It Started With An Ice Cream Chapter 29

It Started With An Ice Cream


(One Way)

I know it's kinda late....Is unnie Allyn planning to sleep here?? If she's going to stay here until tomorrow.....She will sleep in my room!! If big brother object......I will kill him!!! No girls allowed in his room at night.........And he knows that..........


Inside our house...........................Dinner time.........................................


Me:So oppa....What's fr dinner??

ELI:Allyn is the one who cooked our dinner......

Allyn:It's an Italian pasta........



Me:I see.....

ELI:Oh by the way Shiee.......

Me:Is unnie going to sleep here?? (Ahahah!! Gotcha!)


Me:She will sleep in my room....

ELI:And why??

Me:Follow the rules oppa^^

ELI:what rules??

Me:There!! (Pointing at the little whiteboard)

ELI:Who wrote that??



Allyn:Shiee is right oppa.......Even I don't allow myself to sleep beside you^^

ELI:Who said that you sleep beside her??? (lol!!!)



ELI:You're gonna sleep here...On the sofa^^


Allyn:For real??

ELI:Nah~~ Just kidding^^

Me:So she will sleep beside me..^^


Allyn:Wait..I'll get the sauce........

Me:So what happened here??


Me:I'll ask unnie later......

Allyn:A lot of things happened^^ (Interrupting)

Me:Like what?!? (Surprised)

Allyn:Like....He started to clean your bathroom....

Me:Good job oppa!!!

ELI:Yeah right!!

Me:Did you teach him unnie??

Allyn:Yeah...At first he's scared to hold a scrubber and disinfectant.......


Allyn:But I pinched his nose......

Me:Unnie knows your weakness oppa!!! (lol)

ELI:Yeah...Since we were young.....

Me:Ahhhhh..I see.......

Allyn:Like it's gonna be the end of the world of every time I pinch your nose.....

ELI:It is^^

Me:I'm finish.....

ELI:That fast??

Me:I'm full oppa......

ELI:Why?? I forgot to ask how's your day....

Me:It's great oppa^^ Hope you  and unnie will come with us next time^^

ELI:Okay....We will^^

Allyn:You're going to sleep??

Me:Hmmmm..Yeah....It's already 9:40pm......

ELI:Okay....Good Night^^

Me:I'll go now...Good Night....Unnie....You can go into my bed anytime...Except if there are still some spaces^^ (lol)

Allyn:Hahahahah!!! There will be^^


After that.....I went upstairs to sleep......Wow!!! This is weird......Me sleeping early?? Not good!!!! Maybe something is wrong with me.....Because this is the first time that I'm going to sleep early.......Hmmmmmm.....Maybe I'm just tired......Or maybe......Aish!! Never mind.....

It's around 11:00 when I heard unnie getting inside my room......And since I'm a very good girl......I still left her some space in my bed.......So she can sleep comfortably^^ Then suddenly.....My phone rang...........


Allyn:Shiee.....(Trying to wake me up)


Allyn:Your phone is ringing......

Me:I'm still sleepy unnie.......Just don't mind it.....

Allyn:You sure??? It's says here it's Kris Anne.....

Me:Unnie....Can you do me a favor....

Allyn:What is it??

Me:Can you answer it...And tell Kris I'm sorry...I'm just tired......


Unnie answered the call coming from Kris Anne.......


Kris Anne:Shiee??

Allyn:It's Allyn......... Kris......

Kris Anne:Oh!! Hi unnie...


Kris Anne:Is Shiee still awake??

Allyn:No..She's already sleeping....She told me to say sorry....Because she can't talk to you......And she's tired.....

Kris Anne:Ahhhh..It's okay unnie...I'll just call her tomorrow again^^

Allyn:Okay....Good night.....

Kris Anne:Good night unnie......Bye bye....


Then she hunged up my phone......

Me:Thanks unnie....

Allyn:No problem.....Go back to sleep now.....

Me:Night unnie....

Allyn:Night night.....


It's 7:00am........Sunday morning......And still sleepy........I checked my bed if unnie is still sleeping........And she is.......So I went downstairs quietly..............Big brother is already preparing our breakfast.....Eggs and sausages^^ Yum yum^^


Me:Good morning....(Sleepy)

ELI:Oh...You're awake....


ELI:Can you go to the mart??


ELI:No more milk.....

Me:Okay...I'll just wash up....

ELI:You wash here...No need to go into your bedroom again.....I left the money there on the table

Me:Okay...Unnie is still sleeping.....

ELI:She's a heavy sleeper......

Me:Hahahah!! She is......

ELI:You wash up now and go get some milk in the mart....

Me:Okay.....But what about these?? (Referring to the pajamas)

ELI:No need...It's still morning......

Me:Okay.....I'll go now.....

ELI:Take care....

Me:Bye bye.....


I didn't know that is cold here outside.........Stupid rain.....Hahahah!! I have the right to blame the rain last night.....If it didn't just rained...Maybe today will be warmer.......No choice.....I need to go to the mart....To get some milk..........




Me:What should I buy......This one....Or this one?? I don't know which is more tasty.......I'll just take both of them......To be sure^^

Cashier Lady:Good morning ma'am....

Me:Good morning.....Ahhh...Miss.....Which one is tasty?? This one or this one??

Cashier Lady:Both of them ma'am....

Me:Okay....Then I'll buy them both^^

Cashier Lady:That will be 500 won ma'am...

Me:Here (Giving the payment)

Cashier Lady:Thank you ma'am......



I was on my way home.........And I can feel that the milk that I've just bought is heavier that I thought^^ lol...........It's really heavy......I wish I have a car...Kidding!! But I was surprised when I saw a sophisticated car.......It's very beautiful...I think I've fallen in love with the car....Not with the driver who's driving the car.........And as long as I can remember.......Our street is only a one way street....And he's wrong....Whoever is driving the beautiful car........I want to tell the driver that he's in a wrong street....But.....I don't want to get into a trouble this early in the morning..........So I didn't mind it........

It was halfway of the street until I can reach our house.........And I can feel that the car is following me?!?!?!? What will I do?!?!?! What if the driver of the car is a kidnapper?!?!!? Should I shout now?!?! No.....I shall go straight home and tell it to my big brother....But it's still halfway.....

I was surprised when the car honked behind me........I want to run...But the milk that I'm carrying now is darn heavy!!!! Ahhhh!!! And it honked again.....What should I do?!?!?!?

I heard someone get out off the car.............



I'm still not turning around.........

Him:Hey miss!!!!

Then...I decided to turn around.......


Him:Yes you!!!

Me:Can I help you?? (Scared)



Him:Come with me!!!

Me:What?!?!?!? NO WAY!!!

Him:You are my purpose here......

Me:Still no......And can't you see....The sign??

Him:What sign??

Me:There!!! It says ONE WAY!!!

Him:Don't care!!! Just come with me!!!


Him:Don't try to run....I'm faster than you think.......

Me:I will!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Him:Hey!!! Come back here!!!!

Me:No way!!!!!


It's true!!!! He's fast!!! Because he's using his car!!!!! What will I do!!!!!!!!Then....He won.......He got me right around the corner........ I almost got hit by his car.......But thank God that I'm still alive...I don't want to die yet............


Him:Do you want to come?? Or I will drag you??

Me:Just wait here.....I'll just give this to my big brother........

Him:If you don't come out.....I will surely drag you outta there..

Me:I will be back........



What am I doing??? Going out with someone who I don't know?!?!? What the heck are you thinking Shiee!!!! Stupid!!!


Me:Oppa....Wait here...I need to go somewhere....

ELI:What?? Where??


ELI:Okay...'ll ask you later....



After I gave the milk to my big brother.......I went outside to ask what does he want from me..........


Me:Who are you and what do you want??

Him:My name is Kim Ki Bum......You can call me Ki Bum.....

Me:I don't know you...

Ki Bum:But I do know you.......

Me:Where in the world are we going??

Ki Bum:Just get in the car...


Ki Bum:Drag??

Me:Okay...I will get inside......

Ki Bum:You'll see later.....

Me:You're not a kidnapper...Aren't you??

Ki Bum:No!! (Laughing)

Me:And who the hell are you??

Ki Bum:You'll find out soon......


What will I do?!?!? He knows me?!?! What if this guy is a big brother of those who bullied us?? What will I say?!?! Should I say....I didn't know what you're talking about........No..He won't believe me.....Or should I say...I'm not the person you're looking for.......


(One Way Sign Of Our Street... Ki Bum^^)

See you in the next chapter^^


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Whimsical_Princess #1
Chapter 65: Omg book 2 gotta read it
You happy now you made me cry
So sad ending of book 1
nina_liew #2
omg.. i finally found this story. This is the first fanfic i've read in AFF. and because of this story, i signed up. :D I love your fic~ :)
reichi99 #3
yay book 2~~~~~!!!!!!!<br />
i really really really love this fic~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
and the author is the best~~`lol
reichi99 #4
kya~~complete already??wae??????????<br />
i dnt wnt this to end
Eugh. Xanders mom is horrible ¬¬<br />
I don't want him to leave Shiee!!! I cried a little! xD<br />
Update soon!!! <3
pinkypn #6
i also wished that i was kevin. what is up w/kiseop and gabbie buying gold gifts. Poor Shiee
pinkypn #7
lol @ everyone thinking xander ans shiee soing something last night even monica. poor xander and monice r being force by their mom to move and the dad cannt help
reichi99 #8
omo....sleeping in xander's nice would it be to have a bf like xander<br />
<br />
"Because I want her to be my one and only ice cream.....She's the flavor of my life......."<br />
i like those lines^^<br />
pinkypn #9
i wish i was kelly getting all those expensive gifts.