You were outside Mrs. Jeon’s house, waiting for her to open the door.


You met her at the baking class yesterday. You got talking almost immediately. You told her how much you liked to bake, but that there was no oven at home and thus you had to wait until vacations to go to your grandmother’s house to be able to get anything done. She being the kind lady that she is, offered that you come over to her place and bake together with her.


The door finally opened, but it wasn’t her who opened it. A boy aged in his late teens stood before you. He stared you down. You asked him if Mrs. Jeon was there, and he shouted out loudly “Eomma!! Someone is here to see you!”

“Aah Jungkook. Invite her in.”


Mrs. Jeon headed to meet you and led you into the kitchen. Without further ado, both of you got baking while chit chatting like little girls.

The batter for the cookies was done in no time; but suddenly Mrs. Jeon got a call and she had to leave in a hurry. You awkwardly stood in the kitchen you had just familiarized yourself with and wondered what to do next.


Just as you were about to put the batter on the tray, Jungkook walked in. He sauntered to the counter, obviously in need of something, but was distracted the moment he saw the cookie batter. He dipped his finger into the batter and touched it to his tongue. “Too sweet” He said wrinkling his nose cutely.

“Really?” you asked.

And he offered some batter on his finger for you to taste.


You it off and in that moment Jungkook swooped down to meet your lips, His wet finger at your jaw and his even wetter tongue entangled with yours. His free hand moving down your back, undoing the strings of your apron.


It’s good that Mrs. Jeon wasn’t home. She wouldn’t appreciate the condition of her kitchen after you both were done.


 But at least you could vouch for one thing, today you tasted one of the best kookies Mrs. Jeon had ever created. ~





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