The Cloudiest Night

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Oh Sehun.

Slender fingers skittered cautiously, unsatisfied, over the smooth, blank screen. Somewhere out there, were his digits too tracing the lifeless device where their memories once lay? The cold glass once sat warmly, a consequence of remaining lit throughout evenings apart.

Saved to drafts, always.


The buzz of unfamiliar voices directed their rattling vibrations directly through his spine, unintentionally invigorating and laced with guilt. His hand was clasped firmly around the long neck of a champagne glass, the curves of which reflected his abandoned smile.


Happier times eroded far too quickly, like the tides silent journey, words and touches slipped distant and out of reach before they could ever truly be savoured. And once they vacated the proximity of Sehun’s ability to grasp, those happy moments sniggered at his misfortune and hid themselves within haystacks of reality.

Fleeting alcohol-induced moments gifted vivid memories.

“I want to be able to turn it into a hotspot!” Luhan’s tone was thick with irritating cuteness that afternoon, which never worked when coming from anyone else. But the way his rosebud lips pouted subtly forced Sehun to bite his own, restraining his smile as he held the tablet with eyes squinted. Luhan always had the brightness too high. “I really can’t figure it out, Lu, why don’t you just connect everything to the original Wi-Fi?” and Luhan’s eyebrow arched upwards, in that endearing way. Of course, that was no fun. How stupid of Sehun to suggest that. He watched Luhan, who had previously perched himself cross-legged on Sehun’s bed, slump off and take his tablet. As it turns out, the solution had been simple. Luhan had probably figured it out by now with a quick Google search. But if he hadn’t? Sehun sometimes considered sending the instructions. But he couldn’t.

Dizziness almost tricked his thoughts, dragging him too deep into the web of memory to the point he could feel the weight of Luhan lay next to him; with the tears of that final night, unbeknown to Sehun, dampening the pillow. Almost. Sanity kept him grounded, and he knew that tonight’s tears didn’t belong to Luhan. Wine darkened the carpet beneath where he lay.

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love it <3 (prologve baby again)
it sounds interesting, i cant wait