Library Secrets

Chambers of the Heart
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“We should sleep together again.” Jongin says resolutely and Soojung almost whacks him in the face.

“Are you crazy? Is that your idea of flirting?” She hisses and Jongin looks sheepishly at her. The high he felt after leaving Sehun by the shed yesterday had soon disappeared and he was left with panic and embarrassment and like usual, he had turned to Soojung.

“I’m just trying to be honest.” Jongin defends himself, “I heard honesty is the best policy in building a relationship.”

Soojung pinches the bridge of her nose. She has better things to do then coach Jongin about the basics of flirting. But then she remembers they’re friends and she exhales slowly. “Yes that’s a good policy but first you have to approach him without scaring him off.”

Jongin shrugs and twirls his wand with his fingers, “Okay.”

“Just talk about something simple, like your shared classes or something.” Soojung advises, highlighting a passage in her potions textbook with the yellow marker Jongin had bought her for her birthday. She had been ecstatic that he had given her a muggle gift and Jongin hadn’t mentioned it costed him 50 pence.

He frowns when her whole page becomes yellow, “You always highlight too much. How is highlighting the whole paragraph going to help you?”

Soojung glares at him, “You always whine about Sehun’s too much yet you don’t see me complaining.”


“Why are we in the library again I’m so bored.” Jongdae sniffs, resting his cheeks on a pile of books.

“Be quiet we’re on the lookout.” Jongin murmurs, but to be honest he is also bored. He picks up a nearby book, opens it, sees drawing of a man with his insides on the outsides and closes it.

“I’d rather be doing quidditch drills in the rain then be on Oh Sehun lookout in this dusty library.” Jongdae grumbles and Jongin resists the urge of pushing Jongdae out of his chair. He’s just about to when he sees a familiar figure walking down the aisle.

“See you later Jongdae bye.” Jongin says quickly before walking behind Sehun. Sehun doesn’t notice him, or at least pretends not to, when he sets a stack of astrology books on a desk and sits down.

“Hi Sehun.”

Sehun’s eyes narrow the slightest and look up to see Jongin sitting on the desk facing him. “What are you doing?”

“Being your friend.”

Sehun doesn’t say anything but Jongin notices how his lips quirk as if he’s trying not to smile. He racks his brain for something to talk about and remembers Soojung’s advice. Something simple she had said.

“So that herbology homework. That was pretty hard.”

“We didn’t have herbology homework.”

“Oh right.”

Jongin falls silent as he watches Sehun dip his quill in an ink pool and start writing on the parchment. Sehun has really nice handwriting. It’s all loopy and cursive-y and looks pretty cool. It definitely beats Jongin’s chicken scratch that is barely legible on a good day.

“You have nice handwriting.” Jongin says. Sehun nods and focuses back on his paper.

Jongin starts humming the school song and Sehun presses harder into the paper but doesn’t look up. Jongin stops and watches for a moment longer. Soojung’s advice isn’t working at all.

“We should sleep together again.”

There it is.

Sehun’s quill leaves a hole in the paper and a blotch of ink comes from the tip and lands straight on the last written word. Jongin grins.

Sehun huffs, takes out a handkerchief, dabs at the ink spot, and goes back to writing. Jongin frowns. He really thought that would get Sehun talking.

He sits on the chair besides Sehun in defeat and leans against the desk. “Sehun I thought we were friends.”

“We are.” Sehun says, glancing at him once.

“Friends talk to each other.”

“Friends don’t make ual comments at each other.”

“When did I say anything ual?!” Jongin exclaims and a third year across the desk gives him a horrified look.

Jongin looks at her awkwardly before his gaze drops back to Sehun who is already standing, his things packed and neat in his bag. Sometimes Sehun reminds Jongin of sonic because he does everything so quickly. 

“Are you going to the match next week?” Jongin asks.

“Why would I?”

“Because you’re my friend.” Jongin points out and Sehun sighs in defeat.

“Yeah sure.” He waves his hand distractedly.

Jongin smiles, “Thanks boyfriend.”

“Wait what?”


“You actually called him your boyfriend?” Kyungsoo asks, eyes wide and a unbelieving smile on his face. Jongin is surprised, usually Kyungsoo doesn’t show that much expression and he wonders what he did in order to have so much emotion coming from the small boy.

Jongin nods, “Yes right after he said he was coming to the match.”

“How did he react?”

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Chapter 3: They're so dumb and cute at the same time :3
Looking forward to next chapter :D
-yourqueen- #2
Chapter 3: Omygodddd I fainted~
SHINeeXxXLove #3
Chapter 3: Yayy!!! They kissed!!
Viviannitta #4
Chapter 3: owww they finally kissed !!
oshkay #5
Chapter 3: YAY YYYY sekai kiss! I love this au so much ^^ keep up the good work!
SHINeeXxXLove #6
Chapter 2: Sekai harrypotterau is my kryptonite...thank u
rajroujarajrouja #7
Chapter 2: i am waiting for the next update i like this fic :) good luck
Viviannitta #8
Chapter 2: drunk Tao is so funny lol , and Sehun c'mon boy if you are in love with him just man up and ask him out plz stop being insecure. I can't wait for the next chapter.