Chapter 3


First of all, thank you to everyone who had subbed, upvoted and commented on this story. I love you all so much. Here's another chapter for all of you lovelies :)


Rating/Warning : still none I guess.


[i realized some of the paragraphs are mixed up, so i went and edited this chapter. it should be okay now, i guess...]





The next break from their routine came in the form of an angry garuda.

That particular day, Chanyeol flew in a different flying route than the one he usually took. Little did he know that the unfamiliar air space was under the rule of a young garuda. He was flying with his sight set on the Wu Mountain, excitedly thinking of what kind of song he would sing for Yifan that day, when he heard an angry shriek came from his left.

He glanced to the left and had to dive down at a steep angle to avoid getting rammed by a big golden bird. He quickly flapped his wings to correct his course while trying to make head or tail of his pursuer. The golden bird was bigger than Chanyeol, with wicked looking talons and sharp beak. For the first time in his life, Chanyeol felt fear crawling through him. Even when he was around Yifan, he never once felt the cold tendrils of terror.

Chanyeol picked up his speed, trying to lose the garuda, but the bigger bird matched his speed with ease. Chanyeol felt the snap of a beak from behind him and the panic gave him a burst of strength and determination. He realized that it would be difficult to outspeed his chaser, so he tried different tactic.  The playful flight he shared with Yifan came to mind and he almost cried at how desperate he was to reach Wu Mountain.

Chanyeol flew in a zigzag pattern, his wings beating furiously to carry his body through the air with as much speed as he could muster. The looming peak of Wu Mountain became closer and he cried Yifan’s name, wanting the comforting presence of the dragon.

The young garuda finally used his brain and flew at a higher altitude than Chanyeol, keeping up with the phoenix but refraining from following the latter’s flight pattern. He bid his time and when their course aligned, the garuda swooped down and managed to claw through one of Chanyeol’s wings with his talons.

Chanyeol cried out as he felt pain burst forth from his right wing. He faltered and careened to the right, his left wing flapped furiously to keep his balance but to no avail. Chanyeol threw one last forlorn look at the Wu Mountain, silently saying goodbye to Yifan and closed his eyes, waiting for the inevitable end.

But then he heard the most beautiful sound in the whole universe.

He opened his eyes to see Yifan roared as the majestic dragon breathed fire at the garuda. The golden bird was so focused on Chanyeol, he didn’t realize Yifan’s presence until the very last moment. Chanyeol shuddered as he heard the garuda shrieked and winced when he saw Yifan’s fire fully engulfed his pursuer.

When the fire died out, Chanyeol saw no trace left of the garuda. YIfan swiftly swooped down to his right side and with his huge wing he gently nudged Chanyeol upright. They flew the short distance to the Wu Mountain with Yifan helping Chanyeol stayed airborne.

Once they landed, Chanyeol let out a pained trill and plop down in a mess of feathers.

“Yifan, Yifan.” He whispered in choking desperation.

The dragon curled his massive body around Chanyeol and draped his wing over the shivering phoenix, shielding him from the world.

“I’m here. You’re safe.” He cooed softly.

Chanyeol felt relief washed over him and he brought his injured wings closer. He finally cried and his big drop of tears turned into golden crystals. For a moment he forgot about the pain his body was going through and reveled in the sense of security Yifan provided him. He stretched out his uninjured wing and brushed it against Yifan’s crimson red scales, conveying his gratitude with the simple gesture. Yifan curled around Chanyeol just a little bit tighter after that. A stream of soothing words never ceased to fall from his lips.

Hours had passed and the moon was high in the sky when Chanyeol finally felt better. He flexed his right wing and glad to find that the damage had mostly healed. The only evidence left of his previous altercation was a slight stiffness and ruffled feathers.

“I have to go home now.” He said in shaky voice.

Yifan rumbled in displeasure. “Can’t you stay for the night?”

Chanyeol bowed his head. “I can’t. My family will be worried if I don’t return soon.”

Yifan sighed but argued no further. He stood up from the ground and retracted the wing he draped over the fiery bird. Chanyeol followed suit, standing up on wobbly legs. The golden teardrop crystals made beautiful clinking sounds as they fell from Chanyeol’s body to the earth below.

“You cried crystals.” YIfan said in awe.

Chanyeol dipped his head in slight embarrassment. “It’s a useless ability.” He said in low voice. “I’d rather they have healing powers, but no. They decided to turned into worthless crystals.” A hint of annoyance seeped into the phoenix’s tone.

Using his tail, Yifan carefully swept the crystals to gather them. “They are precious. I will keep them as my treasures.” He said matter of factly.

Chanyeol never thought he could blush, but hearing Yifan’s words made him do just that. But then he let out a shocked warble.

“Heavens! I’m so ungrateful!” He stood up straighter and gave a deep bow to Yifan. “I sincerely thank you for saving my life today. I’m forever in your debt.”

Yifan puffed out a warm breath and bowed his head too. “No Chanyeol. I should be the one thanking you. You have gone out of your way to come and sing for me every day. If anything, I should be apologizing for putting your life in danger like today.”

Chanyeol wanted to say more but Yifan puffed out another warm breath. “Let’s just agree that we are thankful for each other.” The dragon said.

Chanyeol smiled and nodded. He regretfully looked up at the moon and sighed. “I really must go now.”

Again Yifan grumbled. Deep inside he didn’t want to let Chanyeol go, he wanted to keep the phoenix by his side. It had been a terrible day for him. He thought he was going to go crazy when he heard Chanyeol’s desperate cry. He had never flown so fast before. And the sight of falling Chanyeol made him so mad he burned the garuda without so much as a second thought.

He thanked the heavens that he arrived on time to save Chanyeol but he still couldn’t shake away the horror of seeing his Chanyeol getting attacked. He never held anything dear before, Chanyeol was the first and Yifan had a feeling that he was also going to be the last.

Yifan looked at the phoenix with an intense gaze. “Close your eyes and trust me.” He said.

Chanyeol was puzzled at the odd request but obeyed none the less. Seconds later, he felt warmth enveloping his body. He opened his eyes and let out a surprised trill.

His whole body was covered in bluish flame! The blue flames danced atop of his natural orange fire, the two colors swirled, melded and separated again and again in a hypnotizing pattern.

“That’s my spirit fire.” Yifan explained. “It won’t burn you, it’ll protect you. No being could ever harm you as long as the spirit fire is burning. But it won’t burn for too long, so make haste Chanyeol. Return safely to your realm.”

Chanyeol sang his gratitude as he spread his wings. With one last note he took flight and soar to the sky, leaving a worried Yifan behind.

 Yifan watched until he could no longer see Chanyeol. He looked down at the crystals on his feet and with much effort and gentleness; he gathered and brought them inside his lair. He curled around the crystals and tried to go to sleep. All the while, his mind couldn’t stop thinking about Chanyeol.

‘Mine, mine, mine. My Chanyeol, my phoenix, my precious.”




A/N: The dragon, phoenix and garuda on my stories are based on the mythical creatures, but i made them somewhat different. I added and removed some characteristics to fit my imagination.

Dragon Yifan is like his image on the MAMA MV, but with crimson red scales.

Phoenix Chanyeol is like the Korean version of phoenix and he has orange fire coating his body. The fire is present at all times, but it actually just part of his plumes with no power whatsoever (at least for the moment). In other words : the fire was just a decoration (for now). It wasn't hot and it couldn't burn. (yet....) (In case you missed it, i'm dropping some hints here, kekeke)

Garuda here is based on Hinduism's Garuda, but in my story, the garuda is just a giant  golden bird. Think of SUPER BIG eagle with gold feathers.

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Chapter 4: hope you can update this beautiful ficㅜㅜ
pa18nda #2
Chapter 4: I hope u can update this story soon. It's really good!!
melmoon1102 #3
Chapter 4: Wow this is so good could you please update this soon I will be waiting
Kaynne #4
Chapter 4: I need moooooore
Kaynne #5
Chapter 4: Meu Deus que fofo caramba. Unnieeeeee maaais por favor por favor por favor mais ;---;

Eu quero mais. Eu continuo viciada na fanfic e muito muito ansiosa por mais. É tão fofo e perfeito que sei la enche meu coração com sentimentos de arco-iris e unicórnios.

(My God damn cute . Unnieeeeee but please please please more ; --- ;
I want more. I'm still addicted to the fanfic and very much looking forward to more . It's so cute and perfect. The fanfic fills my heart of beautiful feelings and rainbowns and unicorns.) .
Chapter 4: Whaaa my heartu...I can feel their warmth inside me too lol..thanks for the update authornim
E-Bizzle #7
Chapter 4: Aww yissss!!!! Another update!!! Loving how cute Chanyeol and Kris can be around each other!!!!!
Chapter 4: aww this is really cute! I like it so much, like they are not even human and they can be that adorable.. I just.. T^T
chanyeol is the cutest phoenix ever, he is just so adorable and shy and I want to pet him. Yifan won't let me though, chanyeol is his.
update soon!!
ofpurpleskies #9
Chapter 4: Awww that was just so heartwarming! The mating call song must have felt so natural at that moment for Yeol