Falling Deeper In Love

Hey Choose Me!

It's been almost a month since Hakyeon was introduced to Wonsik. Since then the two have been texting, calling, and hanging out with each other. This was making Taekwoon go over the edge. He himself hasn't hang out with either of them. Even he had his limits. His Hakyeon was being taken away by his own best friend! This was one of the worries he had. It might be a little personal to say, but the couple even hasn't had during that time. He was jealous, depressed, and ually frustrated. Hakyeon even avoided certain conversations regarding their time spent apart. This was getting irritating. A few days apart is fine, but a month?! They lived together, yet Hakyeon paid no attention. He never really felt this needy in his life. He made BBQ beef one of Hakyeon's favorites and knocked on the door to their bedroom. 

"Hakyeon lunch time!" He calls out not getting a response. His eyes narrow and he tries again with a knock. "Hakyeon!" He calls out louder. 

"Eh? Whaaat?!" Hakyeon responds with a whiny tone. He was of course texting Wonsik. 

"I said it's lunch time.....I made BBQ..." Taekwoon sighed opening the door only to see his boyfriend laying on his stomach and kicking his legs. He had a cute tie on his hair style called apple hair and had a pink shirt and dark blue pajama pants. He looked adorable having Taekwoon feel slightly better. Hakyeon sits up with his eyes sparkling at the food. This was one of the only times Hakyeon rushed over and hugged him. "Thank you~! You are the best~!" He coos nuzzling into the other's chest. 

"It was no problem." Taekwoon says rubbing the back of his hyung. Before he could give a kiss to the other's forehead, Hakyeon took his plate of BBQ and hopped back onto the bed. His eyes narrowed from how fast Hakyeon did that. He really needed to talk to Wonsik since Hakyeon won't give him the time of day. Hakyeon was nibbling on his favorite food while texting rapidly. Taekwoon can tell he wasn't that interested in the food. He takes a bite out of his own, but it tasted the same as always. This was exactly how Hakyeon liked it. Does he not like his cooking anymore? He sighs leaving the other to his texting. He heads to the living room where Hakyeon's friend Jaehwan calls. 

"Hello?" Taekwoon picked up the phone to answer. 

"Taekwoon? Can you get Hakyeon? No offense hyung! I would love to talk to you, but Hakyeon has been ignoring me..."Jaehwan responds sadly. 

"You're not the only one...." He sighs playing with the cord with his finger.

"Whaat? He's been ignoring you too?" Jaehwan blinked surprised that the clingy hyung would ignore his own boyfriend. 

"Looks like he's been ignoring everyone.."

"Hell yeah! Sanghyuk and I have been waiting for a call or text! I swear I'm coming over and giving him a piece of my mind!" Jaehwan huffed angrily.

Taekwoon grew even angrier for this behavior. He's been ignoring Jaehwan and Sanghyuk too?! He really needs to have a serious talk with. He talks a little bit to Jaehwan to make him feel better before hanging up. He glares at the bedroom door then opens the door with pissed off look."Cha Hakyeon. We need to talk. Put down your phone...now!" He demands in his scary, dark tone. 

"A-Aish! What happened?" Hakyeon peeks from the screen.

Taekwoon rips the phone out of Hakyeon's hand which made Hakyeon yell out, "Hey!" He then grabs the elder's wrist and forced him to look at his eyes. 

"Hakyeon...you have been neglecting your friends and me. You have more people in your life than just Wonsik..." Taekwoon's tone was serious as he grasps Hakyeon's cheek. Hakyeon's eyes half way closed glancing at the pillows before he was turned back to Taekwoon. 

"I...I'm sorry. I don't mean to. I swear!" Hakyeon says in apology. 

"It's been a month...saying sorry isn't going to cut it."

Hakyeon's lips turn inward to be bitten down on. He didn't know it's been a full month. It really felt like a few days or smaller. He even had to check the calendar to be sure it was a month. It was the beginning of November. How did how did he not realize how cold it's been getting or even the different colors outside? Worse of all if he chooses to ignore this month too...he will miss his own boyfriend's 26th birthday. He only had a week until the 10th. Just how piss will his boyfriend be if he forgot that? Hakyeon's eyes were pleading as his arms wrap around the other's neck. "T-Taekwoon...I swear I will change. I will even give you the best birthday you could ask for! Please forgive me..." he begs fiercely. Taekwoon rolls his eyes having a feeling in his gut that he won't. As a lover he should give him a chance then he can decide. He pecks Hakyeon's cheek for forgiveness leaving him with one chance before he starts giving him the cold shoulder. Hakyeon felt relief nuzzling into Taekwoon's neck. Taekwoon places a finger on the other's lips as he furrows his brows, "This is your only one....You ignore everyone again, I'm not talking to you or letting you near me..." Hakyeon nods slowly hoping he can keep it together. Taekwoon is a great man; he doesn't want to hurt him nor have him leave. 


A week later Hakyeon was being a good boy with giving everyone a little chance with him. The clock ticks inside chemistry class having the professor dismiss Hakyeon's class. He had his beige scarf wrapped around his long neck since it was windy outside. He had a light fashionable coat, blue jeans, and a pair of worn out sneakers. The leaves from the trees were swirling downward ever so beautifully. He admires them for a moment up until he got randomly back hugged by Wonsik. 

"Hey hyung~. Done with class too?"

"Mmhmm! We can hang out now~."

Wonsik smiled in anticipation. He removes himself from Hakyeon in order to walk beside him. There was a small chilly wind which had Hakyeon snuggling into his scarf. Wonsik tilted his head thinking that they might need a break from walking in the cold. They have walked about five or six blocks by now. It's not long, but if Hakyeon is cold they should stop and get warm drinks. They walked into a small cafe with a classical feel to it. The environment was peaceful and soothing. Both of them have a cappuccino with a picture of a pumpkin and falling leaves. The taste of it was superb! It pleased the both of them as they sit at a small table by the window. Hakyeon was smiling like a fool from being warm and hanging out with his now close friend Wonsik. Hakyeon talks about having to make a research paper as Wonsik was giving him a few sources. Wonsik was always so helpful with every one of his friends. Hakyeon squeezes him tightly for the help.

"You're a life saver~!" Hakyeon exclaims with a wide smile. 

"Heh I'm only doing what's right. I should always help a friend out." Wonsik said modestly. 

Hakyeon nods just about to pull away when the musky scent from Wonsik's grey hoodie keeps him there for a tad longer. The other raises an eyebrow as to why is his hyung clinging to him in public like this. It made the younger male lightly blush and scan the area. "H-Hyung...they are getting the wrong idea..." He murmurs. He spots someone behind the counter; it was a male with ash black hair and milky skin. Wait! Is that Taekwoon?! Just in case, Wonsik pushes Hakyeon off of him. There was no way he could face his friend in such a way. It would seem like they are dating behind his back! "H-Hakyeon-ah! I'm sorry, but isn't that your boyfriend over there?" Hakyeon snaps out of it and peeks over to the counter. It was Taekwoon. It looks like he didn't see them though. Hakyeon's face turns bright red in embarrassment. 

"I-I'm sooo sorry! I don't know what came over me." He spoke meekly. 

"It's alright. We should go now. I want to discuss something when he isn't around." 


Ten minutes before, Taekwoon finally got out of the back room to restock on their coffee beans behind the counter as well as cream and rags for clean-up. He was ordered to make lattes and an espresso for three costumers once out. He loves his job nonetheless. The smell of coffee and sweets, the wonderful environment, and of course the half off discount he gets from working here. It was absolutely perfect. He was cleaning glasses when he saw Wonsik and Hakyeon by the window. It was random that they would come in. Maybe it was colder than he thought? He keeps an eye on them paying real close attention what they were doing. It was normal up until Hakyeon was squeezing Wonsik tightly. His eyes narrowed watching Hakyeon bury his nose into the younger male. His fist tightens around the rag he was using. Green envy rises up to the surface as he was making the glass squeak. His stare was icy after seeing how costumers were thinking the 'couple' is adorable. "Cha Hakyeon isn't Wonsik's boyfriend..He's mine!" His thoughts raged inside. His hand grips too tightly and he breaks the glass when setting it down.

"Ah!" He lets out a soft yelp since he was in public. One of his co-workers helps him get the glass out while another was grabbing the first-aid. After getting patched up, he was told to go home. He sighs as his bandaged up left hand  is now a reminder of how close Hakyeon is getting to Wonsik. His worries of loosing him were growing every second. He didn't want to give up though. Hakyeon is his everything;it would be terrible to loose him.


Hakyeon follows Wonsik around the town where Wonsik was intensely looking through the windows for something. "What is it?" Hakyeon asked tilting his head. 

"Eh? It's three days to Taekwoon's birthday...I didn't want to talk about it when he is around." 

Hakyeon was shocked. He forgot to get him something! He feels like a terrible boyfriend. Wonsik blinks noticing his distress. "It's okay. We both been having a lot of homework." He says to comfort him. Hakyeon nods still feeling bad, He used to always have something a month in advance. The two went from shop to shop, but couldn't find anything good. Wonsik thinks of something, but it would be expensive. 

"Is he still using that old keyboard?"

"Hm? Oh that one! A few keys broke..."

"Damn that thing is cheap! Here let's go to my workplace. I know the perfect gift." Wonsik smiled proudly as he took Hakyeon to a music store.It was blurring out an old rock song on its latest stereos. They browse the Yamaha keyboards the best, but highly expensive product. The keyboard was slim, light weight, and had 61 keys. The price 312,990 won. Hakyeon's eyes widen from the price. There was no way to pay for this! Wonsik sighs rubbing the back of his head. He knew a way to do it. He has to do it to give his dearest friend what he needs. He would buy him a full piano if he could! He was that great of a friend. From all the supplies he asked for from Taekwoon, he thought this should cover it. Hakyeon looks at him sadly, "W-We can't afford this. As much as I miss him playing and singing...neither of us can pay for it..." Wonsik felt Hakyeon's pain. Now he has to get his hyung this to return to their normal life. 

"I know a way. Be right back." 

Wonsik comes back with his manager. He shows him the one he wants and explains the situation more.

"You will have to work a lot more if you want it. Can you handle it?" The manager told him and Wonsik nodded. 

"Anything to repay him."

The manager nods and takes the keyboard to be checked out. Hakyeon smiled at Wonsik's determination and kindness. Wonsik was surely a good man that will do anything for the people he loves. He felt a pounding in his chest which he places a hand on. He hides his face into his scarf while staring at Wonsik. "He really is amazing..." He thought as his eyes showed that he was indeed falling harder for him. Wonsik carries the keyboard carefully then turns his head towards him, "You ready?" Hakyeon nodded with a smile following him closely in case the keyboard slips.

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Chapter 5: I'm sorry but...

Laurensmiles #2

Please update!!
woonieto #3
Chapter 5: ASJDKFNG

leo's kokoro is now a brokoro. :cc
so is mine
90sLineLover #4
Chapter 5: NOOOOOO i can't bear to see Hakyeon and Teakwoon with someone else huhuhu..ship Neo only..please make them love each other again.
90sLineLover #5
Chapter 5: NOOOOOO i can't bear to see Hakyeon and Teakwoon with someone else huhuhu..ship Neo only..please make them love each other again.
Chapter 4: i am sorry but
shikey #7
Chapter 4: hakyeon is a **x*x**x* ...poor leo
CutiePabo #8
Navi im sorry~