Chapter 17: End of Time

Safe & Sound
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“What do you want?”

Kyuhyun growled, taking in sharp breaths as his body ached in pain. He was at the brink of exhaustion and felt like he was ready to collapse anytime soon. His friends looked just the same too, all battered and bruised and out of energy. In fact, if Henry had not brought them here – wherever here was – they would probably not have made it against Donghae and… Ryeowook.

“A deal.” Henry answered darkly, “So that we’ll all get out of this mess once and for all.”

“A deal? Why should I trust you?” Kyuhyun hissed, “You betrayed me.”

“I’m the only person who can help you save Ryeowook right now.” Henry answered, forcing Kyuhyun’s expression to soften at the mention of Ryeowook’s name. “You saw how he was like in your sleep.”

“In my sleep….” Kyuhyun trailed off and then narrowed his eyes, “I knew it. You were messing with my dreams, weren’t you?”

“I was only showing you what you missed out on.”

“Half of them, you mean? You only showed half of what happened. The others were nightmares created by you. You’re a demon. You created those nightmares in my sleep.”

“So you do have a brain,” Henry smirked.

“Stop messing around and tell us what you want!” Sungmin demanded from the back, “We’ve had enough of you.”

Henry eyed Sungmin dangerously and Kyuhyun stepped in between the both of them, forcing Henry to shift his attention back to Kyuhyun. The last thing Kyuhyun needed right now was having his friends killed in front of him. Having to witness the death of his parents right in front of him was already heartwrenching.

“I’m going to propose a solution that’ll help you save Ryeowook.”

“I’m listening,” Kyuhyun nodded, “Go on.”

“A demon’s deal, have you ever heard of that?” Henry continued when Kyuhyun shook his head, “You offer your soul in exchange for anything you want with a demon.”

“Offer my soul?” Kyuhyun repeated, “To you?”

“Yes. Kyuhyun, Zhou MI was my lover. I had only one intention when I agreed to working with Donghae. I wanted to bring Zhou Mi back to life. I knew that Donghae was searching for his soulmate and I knew that a Dark Prince’s soulmate’s blood can bring a person back to life. I made a deal with Donghae promising him that I’d keep Ryeowook human and away from you until he arrives and in exchange, Donghae would have to give me Ryeowook’s blood so that I can bring Zhou Mi back to life.”

Henry suddenly reached into the pocket of his black coat and pulled out a small tube with just splatters of red liquid in it.

“A drop of this can bring a person back to life.” Henry flicked the tube with his fingers, “But it can’t bring a Dark Prince back to life.”

“What do you mean?” Sungmin asked quietly from behind, his nose wrinkling at the fresh smell of human blood. “Is that… Ryeowook’s human blood?”

Henry nodded, “This is not enough to bring a Dark Prince back to life. To bring a Dark Prince back to life, I needed more than this. I needed more blood, I needed a body for Zhou Mi’s soul to exist in. Dark Princes cannot return to their own bodies. If they’re brought back to life, only their souls will be awakened. Not their bodies.”

“I pretended I didn’t know anything about all of that and went along with Donghae’s plan. I wanted to kill Ryeowook and use his body to bring Zhou Mi back to life. I thought that if I went along with Donghae’s plan, he’d be fooled thinking that I was being loyal to him, that he could trust me. He told me that he wanted to bring all his brothers back to life and that he needed me to find all their ashes. I knew that it wouldn’t bring them back but I went along with it, thinking that he wouldn’t change Ryeowook until I brought back all his brothers damn ashes. But,” Henry shook his head, laughing bitterly. “I shouldn’t have messed with a Dark Prince.”

“The minute I left, Donghae turned Ryeowook. He knew that I was lying all along and all this time, he was just messing with me, playing me like a fool.”

“Serves you right,” Heechul muttered, “How does it feel to be the one getting ed over for a change?”

 “All I wanted was to bring my lover back to life.” Henry ignored Heechul and then continued. “A demon’s deal, Kyuhyun. I’m giving you a way for you to save us all.”

“All you have to do is say yes.”

“A demon’s deal is only once in a lifetime and it’s the most powerful weapon you’ll ever have. Once the pact is sealed, all my powers will vanish and will be yours. I will become human.” Henry explained. “You will become stronger. And you will be able to kill Donghae and Ryeowook.”

Kyuhyun’s face hardened, “I doubt keeping Ryeowook safe include killing him.”

“You’ll kill them by drinking all their blood.” Henry continued nonchalantly, “And they will turn human.”


“Yes, I told you. A deal with a demon is powerful. A soul is worth so much. Once you offer your soul to a demon, they can grant you anything and everything you want.”

“So you’re saying that once Kyuhyun kill Ryeowook and Donghae, they’ll be human?” Sungmin questioned. “That means that they’ll forget their memories, won’t they? Vampires that get changed back into human form lose all their memory.”

“Smart boy,” Henry winked, and then glanced back at Kyuhyun. “Once Ryeowook and Donghae turn human, all you have to do next is just to kill yourself. And then you won’t have to worry about what will happen next. Your body will be of good use... For Zhou Mi's return”

Kyuhyun gritted his teeth.

 “And, I’ll borrow some of your precious’s Ryeowook blood and bring my lover back to life.”

“You’ll hurt Ryeowook?”

“At least it won’t be as bad as how he’s hurting right now.” Henry shrugged, “Did I forget to mention to you? Donghae and Ryeowook’s souls have combined. The world of vampires have heard of the Dark Prince being back and you can bet your that they’re preparing for war. How long do you think Donghae can fight all of them? If Donghae hurt, Ryeowook hurts. If Donghae dies, Ryeowook will too. And I doubt keeping Ryeowook safe means seeing him dead?”

Kyuhyun released a low growl. He wanted to do this, he wanted to end this way with Donghae and keep Ryeowook safe once and for all. But if he agreed to this, it would mean that… That he was basically committing suicide, offering his life in exchange for Ryeowook’s.

Was it worth it?


For Ryeowook, Kyuhyun would die a million times over.

But the only problem was… Could he trust Henry? And… Was he… Was Kyuhyun ready for face death? His heart ached as sadness clouded his features, looking back at how his own mother and father had been killed right in front of him. The look of terror in their eyes and on their faces, Kyuhyun wanted to forget all about it and at the same time, Kyuhyun wanted to tell them how sorry he was for not being strong enough to protect them, Kyuhyun wanted to have the time to properly grief them, Kyuhyun wanted to… Kyuhyun wanted to join them and be with them. If he… If he died, would he be reunited with his family? Kyuhyun clutched his chest, feeling his heart ache so badly. He wanted to be with them, he wanted to reunite with his family, run back into his mother’s waiting arms, and feel the rough hands of his father patting his head.

But was Kyuhyun to leave everyone else behind?

Was Kyuhyun ready to leave Ryeowook behind?

No. Kyuhyun would miss Ryeowook. He knew he would and the thought of not being able to anywhere near Ryeowook hurt him, crushed him. How would he protect Ryeowook if he was no longer alive? Kyuhyun’s face fell when realization dawned upon him: Ryeowook wouldn’t need any protection once Kyuhyun was dead because that would mean… That would mean that the war was over and that Ryeowook would have already became human and …

He’d forget all about his past including Kyuhyun. 

It devastated Kyuhyun, it pained him knowing that he would be forgotten by the person he loved most.

But after all that he done to Ryeowook, was he worth of being remembered?


He had hurt Ryeowook, the person who he claimed to love, in more ways that he could have imagined. Kyuhyun was not worth remembering. If anything, it was Ryeowook that was worth winning in this war. Not Kyuhyun.

Never Kyuhyun.

With a new-found determination, Kyuhyun clenched his fist on the sides of his body, nodding at Henry. He knew what had to be done, now.

“Kyu…. Are you… Are you sure about this?” Heechul asked nervously/

“We can find another way, Kyu.” Sungmin suggested, “You don’t have to listen to that demon.”

“There is no other way,” Henry snapped. “This is the only way.”

“How should I know that you won’t betray me in the end?” Kyuhyun questioned Henry.

“I knew you’d have trust issues with me after what happened at the Grand Canyon.” Henry smirked, shaking the tube of blood, circling it in his hands. “So, I brought some friends to help us all out.”

Kyuhyun gave Henry a dirty look, his body on standby, ready for an ambush attack from Donghae. The half-demon stepped aside and Kyuhyun heard a rustle from the leaves behind. The first person that appeared surprised Kyuhyun. It was Changmin! But… He looked different… He looked more…Pale and… Those eyes… Kyuhyun knew that Henry had turned him a vampire and maybe even a half-demon. Kyuhyun was about to ask what happened to him before noticing that another figure was heading towards them from the back, and when Kyuhyun’s eyes r

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Ryeonggu_01 #1
Chapter 18: WOW. thank you so much for this beautiful story. my beautiful Kyuwook. i wish we can have a sequel please please please 😭
Superjunior06 #2
Chapter 18: Aaaaa, muy lindooo, pero pensé que al final iba a tener Haewook, pero estoy bien? Con eso ajaksk
Chapter 18: i love this<3
49 streak #4
Chapter 18: Man, that was a journey! ^o^ Aha, it’s sad to see Henry dying, but I guess it had to be done. :C I’m just glad that they’re all alright, and that Kyuhyun is alive and Ryeowook still remembers Kyuhyun in the back of his mind. This ending is really satisfying. It holds promises, but at the same time it doesn’t, and it gives people a chance to wonder whether Kyuhyun was safe for Ryeowook or if they ever found each other again- it’s a nice ending.

But, can we all stop for a moment to talk about how innocent Donghae is to be framed for Henry’s death? I know that he has done multiple s and committed a lot of sins, but the new Donghae did nothing wrong! Call me crazy but, after Black Mirror, I think it’s not fair for a criminal who has not even a quarter of their memories left to be punished for something they don’t know they had done or didn’t even do! Give him a second chance, and see what he’ll do next in his new life. If he commits crimes again then okay, let’s arrest him; but if he’s harmless, maybe they should let him go, give him a chance to start over.
49 streak #5
Chapter 17: Kangin! \QwQ/ Yes, He’s back and safe and sound! TwT But he only got so little mentions after being resurrected, so sad. XP Ahaha, I wonder if he’s doing well in the war. Hopefully there would be more of Kangin, hopefully.
49 streak #6
Chapter 16: Chapter 16: I thought there was a typo or confusion in the previous chapter when you kept changing between Donghae and Kyuhyun. Apparently it was a dream from Kyuhyun? No wonder-

And, oooh, so it was SUNGMIN who overheard them. :O Okie then-

Henry is not dead! Wait, what? How did he survive??
49 streak #7
Chapter 15: Oh dear
What’s gonna happen now?
I wonder how would Kyuhyun fix this now.
49 streak #8
Chapter 14: Oh nope, never mind then! My guess is correct and Henry IS the cloaked person. OAO Ahaha, , my intuition was correct after all. XPPP Then, who was the one who overheard them? Could it really have been Heechul? Hmmm, that’s weird...

49 streak #9
Chapter 13: Awww, Changmin X’D Aha, so sad, becoming our poor monkey :’) Oh well, it had to be done- HIS SACRIFICE SHALL NOT GO IN VAIN!!!
49 streak #10
Chapter 12: Anddd, it IS Henry who overheard the conversation. XD Oh thank GOD that he wasn’t found out and wasn’t killed for it! QAQ I think I would cry if he was killed off after eavesdropping.