Bread Basket Confessions

Chambers of the Heart
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“I just don’t understand why you won’t tell him.”

Jongin furrows his brows and looks at the prefect of the Gryffindor house, Jung Soojung. “Tell him what?” He asks absentmindedly, shoving a piece of bread in his mouth because he knows he’s not going to have a good response for Soojung when she answers.

“That you love him so much and when you’re alone at night you touch your to—

“Jesus Soojung,” Jongin panics, eyes looking around the table to make sure no one heard, “Say it a little louder next time.”

Soojung, just like the Soojung she has always been doesn’t apologize and instead rolls her eyes, “You’ve been lusting after the same boy since we were first years Jongin,” She gives him a pointed look, “And don’t even try to deny it; we both remember the time when you started crying because he kissed Mae Hawthorne from Hufflepuff.

“That was five years ago! And it was right after Aries fell sick, I was just going through a lot!” He hisses.

Soojung guffaws and Jongin wants to tell her how ugly she looks, “I highly doubt you were so worried about my owl that you couldn’t leave your room for two days.”

Jongin feels his cheeks go red, “Well I was! Aries means a lot to me!”

Soojung gives him an incredulous stare and flips her red hair over her shoulder. Her fingers trail through her locks and she eyes them in distaste, “I’ve been thinking blonde lately, this dark red is getting a little tiresome. A second year practically fainted yesterday after I washed my hair because she thought there was blood in the shower.”

Jongin tunes out from the conversation, or rather, Krystal’s rambling, in favor of looking around the Great Hall in search for a certain black haired boy. It’s not often that he finds Sehun in the Great Hall on a Sunday afternoon; he’s usually in the library studying with his Slytherin friends and Jongin wonders for the hundredth time why he cares so much.

He’s brought back to the present when he hears a couple of first year Gryffindors squabbling over who gets the last piece of bread. One looks particularly angry, if his red face is anything to go by.  Soojung swears under her breath and stands up, “I swear to god, this prefect business is a pain in the . I thought it would be cool but now I’m stuck with chaperoning a bunch of preteens. Thanks a lot Headmaster Worthwright.” She huffs, running over before a fight breaks out.

Jongin stands up and starts packing up his things. Despite what Soojung said about being a prefect he knew that she polished her badge every night with pride. Truth be told, this last summer he had been chosen as the Gryffindor prefect but he had rejected it. Soojung had been pining after the position since third year when her sister Jessica became a prefect. Ever since then Soojung saw it as upholding the family honor. And growing up in a pureblood family as Soojung had, Jongin knew it was family honor or die. So before the new school year had started Jongin wrote a carefully worded letter to the headmaster and he was granted his wish; Soojung was made prefect and nobody would know she was the second choice. And as Soojung explained that the bread basket was self-filling, demonstrating so as she grabbed the bread roll and another popped up in its place much to the awe of the boys, Jongin knew Headmaster Worthwright had made the best choice.


On their way out of the Great Hall a hand clasps onto Jongin’s back and he almost sends a hex to the person before he sees that it’s just Seulgi, one of the Gryffindor’s chasers.

“Are we still having quidditch practice tomorrow?” Seulgi asks, and from the way she’s panting as if she ran to find Jongin, Jongin can tell Seulgi is not just asking because she forgot.

“Yeah, why—

“Oh crap!” Soojung exclaims, causing them to look at her in surprise, “I have a meeting.” She says quickly and before either of them can say anything she runs off.

“Does she have a meeting by the lake?” Seulgi asks.


“The lake, that’s the direction she was running.”

“Oh really?” Jongin shrugs, knowing Soojung she probably went to scold the giant squid or something. He wouldn't put it past her.

“Anyway, Jongin, the field is double booked for tomorrow and Professor Shacklebolt is saying that the Slytherins get it because they have more new players that need to practice.”

“What? But I booked the field last week and this is our first practice after tryouts.” Jongin runs his hand through his hair in mild agitation, “Besides they only have one more new player than us, otherwise we’re even.”

Seulgi nods, “What should we do?”

Jongin sighs, “Where’s the rest of the team?”

“They’re waiting for you in the common room.”


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Chapter 3: They're so dumb and cute at the same time :3
Looking forward to next chapter :D
-yourqueen- #2
Chapter 3: Omygodddd I fainted~
SHINeeXxXLove #3
Chapter 3: Yayy!!! They kissed!!
Viviannitta #4
Chapter 3: owww they finally kissed !!
oshkay #5
Chapter 3: YAY YYYY sekai kiss! I love this au so much ^^ keep up the good work!
SHINeeXxXLove #6
Chapter 2: Sekai harrypotterau is my kryptonite...thank u
rajroujarajrouja #7
Chapter 2: i am waiting for the next update i like this fic :) good luck
Viviannitta #8
Chapter 2: drunk Tao is so funny lol , and Sehun c'mon boy if you are in love with him just man up and ask him out plz stop being insecure. I can't wait for the next chapter.