

Chapter Text

1 : the process of being reincarnated or born again.
2 : a period of new life, growth, or activity; a revival.

Maybe it was the red hair, or the extensions, but Minji was feeling a lot different recently. Good different. Perhaps it was just the freedom of not being a teenager anymore and being taken seriously by her Music Industry peers- not that she hadn't proved herself time and time again, but she was definitely treated with a lot more respect now than back when she was starting out at fifteen. It wasn't exactly a phoenix story of rebirth, but there was something refreshing about it.

The other girls were surprised by her decision to get extensions put in, but it was honestly just a snap decision, just to do something a bit different with her hair. It wasn't to impress a guy. As if. It wasn't symbolic, not intentionally. And yet, though it's been a couple months since she got them in, and she doesn't wear them as often anymore, she feels very much like a new Gong Minji. More so than she did after her new nose, and hair extensions tend not to last as long as silicone noses. She felt like, although they didn't ever look down on her, when she joined the others on stage, she was finally an equal first, and the maknae second. 

Now just to convince YG to let her drop a solo.

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