Chapter 4


Rating/Warning : none

Just a short update to let you know that I haven't forgotten about this story



Yifan was half expecting Chanyeol to not show up after his incident with the garuda and he was pleasantly surprised to see the phoenix flew in the next morning. Yifan didn’t comment on it and Chanyeol didn’t say anything before he started to sing.

Chanyeol’s song was a bit different that day. His notes were unsure on some parts, cracked on others. Yifan felt a pang in his dragon heart when he realized that for the first time ever, Chanyeol disliked singing. He scooted closer and lowered his head so his snout was leveled with Chanyeol’s head. He blew a gentle warm breath against Chanyeol’s face, making the phoenix stopped his singing.

“Yifan?” Chanyeol asked wobbly.

Yifan passed off a smile and he gently admonished. “You don’t have to force yourself to sing for me. If you don’t feel like it, we could just go flying or do something else.”

Chanyeol lowered his head in defeat. “I’m not good at anything at all. I can’t sing, I can’t fly-” He didn’t get to finish his sentence because Yifan had nudged Chanyeol’s neck with the tip of his snout.

“Don’t say that. You’re great at singing. And you fly just fine.” The dragon consoled.

Chanyeol scoffed in disbelief. “My singing is bad, my flying is even worse. Otherwise that garuda-“

Once again Yifan stopped Chanyeol’s words with another nudge. “Are you trying to insult me?” He huffed with fake indignity. “I happen to love your singing, and by saying that your singing is bad, you’re implying that I have bad hearing and bad taste in music.”

Chanyeol couldn’t adore Yifan more at that moment. He cleared his throat out of embarrassment and unconsciously preened at the veiled compliment. With renewed confidence, Chanyeol started to croon out a new song.

He sang with a heart full of adoration and gratitude. He sang with a heart full of emotions.

And when his song somehow turned into a mating call, he soldiered on. It wasn’t like Yifan understood anyway.



Yifan didn’t understand what was so different about Chanyeol’s song. He only knew that the notes where calling out to him in a deeper level. It was not like the usual ones which was pleasant to his ears. Today’s song was pleasant to Yifan’s heart.

He moved closer to Chanyeol, and closer still, until he was settled around Chanyeol completely. His massive body curled around Chanyeol in a possessive gesture, shielding and hiding Chanyeol from the world. As Chanyeol hit the last note, Yifan unfurled one of his wings and spread it on top of Chanyeol.

Chanyeol was encased inside a cocoon made of Yifan’s body. The warm air from Yifan’s breath was caressing his feather. Chanyeol felt so protected and he instinctively rubbed his beak against Yifan’s scaly cheek. Surrounded by Yifan, Chanyeol knew for sure that there was nothing in the universe that could harm him.


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Chapter 4: hope you can update this beautiful ficㅜㅜ
pa18nda #2
Chapter 4: I hope u can update this story soon. It's really good!!
melmoon1102 #3
Chapter 4: Wow this is so good could you please update this soon I will be waiting
Kaynne #4
Chapter 4: I need moooooore
Kaynne #5
Chapter 4: Meu Deus que fofo caramba. Unnieeeeee maaais por favor por favor por favor mais ;---;

Eu quero mais. Eu continuo viciada na fanfic e muito muito ansiosa por mais. É tão fofo e perfeito que sei la enche meu coração com sentimentos de arco-iris e unicórnios.

(My God damn cute . Unnieeeeee but please please please more ; --- ;
I want more. I'm still addicted to the fanfic and very much looking forward to more . It's so cute and perfect. The fanfic fills my heart of beautiful feelings and rainbowns and unicorns.) .
Chapter 4: Whaaa my heartu...I can feel their warmth inside me too lol..thanks for the update authornim
E-Bizzle #7
Chapter 4: Aww yissss!!!! Another update!!! Loving how cute Chanyeol and Kris can be around each other!!!!!
Chapter 4: aww this is really cute! I like it so much, like they are not even human and they can be that adorable.. I just.. T^T
chanyeol is the cutest phoenix ever, he is just so adorable and shy and I want to pet him. Yifan won't let me though, chanyeol is his.
update soon!!
ofpurpleskies #9
Chapter 4: Awww that was just so heartwarming! The mating call song must have felt so natural at that moment for Yeol