What Do You Mean?

What Do You Mean?


Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock.



She feels the steady ticking of the minute hand of the watch she was wearing. The sound of it feels crisp and clear in the quiet air of the bridge where she was standing, overlooking the ever calm Han river.



Crisp. Clear. Calm.



Funny, she was feeling anything but that. In fact, her mind was clouded with so many thoughts and questions that she had desperately searched for answers but didn’t get any.



Saying that she was confused was an understatement. She was frustrated, she was mad, but all in all she just wanted to understand.



But the more she tried, the more she couldn’t comprehend. In the end, all she was left with was ambiguity.






“Where are you going? Tiffany leans on the door frame while crossing her arms.



“Sunny wants to meet up for some drinks, I won’t be long.”



“You seem to like spending more time out drinking than spending time with me. Why? Growing bored of me already?”



Taeyeon turns to look at Tiffany. “It’s just a couple of drinks, why are you so riled up? And it’s Sunny we’re talking about.”



“Who knows if you’re really going with Sunny?”



Taeyeon frowns at that. Tiffany was the type to be jealous and possessive but lately, it was getting more and more hard to handle.



“Woah woah, have I done something wrong? Why are you interrogating me like that?”



“Never mind, just go” With that Tiffany went to their bedroom followed by the slamming of the bedroom door.



Taeyeon sighed, she quietly entered the bedroom and sat beside Tiffany on the bed.



“Hey, if you don’t want me to go, I won’t. Don’t be mad at me please?”



“Never mind. Just go.”



“Tiffan- “



“Just go! Okay? Leave me alone.”






“We’re running out of time.” Tiffany said suddenly.



“What are you talking about? The movie’s hours away, we still have plenty of time left.”



“No, it’s not that, you don’t understand, you couldn’t.”



Tiffany has been making lots of confusing statements for the recent months, but when Taeyeon asked her about it, she would always just say “You wouldn’t understand.”.



How could she understand when she didn’t help her to?



And the confusion brews on.





They had been arguing more and more after that.



More yeses when they are actually nos. More nos that actually meant yeses.



Taeyeon kept trying to guess when was the time that Tiffany meant what she said when she said it, and when exactly was the opposite.



Luck wasn’t at Taeyeon’s side, because most of her guesses were wrong. And of course, the outcome was disastrous.



Then Taeyeon began to wonder why did she even need to guess. Why couldn’t she know what was on Tiffany’s mind? Why couldn’t things be more straightforward? Why? Why? Why?






And that led her to here now, at this bridge, mindlessly staring at the night scenery of Han river.



It was one those days again. Taeyeon couldn’t take it anymore, wordlessly, she stormed out of the house thinking why they had become like this?



Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock.



Were they really running out of time?



Taeyeon heard footsteps, and felt a familiar scent invading her senses.



“What are you doing here?”



“Why do we have so much questions between us?”



“It’s because I have lots of doubts.”



Tiffany kept silent.



“I really don’t know what you want most of the time, you say you want something but really, it isn’t what you want. For once, I don’t care if it’s blunt but I want to know what really is on your mind.”



Tiffany sighs. “Truthfully, I don’t know what I want either.”



“What do you mean, when you said we’re running out of time?”



“I don’t know. I know we’ve always been happy, but one day, this thought suddenly hit me. How long will the happy days last? If the not-so-happy days come, will we be able to handle it? I just can’t help but feel we’re running out of time.” Tiffany let out the breath she was holding with that explanation.



Taeyeon contemplates a bit. “You’re right, we do have lots of questions between us.”



Taeyeon turns to face Tiffany and holds her hand.



“Let’s not think about time running out for us. Let’s just live in the moment. Don’t think about the seconds, minutes, hours or days that we may have left but think about the moments we’ve had and will have.”






“Time does not define a relationship but moments do. Moments are infinite and I believe we will be too. Let’s love how we want to, say everything’s that on our mind, don’t hold back and love with no regrets. I don’t want us looking back and finding ourselves constantly scared about running out of time or misunderstanding each other just because we wouldn’t speak our mind. I promise you we won’t run out of time because time won’t be the thing that defines our relationship.”



Tiffany smiled at that. For the first time in months, Taeyeon sees her smile reaching to her eyes.



“Come on, it’s getting late, let’s go home.” Taeyeon held Tiffany’s hand and she couldn’t help but smile too as she walked home with a lighter heart.


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milley #1
Chapter 1: This is great :D