
"악몽" (Nightmare)

The next morning, Changmin and Min Ah went for a date to celebrate their 100th day together. Changmin took her to the Namsan Tower where they first met.


"Remember this spot?" Changmin asked Min Ah as he held her hand, She smiled and nodded.


"How can i forget this? This is where we met." She replied and hugged him.


"And this is where you said yes to be my girlfriend." He added and kiss the top of her head. Changmin starts to hum a song while still hugging her. Suddenly Min Ah noticed a girl passed by wearing white dress, what is weird is the girl is glaring at her.


"Oppa" She called as she broke the hug. 

"What?" Changmin asked. Min Ah looked at him and back to the girl but she disappeared.

"Is there any problem babe?" Min Ah shook her head. *What's that? No, who's she?* She thought.



After their lunch, they went to an antique store because Changmin will buy a gift for his mother. While roaming around the store, Min Ah saw a necklace.


"Ma'am, that necklace came from Thailand." The saleslady said.


"It's pretty." The saleslady gave it to Min Ah. She then noticed that it is a locket.


"Babe, i found something.....oh, what's that?" Changmin asked.


"It's a locket, i just find it pretty." She said.


"You want that?" He asked and she shook her head.


"It's okay, it might be expensive." She handed the locket to the saleslady.


"No ma'am it's not that expensive." The saleslady smiled.


"Then we'll take that." Changmin told the saleslady, Min Ah was about to say something when Changmin look at her with a *that's-okay-look*.




Changmin took Min Ah home early since he have a photoshoot by 7pm. Min Ah called her friend Jae Hee to accompany her but Jae Hee can't come because of her meeting, so Min Ah ended up being alone in her apartment. While watching a drama, Min Ah took out the necklace from her bag and wore it. After a few minutes, she fell asleep.






"Kim Min Ah, you're going to pay for this.....I won't let you be happy....Never....NEVERRRRR!!!" A lady yelled as she grabbed Min Ah's hair. 


"I'm sorry Min Ah i don't love you anymore" Changmin said as he walked away from her as if he's scared of her.


"OPPPPAAAA!!!!!!" She shouted. Suddenly the lady appeared infront of her again and strangled her neck.






*end of dream*



"MIN AH...MIN AH!!!!WAKE UP!!!" Jaejoong shook her sister trying to wake her up. Min Ah woke up catching her breath.


"Oppa...Oppa..." She coughed and massaged her neck.


"Did you have a nightmare? Are you watching horror movies again?" Jaejoong patted her back.


"Oppa, someone is trying to kill me..the lady...and...Changmin oppa he doesn't love me anymore...Oppa..." Tears started to form from her eyes. Jaejoong hugged her sister.


"Sssshh,,'re safe Min Ah, and Changmin, he loves you very much...Don't worry dongsaeng, it's just a nightmare." He comforted his younger sister.


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ilabya47 #1
please update soon
pandawriter #3
update soon!
m0zarts0nata-- #4
banana #5
Omo O?O !!<br />
Very very hooking !!<br />
Update pretty PLS !!
iloveTVXQ #6
@sujudbsklover: thank u!!..i'll update soon..i just started writing the chapter 1...!! ^^
sujudbsklover #7
wow...this looks really interesting...o_O<br />