Chapter 1


Rating/Warning : none




Yifan was the majestic dragon of the Wu Mountain. He was one of a kind. While the other dragons would instill fears into the heart of the villagers by razing their dwellings to the ground, Yifan opted to stay on top of the high mountain, watching the world passed by and played with the drifting tufts of cloud.

Chanyeol was the outcast phoenix of the Park realm. While his brethren had melodious warbles, his was deep and raspy. Every time he tried to sing, his brethren would scoff and told him to shut up. The few who were nice told him just as much, only with more careful and polite wording.

On a fateful day, Chanyeol had had enough of being silenced. He snuck out of his realm and flew to the highest mountain top. It might be destiny, it might be luck, but the mountain Chanyeol chose happened to be the one under Yifan’s rule.

As soon as he landed on the top, Chanyeol began to sing. He sang to his heart content, not minding the growl like sound he made. Unbeknownst to him, his singing had woken the dragon Yifan from his nap. The dragon opened his golden eyes and slowly rose up from his curled up position inside the giant cave. With confident steps and curious gaze, he walked out of his lair only to lay eyes on a beautiful fiery bird.

Yifan of the Wu Mountain had lived for hundreds of years, but never had he seen a phoenix. For one, he was a recluse. For two, no phoenix had ever set claws on his territory. He stepped fully outside and expanded his wings in a welcoming gesture.

Chanyeol was shocked out of his singing when he sensed another entity on the mountain top. He turned just in time to see the dragon unfurled his huge wings and involuntarily let out a squeak.

“Oh don’t stop fiery bird.” Yifan said. “I’ve never heard anything like that before. I’d like to hear it again.”

Chanyeol felt a mix of emotions. He was shocked because it was his first time seeing a dragon. He was scared because the dragon was huge. But most of all, he was happy because the dragon had asked him to keep singing.

His elation overrode all other emotions and he sang once again.

Yifan retracted his wings and began to curl up. He rested his head atop his front paws and closed his eyes, enjoying the deep strong voice of the phoenix.

Hours passed by and when Chanyeol finally stopped singing, the sun had disappeared from the sky; the moon had taken its place.

“Thank you for hearing me.” Chanyeol said shyly.

“Thank you for singing.” Yifan replied.

“I have to go back to my realm.” Chanyeol said again.

Yifan let out a puff of disappointment. “Come back tomorrow so I can hear you sing again.” He said in a tone that brooked no argument.

Chanyeol dipped his head in acquiescence. With one last note, he took flight away from the mountain toward his home.

Yifan watched as the phoenix became a tiny speck of red on the night sky. He looked up at the moon and wished for tomorrow to come faster.



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Chapter 4: hope you can update this beautiful ficㅜㅜ
pa18nda #2
Chapter 4: I hope u can update this story soon. It's really good!!
melmoon1102 #3
Chapter 4: Wow this is so good could you please update this soon I will be waiting
Kaynne #4
Chapter 4: I need moooooore
Kaynne #5
Chapter 4: Meu Deus que fofo caramba. Unnieeeeee maaais por favor por favor por favor mais ;---;

Eu quero mais. Eu continuo viciada na fanfic e muito muito ansiosa por mais. É tão fofo e perfeito que sei la enche meu coração com sentimentos de arco-iris e unicórnios.

(My God damn cute . Unnieeeeee but please please please more ; --- ;
I want more. I'm still addicted to the fanfic and very much looking forward to more . It's so cute and perfect. The fanfic fills my heart of beautiful feelings and rainbowns and unicorns.) .
Chapter 4: Whaaa my heartu...I can feel their warmth inside me too lol..thanks for the update authornim
E-Bizzle #7
Chapter 4: Aww yissss!!!! Another update!!! Loving how cute Chanyeol and Kris can be around each other!!!!!
Chapter 4: aww this is really cute! I like it so much, like they are not even human and they can be that adorable.. I just.. T^T
chanyeol is the cutest phoenix ever, he is just so adorable and shy and I want to pet him. Yifan won't let me though, chanyeol is his.
update soon!!
ofpurpleskies #9
Chapter 4: Awww that was just so heartwarming! The mating call song must have felt so natural at that moment for Yeol