Wonsik's Confession

Hey Choose Me!

Finals were done for the semester leaving Winter Break to come. Today was cold only about 30 with a wind chill making it feel like 20. The chilly wind could be felt on Wonsik's side as he works on a mural sketch for a museum. His home was pretty rundown with drifts, paint stains on the walls and floors when he does paintings for samples of what he might want, and a few wallpapers in every room and floor tiles in bathroom were torn up. There was no good apartments available at the time, plus he wasn't that much "in the money" back when he got the place. He shivers for that mere moment of chill then stuffed an old shirt into the hole where it came from. He sighs with furrowed brows of sorrow. 

"Damn...I need a new place..."

He returns his attention to his sketch while eating a bag of chips. BEEP! BEEP! His cell phone went off in a text message tone. He raises an eyebrow and sees that it's Hakyeon. It brought a smile to his face like it always has. Being alone in his room he could smile like an idiot and laugh when Hakyeon says something cute. He unlocks the phone using the passcode to see the message. 

'You okay? I remember that your house isn't in the best condition....TT TT'

Awww Hakyeon was worried about him. "Aigo...You worry like a mother~." He cackled before replying back.

'Yeah I'm okay ^ w ^'

'Maybe you should come over...'

Wonsik's face lit up. He hasn't been over at the house at all because of schedules. What would Taekwoon think though? They haven't talked in a while...He must be mad at him. He didn't even know what he did. He shook his head at the thought. He bit his lower lip texting back, 'What about Taekwoon?'

'What about him? He went off to work....'

Wait so he will be alone with him? It made him feel gitty like every other time he gets to hang out with Hakyeon. It makes it even more nerve-whecking since they never been to each other's houses before. Hakyeon only saw the outside of his and Wonsik only just drives past/ picks up Hakyeon at their house. Wait this was a perfect opportunity to say what he's been wanting to say for a long time now. Ever since he met Hakyeon on that day...he's been attracted to him. He fell hard in love the more they hung out. With Hakyeon taken, with his best friend at that, he couldn't tell him. It's been eating at him since the fateful encounter. He sets his things down only to sigh on top of his palms.

"Cha Hakyeon...why are you so gosh darn perfect?" He grumbles under his breath. He chews on his bottom lip thinking this over. It's a very small chance for anything to happen that is good. He could ruin the friendship, have Hakyeon think wrong of him, just anything could go wrong! He got another text message from the impatient man.

'Wonsik? Is that a no? I didn't mean to push it...I only don't want you to catch a cold.'

Wonsik makes a tiny smile and finally decides, 'I'm coming. Just give me a few~.'


Hakyeon's eyes widen seeing the last text. SO HE IS COMING~! He held the phone close with lighten cheeks, His heart was beating like a drum inside of his chest. He was like a giggling school girl. He wonders why he asked about Taekwoon. He would be okay with it wouldn't he? Wonsik is his best friend after all. He shrugs it off and prepares the living room with snacks and cola. He hums to himself just waiting for the other to arrive. His legs kick in anticipation as his eyes were glued to the door. He flips on the TV for some kind of distraction. Thoughts of Taekwoon actually cross his mind for once. They had never had guests when one is away before. Jaehwan and Sanghyuk always came by when both were home. Will he really be okay with it? He pouted. Taekwoon can get jealous...and he has been clingy lately. When they sleep, Taekwoon's grip is super tight.

He even mumbles words like: "Mine.....No one else's.....My Hakyeonie...."

He bit his lower lip at this guilt that won't stop foaming up to the surface like sea-foam. He was falling for somebody else and he couldn't tell Taekwoon that. He doesn't want to see him heartbroken or believe that he isn't good enough. He doesn't even know if the feelings are returned anyway. He sighed going through his phone of pictures. He saw the first picture he ever took of Taekwoon which was him playing the piano at school. Taekwoon doesn't even know of this picture because it was taken before they officially met. 

"Aigo~. Always so handsome when focused..." He commented with a smile. He chuckled thinking he was weird for taking a random picture before they even talked to each other. Back then he couldn't help himself. Taekwoon captured his attention without the use of any words. It was strange. Now that magic is fading away. He doesn't know what to do anymore. He still loves Taekwoon, but now he has a new love for Wonsik. The confusion makes his head spin. 

Suddenly there was a knock on the door and Hakyeon's stress went away. He opens the door seeing Wonsik with an Xbox and two controllers. 


"Hey hyung. I brought this for us to play." Wonsik grinned.

"Awesome~. Come on in~." Hakyeon greeted him inside. Wonsik sets up the Xbox as Hakyeon takes a sip of cola.

"Why don't you save up for a new apartment?" Hakyeon asked tilting his head.

"It's cheap, near work, and I already made it my own with paint on the walls. I don't want to wash it off when I'm going to a new home." Wonsik answered while plugging the console in. He then gets up from behind the TV and handed a controller to the other. Hakyeon didn't quite understand, but he nodded otherwise. 

They spent their time playing Halo, drinking soda, and eating chips. They even had it on Legendary to make things harder. 

"Yah! Back me up!" Wonsik yelled with a focused face.

"I'm trying! I'm about dead!" Hakyeon countered as he has his character trying to heal by hiding somewhere safe.

"I'm almost dead too!"

Just then Wonsik's character blows up by a Wraith. "!!....It's up to you now.." Wonsik groaned at the unfairness. Hakyeon nodded doing his best to survive the upcoming shootings of the enemies. Just when Hakyeon's character came into a herd of enemies, he got back stabbed due to the 'camera's fault'. Hakyeon placed the controller on the coffee table as Wonsik sinks into the couch. Wonsik then turns off the game and Xbox. They can't seem to get pass this one level. About two hours spent on it and nothing got done. They got past other levels before it; it was just this one level that pisses them off. 

"We will beat it one day..." Hakyeon stated with a hopeful smile. 

"I wanted it to be today..." Wonsik pouted, rubbing the back of his head. Hakyeon giggles at his pout which only made the younger male pout more. They clean up the table from the chip bags and crumbs, placing them in the garbage can. They return back on the couch to watch some TV. There was barely anything on at all. Wonsik sinks into the couch with his arm around the top of it. Hakyeon glanced at Wonsik's bored expression then at his arm. His face blushed; the image of being in Wonsik's hold came to mind. Wonsik notices the blush and raises his eyebrow at what he could possibly be thinking.

"Something wrong?"

Hakyeon's face blushed even more as he rapidly shook it, "A-Ah no it's nothing!"

They decided to watch a movie together. There was a romantic scene where a couple was caught in the rain dripping wet from head to toe. The male was talking about how beautiful the girl was even though she talks about how the rain ruined her make-up. They shared a passionate kiss under shelter then just hold onto one another. Hakyeon was used to watching Japanese romance movies since Taekwoon loves them. He never minded since it gets them in a lovely dovey mood also at times when it wasn't too cheesy. In Wonsik's mind, he was only thinking about Hakyeon. This romance only made him think that he might need to confess to Hakyeon about how he's been feeling. It was bugging him all day. Just then Hakyeon yawned and subconsciously laid against Wonsik's chest. Wonsik's face glowed red seeing the sleeping Hakyeon laying against him. Do movies always make him sleepy? It didn't matter. Hakyeon was laying on him. On him! Wonsik's shaky hands wrapped around his hyung's mid-back which Hakyeon snuggles against his broad chest. 

"Damn....He's so adorable like this...." Wonsik gulped in his head. Taekwoon was so lucky to have such a beautiful creature to love. If he wasn't in control, he would probably kiss his forehead right about now. "Yaaah hyung would murder meee..." Wonsik's thoughts continued. He bit his lower lip trying to suppress the feeling he has. His heart was beating so fast, Hakyeon probably could hear it. He looks at his hyung's perfectly parted lips, how they look so soft and sweet just by glancing at them. He chews his bottom lip trying to resist doing anything to him. "Taekwoon will kill me....He will most certainly kill me...Ahh Hakyeon why do you have to be so amazingly perfect?!" His thoughts were screaming now. He craves Hakyeon, but he's taken and with his close friend at that! This is why he hasn't said anything. He can't pour out his feelings to someone who is taken! Just then Hakyeon curls up against him giving a small nuzzle. It soothed Wonsik's thoughts a tiny bit. He chuckled lightly, rubbing Hakyeon's head smoothly. Maybe....he should say something. Just to let it out.


Hakyeon wakes up with his hands on the middle of Wonsik's chest. He blinks looking up with a bright red blush on his cheeks. He didn't push away though. He was more like frozen on the spot. Wonsik chuckled, "Evening sleepyhead~." Hakyeon glanced down still blushing like a mad man. Wonsik rubs the shorter male's head with a smile. Hakyeon welcomed the gesture with a small purr. He rubs his right eye and yawned from just waking up. 

"S-Sorry...I don't know why...but it made me sleepy.." Hakyeon apologies with a pout.

"Haha I see that~." 

The two stared at each other without moving. Both had blushes on their faces as their eyes were locked to one another. Hakyeon isn't pulling away, so maybe Wonsik could tell him those three words he's been wanting to say for a long time. He holds the back of Hakyeon's head and stares passionately into his eyes.

"Cha Hakyeon...It might be weird to say this but.....I-I....I love you..." Wonsik confessed with his face beaming red.

Hakyeon's eyes widen and his heart skips beats. He didn't think the younger male was interested. He tries to say something, but it wouldn't come out at first. 

"Are you okay?" Wonsik said tilting his head in confusion of Hakyeon's reaction. 

"I love you too!" Hakyeon quickly responded then bit his lip.

Wonsik blinked, but he was so happy. Their eyes stayed locked until they found each other's lips molded with one another's. Hakyeon felt peace and so did Wonsik. Their worries were melting away as they were in each other's hold. Wonsik's hands thread through Hakyeon's hair while Hakyeon's arms wrapped around his neck. Wonsik pulls Hakyeon up to his lap which made the elder male squeak. Wonsik chuckled against his lips before slowly pulling away. "You're so adorable..." He comments before they kiss again. Wonsik cups Hakyeon's cheek as his tongue gazes against Hakyeon's lips, wanting entry. Hakyeon gives it to him letting out a low moan. He felt so happy to be like this....He couldn't be happier. That was until the door was heard and a cup of coffee along with a bag of groceries were dropped. The two stopped their kiss seeing a shocked, angered Taekwoon.

Wonsik surely felt his death coming to him. Hakyeon was tumbling on top of Wonsik. The two never watched the time that he was suppose to be home. Taekwoon's arms dangled at his sides and his hands made fist that shook. His teeth was grinding and his eyes were like daggers. The two were frozen where they sat. Taekwoon was silent as ever, but this silence wasn't a normal one. He stomps past them, slamming the door to the bedroom. Hakyeon knew what he did was wrong. He slowly got up from Wonsik to slowly approach the bedroom door. Before he could though, Taekwoon came out with a backpack. He needed to get out of this house. He needed somewhere that doesn't remind him of Hakyeon. 

"T-Taekwoon....W-We could...." Hakyeon stutters seeing if talking it out will make things better. 

Taekwoon glares at him then heads to the door. The door opens and he says his last words to him, "Cha Hakyeon...We're through....Please...find a new place to stay..." With that he left with a slam of the door. Hakyeon and Wonsik stood there feeling horrible for what they did to him. Hakyeon's eyes were welling up with tears. He didn't mean it to go this far. Wonsik holds onto him and wipes away the tears. 

"It's alright....You can live with me..." Wonsik suggested with a small smile to try to lighten up the mood.

"R-Really? You will do that?"

Wonsik nodded and kept him in his arms. "Of course..." The two of them held each other on the couch with Wonsik comforting a crying Hakyeon.


Meanwhile at Jaehwan's house, Jaehwan was humming to himself as he finishes a painting. He then heard a knock on the door. He blinked, placing the supplies away to answer it. He was surprised to see Taekwoon on the other side of the door. His eyes were covered with his bangs which worried Jaehwan. "Hyung what's up?" Taekwoon suddenly tackles him in a squeezing death grip. Tears stain Jaehwan's shirt and heaves can be heard from Taekwoon's mouth. 

"T-Taekwoon?! Are you---" Jaehwan started to react when he saw Taekwoon's pained expression. It was heartbreaking to see such a thing. Those sad eyes were tumbling, his nose was starting to run, and his teeth were clinched. Jaehwan quickly gets Taekwoon out of the cold to comfort him on the couch. He held Taekwoon closely, patting his back as Taekwoon only clung to the younger male. He has never seen his hyung like this before. He was always calm and collected. There were times he was pissed off or really happy, but never depressed. He rubs Taekwoon's back gently while humming a soft tone. Taekwoon finally looks up at Jaehwan to speak through hiccups. 

"I saw...I saw H-Hakyeon k-kisss-ing Wonsik...." 


Taekwoon kept Jaehwan still, shaking his head. Jaehwan sighed and petted his head gently. Taekwoon makes a soft purr closing his eyes as he tries to calm down. Jaehwan laughed slightly at the noise and smiled widely. 

"You can stay here if you want~."

"I plan to..." Taekwoon mentions to his backpack with a small laugh. Jaehwan didn't even mind. As long as his friend was in pain, he will let him stay.

"Then welcome my guest~. Stay as long as you need."

Taekwoon smiled very settled like as he stayed in Jaehwan's hold for now. He was still depressed and needed the comfort which Jaehwan lets him have.

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Chapter 5: I'm sorry but...

Laurensmiles #2

Please update!!
woonieto #3
Chapter 5: ASJDKFNG

leo's kokoro is now a brokoro. :cc
so is mine
90sLineLover #4
Chapter 5: NOOOOOO i can't bear to see Hakyeon and Teakwoon with someone else huhuhu..ship Neo only..please make them love each other again.
90sLineLover #5
Chapter 5: NOOOOOO i can't bear to see Hakyeon and Teakwoon with someone else huhuhu..ship Neo only..please make them love each other again.
Chapter 4: i am sorry but
shikey #7
Chapter 4: hakyeon is a **x*x**x* ...poor leo
CutiePabo #8
Navi im sorry~