN THIS TOO ♥♥♥