Of Course He Forgot...

Hey Choose Me!

Today was finally November 10th. This was Taekwoon's 26th birthday. It felt like another day for him nothing incredibly special. He wakes up with extreme bed head turning to see no one beside him. He blinked three times just to be sure no one was there. Hakyeon must have gotten up really early today. There was a note left on the nightstand which he picks up and read, 'Be back soon baby~! <3'  He does the smallest smile thinking that at least he still calls him baby. He notices the calendar states his birthday which he didn't pay much attention to since after teenage years a birthday was just a different day. He did however likes to have people notice that it is and at least tell him "Happy birthday." He didn't care for gifts; he only cared for being remembered. He receives phone calls from his sisters and parents telling him a happy birthday and that he will have a good day. It brings a soft smile on his face able to talk to his family after so long; everyone has been far too busy lately. Today was going to be a good day. He didn't have work, so this was even better. It was a day of relaxing and easing his stress of work and drama between him and Hakyeon. He lays down on the bed with one knee propped up and his hands on his stomach. Is it selfish to believe today will be a day that Hakyeon finally pays attention to him? He sighed in high hopes that this is so. Beep! Beep! A text comes in which he looks through it.

'Happy Birthday! ^^ I hope hyung will have a good one!' The text is from a friend named Lee Hongbin. He is a friend of Wonsik and the three hang out quite a bit in high school. The dimple smiling boy with a model complexion. 

'Thank you' He responds back with a small smile on his face. Texts from different friends and family started pouring in. After being ignored by Hakyeon so much, this felt nice. Even got one from Jaehwan, Sanghyuk, and Wonsik. Jaehwan wanted him to go somewhere at dinner time which he accepted. There was no point in arguing with someone like him. It was going to be a small party; Taekwoon hated surprises. Last time they tried, Sanghyuk got punched in the nose from standing too close when he popped up to sing when the lights came on. He felt sorry of course. Another text came in from Wonsik. 

'Hey hyung~. You are going to love what your favorite dongsaeng bought you~.'

'Who said you were my favorite?'

'Harsh....v . v'

'Anyway what is it?'

'Not telling~'

Taekwoon rolled his eyes. Wonsik seems to only about it. 'There is no point in saying that I would then'

'There was! To make you anxious~'

Taekwoon face palmed with a low groan. He's not the only one teasing him about presents however. Jaehwan was like 'It's the cutest thing I have ever made! You better make room for it!'. While Sanghyuk said 'You have room in your cd holder right?' Sanghyuk's present was more obvious of course, but he never said album covers or anything so it's still a mystery. He disliked the teasing. It was highly annoying. What was also annoying was that Hakyeon hasn't came back yet and it's been an hour. Just where could he be?


Hakyeon was taking a stroll in the park with Wonsik and Wonsik's old friend Hongbin. He learned he could only visit sometimes as his career is an actor/model. He was happy to meet someone new. Hongbin has silky brown hair and the top most fashion with a matching scarf and fur boots since it was chilly out. "So this is the boy our Taekwoon is dating. He talks so much...." Hongbin chuckled in his mind. Maybe opposites do attract in this sense. Hakyeon keeps asking Hongbin about his life. Hongbin would only use his famous dimple smile and answer the best of his abilities. Wonsik felt a little bad for him since he looked uncomfortable with how much Hakyeon talks. He knew that Hongbin didn't care about his life as a actor/model. He was always busy: no time for family and friends, or even himself for that matter! He never regretted going for his dream; he only regrets how little he could be with others. 

"H-Hakyeon...I think you should give him a break." Wonsik said concerned for his young friend. 

"Hyung it's okay. He's new to all of it~." Hongbin says with a light chuckle and smile. 

Hakyeon frowns not wanting the other to be uncomfortable. He was only curious on how that kind of life is. The three continue on their walk exchanging words of likes and dislikes on just about anything that pops up. The clock ticks on a side of a bank. It was 3:00p.m. Wonsik and Hongbin look at each other with wide eyes remembering that Jaehwan contacted them about the whereabouts of the party. Hakyeon however was confused. They didn't have time to explain as they rushed while dragging Hakyeon with them. They thought he already knew what was today. It IS his boyfriend's birthday after all.

They arrived at a rec center that had just about anything for any age. Jaehwan thought his hyung would love to play some sports or any sort of game on his special day thus the location. The three arrived with Jaehwan and Sanghyuk goofing off at the basketball court. Jaehwan was making weird noises trying to distract Sanghyuk from taking his shot. The ball swishes in the hoop just as the other three arrive.

"Hey hyungs~!" Sanghyuk called out waving with a smile on his face while Jaehwan rushed to get the ball.

"Hey Hyukkie~." Hongbin chimed remembering what Taekwoon said the tall maknae's name was.

Jaehwan clings to Hakyeon with a grumpy pout and a childish huff. "You never call me anymore..." He murmurs with dagger eyes.

Hakyeon chuckles like it wasn't a big deal. He hugs the latter tightly pleading for forgiveness which Jaehwan won't just yet. Wonsik was scanning the room for the birthday boy. He didn't seem to be here. "Yo where's the birthday boy?"

"Hm? He said he waaaas waiting for Hakyeon to come back, but now we need to tell him he is here." Jaehwan explained shifting his sight to Hakyeon then back to Wonsik, sighing. He really felt bad for Taekwoon that Hakyeon wasn't been very social with him lately. He deserved some kind of attention. Even today Hakyeon hasn't been around. 'Maybe Hakyeon was planning this to make it a big surprise?' he thought positively that was until Hakyeon face palmed.

"Aish...I-I didn't know about this...I'm so sorry..." Hakyeon stated feeling like a terrible boyfriend. His heart sinks to the bottom having to forget his own boyfriend's birthday hurt him and it probably will hurt Taekwoon too. He has no idea what Taekwoon is going to do when he knows he forgot. The man might be quiet, but he does show anger the most out of all the other emotions. Sanghyuk butted in, "It's not us that you need to apologize to... " Sanghyuk was right. It's Taekwoon that he needs to apologize to. He nodded and left to go get the extra special boy to his party.


"Baby I'm back~!" Hakyeon sings opening the door to their shared home. Taekwoon was on the couch laying down with his phone in his hands. He looks up and immediately walks over to the elder.  He looked highly worried which made Hakyeon feel bad.

"Where were you? I've been texting you all morning and afternoon..." Taekwoon asked in a concern tone of voice. That tone made Hakyeon's heart sink.

"Oh uuum my phone was off because I forgot to renew my plan. I went to go get it renewed and there was traffic." Hakyeon lied with the best acting smile he could muster. He couldn't tell him that he spent the day with his own best friends and forgot his birthday. Taekwoon only sighed but nodded anyway. 

"Alright let's go."


The duo arrives at the rec center which the four yelled out, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TAEKWOON HYUNG~!" Taekwoon actually smiles at the effort they all did just for this one day. Jaehwan and Wonsik challenge him to a game of basketball which he accepted as he could never turn down a challenge. The six took a trip to the basketball court then Wonsik choose a ball from the metal basket. Hongbin, Sanghyuk, and Hakyeon sat on the bleachers to watch them running back and forth on the court. Hakyeon's eyes were on Wonsik's defined muscles in his arms and those long legs of his. He loved how the muscles flexed with each step as well as to catch the ball that Wonsik and Jaehwan kept passing to each other just to annoy Taekwoon. He let out a sigh of content forgetting that his own best friend Sanghyuk and his new friend Hongbin were right beside him. Sanghyuk waves his hand in front of Hakyeon's face which had him pout as he turns around to meet with Sanghyuk.

"Earth to Hakyeon! You have been staring at Wonsik weirdly..." Sanghyuk tilted his head with a raised eyebrow. His bud's behavior has been quite odd lately other than the fact of ignoring him and Jaehwan.

Hakyeon's cheek flushed roses. It was not a weird to look at him! Maybe a little. He sighed feeling a tug at his heart. He feels conflicted. Something about Wonsik attracted him. Maybe it was his creativity, his kind nature, maybe just because he actually talks more. He had no idea. He was once again snapped out of his thoughts by Sanghyuk. "Hyung! Wake up!" He called out with furrowed brows. Hakyeon shook his head then laughed with his cheeks still red. Sanghyuk rolled his eyes as Hongbin looked worried about his spacing.

It took about an hour for the three to get tired, beaming in sweat. For some reason Wonsik looked even hotter than before with the bangs of his hair sticking to his forehead. Hakyeon gulps not able to control himself from staring at Wonsik's face. The only one that couldn't notice was Wonsik himself. Even Taekwoon sees how longing Hakyeon's eyes were. He glares fiercely before Jaehwan places a hand on his shoulder. Jaehwan shakes his head to tell him he shouldn't worry about it on his special day. Taekwoon sighs regaining his composure, but his eyes never went away from the sight. Hakyeon's red face.....his eyes that long for more...and his parted lips as if they were amazed all of this made Taekwoon furious. It was Sanghyuk that broke the awkward mood. 

"It's time to eat now! Come on! The pizza is here and there is caaaake~!" Sanghyuk sang out leading the group to a room that had videogames, billiards, air hockey, and foosball. 

Everyone was having a good time. They had a few punishments after they played a tournament of all the games available. The losers were Hongbin, Jaehwan, and Hakyeon which had to do push-ups while chanting how great the winners are. After that was cake which all sang 'Happy Birthday' to the birthday boy. It brought an adoring smile to Taekwoon's face. He felt very happy as this was a day that he was acknowledged to exist. His friends gave him their gifts to him and he unwraps them after thanking them. Jaehwan's present was a paper mache cat with emerald colored gems for eyes, Sanghyuk's was the latest album of his favorite band, Hongbin's was a letter from one of Taekwoon's favorite composers that wanted him to help write a song with him.


Hongbin only smiled with a finger to his lips to signal that it's a secret. Taekwoon felt so amazed. Now it was Wonsik's turn. 

"Yah I can't beat that!" Wonsik pouted in defeat. 

"He beat all of us probably.." Sanghyuk murmured, but then again Hongbin has a job that he can travel and know famous people around the world. 

"It's not about who beats who~. Today is just a day to celebrate baby's birthday~." Hakyeon said with a laugh.

Taekwoon unconsciously smiled at being called baby. It made everything feel right. Wonsik nodded in agreement setting the present in front of Taekwoon.

"You know that old thing you had with barely any keys~?"

".....You didn't...."

"But I did~." Wonsik smirked and let Taekwoon open the present to reveal the Yamaha 61 key keyboard. His eyes seem to sparkle at all the keys and switches to make the tones different. 

"This.....is amazing....Thank you..." Taekwoon spoke out wanting to play with it already. 

"I couldn't have done it without Hakyeon though. We both chipped in for it~." Wonsik said knowing that Hakyeon didn't have a gift. Taekwoon looks over at Hakyeon to see if it was truthful. Hakyeon smiled able to go with it; although, he was highly surprised that Wonsik helped him out. Taekwoon rushes over to Hakyeon, grabbing the back of his head and waist, and kisses him with a ton of passion. Hakyeon's cheeks flushed as he blinks at the suddenness. Taekwoon pulls away with guilty eyes. He whispers for only Hakyeon to hear, "I'm sorry I doubted you....You really didn't forget me...."

Hakyeon's heart was twisting from the fact that that was a lie. He DID forget his boyfriend like always....He felt so bad. He only nodded with a small smile which wasn't much at all. The mood is broken when Jaehwan yells out.

"Ewww! Get a room you two~."

Taekwoon blushes for that moment still keeping Hakyeon close wanting to cherish the moment that he has with him. 

The rest of the night filled Hakyeon with the outmost guilt ever. Their relationship was crumpling down with lies and back stabbing. Sooner or later...Taekwoon will find out...

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Chapter 5: I'm sorry but...

Laurensmiles #2

Please update!!
woonieto #3
Chapter 5: ASJDKFNG

leo's kokoro is now a brokoro. :cc
so is mine
90sLineLover #4
Chapter 5: NOOOOOO i can't bear to see Hakyeon and Teakwoon with someone else huhuhu..ship Neo only..please make them love each other again.
90sLineLover #5
Chapter 5: NOOOOOO i can't bear to see Hakyeon and Teakwoon with someone else huhuhu..ship Neo only..please make them love each other again.
Chapter 4: i am sorry but
shikey #7
Chapter 4: hakyeon is a **x*x**x* ...poor leo
CutiePabo #8
Navi im sorry~