It Started With An Ice Cream Chapter 49

It Started With An Ice Cream



It was around 8:30pm when I got home..........If you're going to ask me who drove Monica's car............Xander oppa called Monica.....I know...He's mean.....


Infront of our house...............................................



Xander:Awwww.....Why so early??

Me:What do you mean why so early??

Xander:Why do we have to be separated that fast?!?

Me:Because we have to???

Xander:But I don't want........

Me:Aish......I'm going now.......My big brother is surely worried......And please take Kris Anne home safely....Okay??


Me:Here^^ (Kissed his cheeks)

Xander:That's right....I almost forgot.......


Xander:Come here......




Xander:A little bit closer...........


Xander:Good night^^ (Kissed my lips)

Me:Hey!!! UNFAIR!!!!

Xander:If you don't want it......You can return it to me.....^^ (Teasing me)



Xander honked infront of our house...............And my big brother heard it............He opened the door to check if I'm already home...........



Me:It's me oppa!!^^

ELI:Who's with you?? (Opening the gate)

Xander:Hi^^ (Waved)

ELI:Hyung?!? What happened to you hand??

Xander:Long story^^ I'll tell it to you tomorrow^^


Xander:You go inside now......(Referring to me)

Me:Bye bye......Don't forget Kris^^

Xander:I won't^^ Good night.....And.......I Love You.......


Me:I Love You too^^ Good night........

Xander:Bye^^ (Started to drive)

ELI:So........(Making me feel that I need to explain myself)



Me:Whatever....I'm going to sleep now.....(Walking away)

ELI:Hey!!! Tell me what happened!!! Did you already know that..................

Me:I already knew it!!! Good night!!! (Closing the door)

ELI:That girl......She's so unfair..........But I'm happy for her....=) (Closing the gate)


Ki Bum and Soo Hyun oppa's unit........................................


Ki Bum:Hyung.............................

Soo Hyun:What??

Ki Bum:I'll confess tomorrow.......................

Soo Hyun:To whom??

Ki Bum:To Shiee..........

Soo Hyun:What?!?!?!

Ki Bum:Why?!

Soo Hyun:Why so fast?!?

Ki Bum:I don't know hyung.....I just feel it.......

Soo Hyun:I don't think it'll be good.........

Ki Bum:Why?? What's wrong??

Soo Hyun:I think this still not the right time Bummie........

Ki Bum:But.........

Soo Hyun:It's okay if you're going to do it........It's was just my opinion......

Ki Bum:Okay......

Soo Hyun:Think about it first Bummie.........

Ki Bum:Okay........

Soo Hyun:I'm off to bed know........Don't try to drink some wine....We have classes tomorrow.......

Ki Bum:Stupid hyung.....Of course I'm not gonna drink if we have classes tomorrow......


Inside our house.........................................................


I went straight into my room.........To change my clothes............And I saw some drops of blood........It was Xander oppa's blood.........But it's okay....As long as.....Aish!! Never mind!!!^^

I don't know how am I going to tell Ki Bum oppa that.............I'm dating Xander oppa now..........I wish everything will be alright.........

6:00am............Tuesday morning...................I'm still having some hang over with Xander oppa's kiss^^ For reals!!! lol...But again........I thought about Ki Bum oppa's feeling.........If I'm going to tell him the truth.......He'll be so depressed.....But it's okay....I know that he's just going with the flow that time......So he doesn't need to feel down at all.....He doesn't like me.....And he'll never will....Because unnie Gabbie is his first love......For sure........

I looked at mirror.......And said.....


Me:Good morning.......Today.........It'll be more challenging.......So you better try your best Shiee.......And never give up.....I know that your conscience is following you........But I know that you can do it......You have to tell Ki Bum oppa what you really feel towards him...It's better that way....Rather than cheating him........He'll understand it....So never loose hope....You can do it.......


Then my big brother knocked on my door....................................



Me:I'm awake now.....I'll just wash my face.....Then I'll be right there.....

ELI:Okay......Just want to say that breakfast is ready.........

Me:Thank you.........


I went inside my bathroom to wash my face.........I get my towel to wipe my face.........Thinking about what will be my day today......Is it going to be okay.....Or is it going to be a disaster again??

I looked at the time...And it's already 6:10am........That fast?!? I just talked to myself for about 3 minutes then washed my face.....Did I really consume such a time like that?!?! Unbelievable...........Really.........


Me:Good morning oppa........(Walking downstairs)

ELI:Hey....Good morning.......




ELI:Ki Bum hyung called........


ELI:He said that he'll fetch you......


ELI:Don't worry.....I told him that you're going with me......So he didn't argue with that......


ELI:I know that someone will fetch you.....You don't have to hide it Shiee......


ELI:It's nice to know that you two finally found each other.........

Me:You already knew it right??

ELI:Yeah.......I'm the one who wants to keep it a secret from you.......

Me:And why??

ELI:Because it's still not the right time...............

Me:You think so??

ELI:No....I know so..............

Me:Silly brother^^

ELI:Since you're finished eating your breakfast..........You better get ready now......Hyung told me that he'll fetch you around....6:45am.......

Me:Omo!!! It's already 6:20am!!!

ELI:Go and take a bath now,,,,,,,,

Me:I'll be getting ready now oppa.......(Running upstairs)


I rushed to get inside my room as fast as I can..........After I reached my room I took off my clothes and went straight to the bathroom to take a bath......And brush my teeth.............And success!! 6:30am......I'm done taking a bath.....Done brushing my teeth.........And now.....I have to put on my uniform........And put on my shoes also.................

6:37am..............Done with everything.......Just checking my things and preparing myself.....I have to look nice^^ Hahahaha!!!

Then I heard a honked coming from outside..........As I look to check who was it.....It was Xander oppa's car.....Waiting for me^^ Kekekekekeke=))


ELI:SHIEE!!!! HYUNG IS HERE!!!! (Shouting downstairs)

Me:Coming!!! (Running)

ELI:Hyung i s here.....You better go now.......

Me:Bye oppa^^

ELI:Take care^^ See you later^^

Me:Okay^^ (Waving)


I didn't know that my big brother is looking at me......From behind........


Xander:Good morning^^

Me:Good morning^^

Xander:Did you sleep well??


Xander:Hahahahah!! Look at you....Your face is so red......

Me:Really?!?! (Looked at his mirror)

Xander:So cute.........


Xander:Let's go^^

Me:Okay.....By the way....Kris??

Xander:Tita thanked me last night for bringing her home safe and sound.......


Xander:And she didn't asked who am I........................

Me:Ehem....(No comment)

Xander:Tita know something...........Does she??

Me:I don't know.........(Nervous)


Me:Maybe she already knew you........


Me:Hey stop teasing me.....

Xander:I'm not..........

Me:Good then^^


It was 7:05am when we reached the school...............Xander oppa drove straight to the parking lot..........And I'm with him obviously.............After parking his car.......I opened the door...........

I didn't notice that he will approach me and corner me............


Me:Hey!! This is not funny........


He just gave me a teaseful smile and kissed me..................I don't know what did he ate this morning.......Did Monica forgot to feed him?!?


Xander:Have a nice day Shiee^^ (Smiling at me)

Me:Hmft!! So Bad!!!

Xander:I'm your boyfriend.......Soon....I'll be your husband.....

Me:In your dreams!! (Tongue out the ran away)

Xander:I'll be waiting for you later^^ Bye!!!!


I ran because I was totally surprised...........Then out of the blue......Someone grabbed and hugged me.........It was Ki Bum oppa..........


Me:Oh?!?! Ki Bum oppa??

Ki Bum:Shiee........


Ki Bum:Sarranghae......


Ki Bum:Please be my REAL girlfriend......


Ki Bum:What??

Me:Oppa.....I already have someone...........

Ki Bum:It's Xander hyung right??


Ki Bum:I still can wait.........

Me:No....Don't wait anymore oppa............I want to quit this deal........

Ki Bum:Shiee.........

Me:I'm sorry oppa.......

Ki Bum:No.....You're just testing me.........

Me:I'm not...........

Ki Bum:Say that you're just testing me Shiee......Say it.........


Ki Bum:Shiee.....(Let go of me)

Me:I'm sorry......(Running away)


See you in the next chapter^^



School Underground Parking Lot^^
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Whimsical_Princess #1
Chapter 65: Omg book 2 gotta read it
You happy now you made me cry
So sad ending of book 1
nina_liew #2
omg.. i finally found this story. This is the first fanfic i've read in AFF. and because of this story, i signed up. :D I love your fic~ :)
reichi99 #3
yay book 2~~~~~!!!!!!!<br />
i really really really love this fic~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
and the author is the best~~`lol
reichi99 #4
kya~~complete already??wae??????????<br />
i dnt wnt this to end
Eugh. Xanders mom is horrible ¬¬<br />
I don't want him to leave Shiee!!! I cried a little! xD<br />
Update soon!!! <3
pinkypn #6
i also wished that i was kevin. what is up w/kiseop and gabbie buying gold gifts. Poor Shiee
pinkypn #7
lol @ everyone thinking xander ans shiee soing something last night even monica. poor xander and monice r being force by their mom to move and the dad cannt help
reichi99 #8
omo....sleeping in xander's nice would it be to have a bf like xander<br />
<br />
"Because I want her to be my one and only ice cream.....She's the flavor of my life......."<br />
i like those lines^^<br />
pinkypn #9
i wish i was kelly getting all those expensive gifts.