#SQUAD - SM Entertainment's New Badass Boy Group - Apply Open


story overview
┌(。°з ┐ )┘三└( ┌ ε°。)┐┘
( description ) : This is a story about five troublesome friends who loved performing but never dreamed of becoming singers. Being from the South Korean ghetto these rough teens knew they would never be one of those sissy idols they see on TV. But after putting out a few videos on YouTube they soon got scouted by the richest kpop company out there, SM Entertainment. Will SM be able to turn these boys into actual idols and bring them from rags to riches? Or will they be immutable and go back to the hood where they came from?

terms & conditions
༼ つ ◕3◕ ༽つ ♫♪♫
( 001 ) : subscribe before applying, if you don't subscribe I won't review your application
( 002 ) : don't bash any other applicants, you can bash me bc idrc
( 003 ) : the password is your favorite kpop song rn
( 004 ) : you can reuse old applications
( 005 ) : I will be choosing 7 applicants- I won't be in the story
( 006 ) : even if you aren't chosen i'll probably put you in the story as a trainee
( 007 ) : follow the cheatsheet and plotlines- if you have questions don't be afraid to ask!!

♪ヽ(▽ ̄ )ノ/(_△_)ヽ(  ̄▽)ノ
( title ) : #SQUAD - SM Entertainment's New Badass Boy Group
( author ) : flyhighs
( genre ) : comedy, drama, romance,
( characters ) : tba
( start ) : n/a
( end ) : n/a
author's note
( nickname ) : Hey guys flyhighs here! But you guys can call me Miki. I'm the author obviously uhmmm feel free to ask me anything. It could be the dumbest question I don't care just ask. I don't bite so don't be scared. but I do . Ahem anyways thanks for clicking on my story and applying if you choose to (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ.


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penenglish31 #1
Chapter 2: Thanks for reviewing ^^
And I already edit in what you comment for.
I don't know I understand in same way that you want to tell me. But I tried the best for it ^^
And I design to change a little bit in his personality because I can't explain about some word.
Also cut Jackson out because I think it is too random too XD
Chapter 2: Ok, so i fixed conner, would you be able to go over my app once more?
Chapter 4: Nice teaser and might I say it was very creative using those little emoji's as the characters that's new. As for the chapter it was very interesting and I can see that these four are very close indeed like brothers. Looking forward to more.
Chapter 4: OMG that, That was so funny~~! Love how you put emojis as there names its was funny. Good first teaser
penenglish31 #5
Chapter 4: I love how you put emoji as their name.
It make story fun XD
Chapter 4: lololol the emojis instead of their names tho-- priceless
and I love the one guys' mom and lee soo man, hilarious!!
penenglish31 #7
Chapter 3: Can I still apply for?
Chapter 2: Thank you for your review. I thought that his awkwardness would make him interesting added to his ability to read people. Taeyeon is life for me lol but I thought that them being polar opposites would make the relationship more exciting. Minho is actually cool person but he seemed like the perfect rival for me lol.