

note: high school au


1 : something that has survived from an earlier period or in a primitive form.
2 : a species or community that formerly had a wider distribution but now survives in only a few localities such as refugia.
3 : a widow. 

Chaerin lay over Jiyong's lap, clad only in a pair of denim shorts and one of his oversized hoodies. (she was taller than him, mind you. He just liked baggy hoodies.) Homework was spread out across the floor in various states of completion, but had long been given up on, and the pair found refuge on Jiyong’s criminally comfortable sofa. On the TV screen, Lucy Liu as O-Ren Ishii had just severed the head of the bigoted Boss Tanaka, and was warning the other Yakuza bosses against speaking ill of her heritage. Chaerin thinks that Lucy Liu as O-Ren Ishii slays a bit, even if the character is kinda cliché. Somehow, studying with Jiyong always ended with a film, even if they hadn’t really done all the studying they set out to do.
To onlookers, the scene may seem romantic, but in fact, it was strictly platonic. Strictly. It was a sibling-like relationship, and living, breathing proof that girl’s and boys can be ‘just friends’. They’d known each other since they were kids. Anything more would just be wrong.

“I love this part.” Jiyong mutters as Lucy Liu as O-Ren Ishii raises Boss Tanaka’s gaping, severed head.
“Now if any of you sons of es got anything else to say, now’s the ing time!” They say with her, in that annoying way that people tend to do with their favourite movies. 

Normally, when they watch films, they go for Yakuza flicks. This one didn’t really count, of course. It was an American film, was half in English, half in Japanese. And it was directed by Quentin Tarantino. But they were running out. They had been doing this almost every weekend since they were fourteen, which was three years ago. They had started with the relicts, silent films and cult classics. Chaerin didn’t believe for a second they had seen every single Yakuza film, but they’d certainly seen most of the ones available on DVD. So they were stuck with western movies that happen to have Yakuza in them, now. She had no shame, because she ing loved this film. 

Jiyong’s phone buzzes. It’s annoying, next to her ear. He fishes it out of his pocket. 

He says, “My dad says that he’s gonna be out all night.”
“Yeah. Wanna stay over? This is making me want to rewatch Lady Snowblood.”

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